Wednesday, May 30, 2012

My Work

I changed a paper focus because the books I was looking for were not there, but otherwise I would have kept it. I was planning to keep it, a topic of breaking the "enigma" code, but there were zero books available so I had to shift to a Rosie the Riveter topic. 

My classes and college is pretty much the same as well.  I had to "change" the degree I am seeking to an A.S. in natural sciences, but I petitioned for double major and made it clear I have never abandoned English Lit.  Right now though, there are few classes I could add to my English Lit bc I'm already past all the lower-level reqs, so I'm focusing on the science end of things. 

My non-profit and business ideas are also unchanged.

For some of the changing my mind I am prone to, once I do make up my mind about something, I would say I'm fairly determined and know what I want. 

I heard some news about someone in California, a woman, marrying herself today.  I am not sure how that works?  I know awhile ago a man was doing something like this, with marriage, on the East Coast, doing some kind of marriage arrangement in an unusual way, but I don't remember how it benefited him legally.  It was for financial reasons.  Maybe her reasons are financial too, though I can't think of what, off-hand. 

I just turned in a paper called "why boredom resolves" (double entendre) and have a line about how shopping or consumerism is not (my opinion) stemming from a lack of self-worth but from boredom.  And I included a line about how one might avoid boredom is to not be bored with oneself.

Which is really true and if you haven't had a chance to enjoy your own time as a kid, it's harder as an adult to enjoy your own company (so to speak).  One of the points this one woman made about why some women are shopaholics is because they want male attention but that's not necessarily true if they just want to change things up or feel good about themselves.  I mean, we have to look at ourselves in the mirror too. 

I have a pair of very tight jeans I like to wear only around my house.  I've worn them out, with longer shirts, or a coat, but I went through a few weeks wearing these skin-tight jeans, and no one to see me.  I wore them because they felt so tight it felt like less resistance.  I have work to do and I want all my fat contained and to feel I can move around faster.  It kept me on my toes, and more alert.  It felt less lazy somehow, but anyway.  I can't imagine going to court as a lawyer with a pair of long flowing wide legged pants and a blousey top.  Even pro se, I always wore form fitting (not tight) jeans, a blazer, and kept it together, and wore a trim dress suit for hearings. 

I haven't worked on my garden in the last few days and I had planned on planting some things a while ago and haven't yet.  I saw the first blades of my simpson lettuce come up but I need to revise a little with the soil.  It needs a little gypsum or something, or I need to keep the top moist until the plants show me how tough they are and don't need my help anymore.

And!  I'm very excited that my Dad is going to till up some soil for me to have a raspberry patch.  I had thought 1 acre and then they said that was this whole area...and when I asked how much the area is next to me, I was told it's about 1/4 of an acre, which is entirely manageable for organic gardening.

I did research on General Farm Liability Insurance and have to make some calls tomorrow.

I found some interesting little rocks in the garden, my kitchen plot (which I'm not done with).  Some are like agates and other things and then I had a good feeling about this totally smooth round rock.  It was plain rock, but perfectly round.  I felt sort of sorry to see some of the tall grass go down because plain old tall green grass, on hills, is pretty sometimes but having some of it mowed helped me move around it.  I looked up wetland stuff though and decided to leave some of it for natural habitat and because the roots will keep this small sloping area "up".  So I am keeping natural habitat and how to protect the space while making use of it too.

I'm definitely going to try that one "diet" for a year too but I don't have the strength or will to start quite yet.  Maybe another month enjoying just being vegan without the additional restrictions.  Then when I start, I know I have to have a multi-vitamin because I would be too weak.  I'm not ready to give up my Veganaise, and Tofutti Sour Cream, and vegan cheese, and all these good things I've found just yet.  It is a really good thing I like mushrooms. 

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