Monday, April 16, 2012

Copy of email to Magistrate Mark Clarke

Permission to Efile and Request for Recusal of Magistrate Mark Clarke‏:To Be Filed by the Court:

I requested permission to efile with this courthouse several month ago and my request was illegally returned to me.

This is a violation of federal codes with regard to obstruction of justice.

I then filed with the Eugene branch of the same federal courthouse, and was sent a letter, which I received late, asking if I consent to having a Magistrate rather than a regular Judge.

I do not.

This Magistrate, Mark Clarke, then proceeded without my permission, to dismiss my petition for habeas corpus and prejudiced the entire petition.

I discovered conflict of interest with this man and he should have voluntarily recused himself at the start, and not even bothered to send a letter asking for permission to proceed.

In this letter, he gave me no deadline by which to reply, and as far as I know, from the rules I reviewed, a deadline should be specified or it would give me up to 30 days to respond.

I have never consented to proceed with habeas corpus with this man, and it is dangerous for me and my family that he took this petition and dismissed it, to force it through higher courts without allowing me the opportunity to litigate where I am located, as I indicated to him was convenient for me.

This is an illegal attempt to obstruct justice by forcing my petition outside of the State and telling me I have to travel to another State to litigate or attend hearings, when I said the entire purpose of using the jurisdiction I did, was to allow me to attend hearings in my State of residence.

I have documents your courthouse illegally returned to me still within my possession, so please let me know if this is going to be resolved internally or if an additional complaint should be made about your Clerks and Courthouse.



3:06 PM

Reply ▼

cam huegenot


To Be Filed by the Court:

I requested permission to efile with this courthouse several month ago and my request was illegally returned to me.

This is a violation of federal codes with regard to obstruction of justice.

I then filed with the Eugene branch of the same federal courthouse, and was sent a letter, which I received late, asking if I consent to having a Magistrate rather than a regular Judge.

I do not.

This Magistrate, Mark Clarke, then proceeded without my permission, to dismiss my petition for habeas corpus and prejudiced the entire petition.

I discovered conflict of interest with this man and he should have voluntarily recused himself at the start, and not even bothered to send a letter asking for permission to proceed.

In this letter, he gave me no deadline by which to reply, and as far as I know, from the rules I reviewed, a deadline should be specified or it would give me up to 30 days to respond.

I have never consented to proceed with habeas corpus with this man, and it is dangerous for me and my family that he took this petition and dismissed it, to force it through higher courts without allowing me the opportunity to litigate where I am located, as I indicated to him was convenient for me.

This is an illegal attempt to obstruct justice by forcing my petition outside of the State and telling me I have to travel to another State to litigate or attend hearings, when I said the entire purpose of using the jurisdiction I did, was to allow me to attend hearings in my State of residence.

I have documents your courthouse illegally returned to me still within my possession, so please let me know if this is going to be resolved internally or if an additional complaint should be made about your Clerks and Courthouse.



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