Monday, April 16, 2012

Copy of email re. Felony by District of Oregon Federal Court

RE: Permission to Efile and Request for Recusal of Magistrate Mark Clarke‏

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(sent about 9 p.m.)
Reply ▼

cam huegenot


Hi Christine,

I object to having a Magistrate.

I have the right to have a normal District Judge and not a Magistrate and wish to exercise that right.

I also requested an immediate stay of another court proceeding which I don't believe was honored, and therefore that court needs to be notified any decision they made after that date is invalid.

Additionally, Clarke knew of a conflict of interest that interferred with his ability to be objective, and did not recuse himself voluntarily so I believe he needs to go ahead and recuse himself anyway.

I also named multiple respondents, not just "Mueller" for the FBI, and it is permissable to list more than one respondent where there are more than one and that must be noted on the petition. It is improper to change any part of an orginal petition, by taking away of any part of it, such as names of respondents.

According to the website (and common knowledge) Eugene is a branch off of the main courthouse which is in Portland. It's all part of the same federal courthouse for Oregon. I filed a motion and civil sheet for preliminary injunction, mailed to the Portland branch, with a request to proceed by efile and access to Pacer and all of my documents were returned to me. This happened in approximately September or November of 2011, and if there is no record, it's because the materials were obstructed and not recorded. There should be a record from a clerk of the court of a letter sent to me on courthouse letterhead, from a clerk by the name of G. Williams for Mary Moran dated November 15, 2011. The civil sheet was stamped with a date of October, and then returned to me and not recorded.

This is actually a felony and I would inquire as to which Judge instructed the clerk or if that clerk acted alone.

Please let me know if the Magistrate will recuse himself or step aside as I object to having a Magistrate rather than a Judge.

Also, because of a felony has been committed by this courthouse, I am concerned that this will be a motive for almost any Judge to prejudice my petition for habeas corpus. I am restrained from the courts and enforce the argument that I am not free by pointing to the actions taken by multiple Judges in attempting to block my access to court, to the point of committing felonies to do it. Lawyers have won personal habeas corpus claims on that point alone, that they have been unlawfully restrained from attending to court or legal matters and this is a form of unlawful imprisonment, to bar a person, or retstrain or imprison them, from making entry into the justice system either by making of a record or complaint, or obeying court orders. The fact that the Eugene branch is in another location from the Portland branch doesn't change the fact that this is the same courthouse.


Cameo L. Garrett

Subject: Re: Permission to Efile and Request for Recusal of Magistrate Mark Clarke
Date: Mon, 16 Apr 2012 17:13:03 -0700

Ms. Garrett:

Thank you for your correspondence attached below. I am not sure when you made a request to e-file with the court, but the records which I show are that you filed the petition for habeas corpus relief in this matter 11 days ago, and those documents did not include an application to e-file with the court. I also show that you made previous filings with the court, cases filed in 2004, with no recent filings.

Upon the filing of a civil lawsuit the court sent you a Notice of Case Assignment. This packet includes a Magistrate Consent Form. This is a standard form that is sent out on all civil cases, it is a form that is automatically generated in every case. It is optional to sign.

The deadline to file objections to Judge Clarke's Amended Findings and Recommendation is April 30, 2012. A magistrate judge may enter a findings and recommendation in a non consent case. After the objections and response period the case will be reviewed by a district judge.

The Clerk's Office may only accept documents which are in pleading format. Please let me know what type of documents you feel were returned to you illegally and I will try and help.

Christine Weller
Division Manager

From: cam huegenot
Date: 04/16/2012 03:06 PM
Subject: Permission to Efile and Request for Recusal of Magistrate Mark Clarke

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