Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Additional Extension For Court

I have to request additional time or allowance for late submission of documents to court.  For both matters, including appeal to 9th and also directives for habeas.

Not done.

(inside comment:  Verdunia, like you might be dun, but I'm not dun!)

Before my son and I were tortured, Christa was particularly interested and not happy with any idea that I was contacting Irish that were Protestant--the "Ulster" groups, just to find some group that could identify with religiously motivated hatred and crimes.

It was after this, that we were tortured with technology and she asked me how I wanted to die.  The guy in the van, following me around in Canada was either Russian of some kind, or Irish-Catholic.  This is the one who was parked outside of the women's shelter in Canada when I was targeted with technology that caused a migraine and woke everyone up, and then he was present and nodding and smiling with the RCMP officer that tried to put me in jail--she was a woman, he was male, and she was supposed to be law enforcement and he was a criminal.  They were well-acquainted with one another.

A lot of the Irish Catholics work other kinds of ethnic groups, for illegal deals. They are the most likely criminal group to get 100% full coverage from the U.S. FBI.  I think this is because a lot of them are already in the FBI or that it's reflective of how slow the FBI was to put Irish Catholic militants and terrorists on their "terrorist list".  They allowed funding to these groups, but cut all the other militant groups off, up until a couple of years ago.  It was that recent.

They used Shea, Judge Shea, and other Catholics---all of the Judges have been Catholic, and all of my public defenders were Catholics or one Jewish working in an all-Catholic firm.  They deliberately ran my case into the ground and stole evidence from me, of torture of my son and that proved my innocence in every defamatory smear.

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