Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Brother & Mother Report Tampered Communications

Two days ago, on 5/29/12, my brother and mother reported their communications by phone are being tampered with.

I received a call from my brother in late afternoon and while I was still on the phone with him (on a landline), my mother drove by and waved.  She was getting home from work.

I told my brother this over the phone and he said, "She's there?" and I said yes and he said, "Because I just tried calling her on her cell phone and no one answered."

I said, "I don't know, she's here." 

Then I got off the phone with him and went to the house and told my Mom my brother had tried calling her.  She said, "I didn't get any calls from him."

I said, "He said he just tried calling and you didn't answer."

She said, "I didn't get any calls from him."  She got out her cell phone and checked it and said, "No, he didn't call because it would have shown up on my cell and nothing is there."

I said, "He also said he's tried calling me in the past and couldn't get ahold of me.  He said he wanted to be in touch with me and wasn't able to and then when he asked for the number from you guys, you had to say you'd look for it and didn't know where it was."

Basically, both my Mom and Brother are reporting the deliberate tampering of communications between family members.  This has happened to me before, and I thought I was the only one whose calls were being rerouted to businesses I didn't call. 

Then, I had a full shut-down of all communications when I tried contacting the UN for help for my family.  After that, I was prevented from contacting the UN again because each time I tried, the computer broke, shut down, wouldn't let me check email, or go to sites I needed to access, or in more recent cases, access my online classes.

I've been afraid that I will be "punished" for trying to reach the UN, and that the military will shut down my communications again, and while I have online classes, this would affect my funding and financial aid.  And these people already know it is my only source of income, so they know that screwing around with my online courses, or intimidating me out of contacting the UN, is a serious threat.

We are all being tortured. 

Things with communications and phones are getting worse for my parents. 

And the other day, when my mother went with Patty Otterbach for a "walk", I should have followed because my mother came back looking like she'd been poisoned.  Patty Otterbach appears to be some kind of "handler" who controls my Mom.

Not only that, my Mom and Dad told me, after my mother returned from her "walk" with Patty, that all of a sudden, she and my Dad are having to leave for California.

This weekend.  I said "Why?" and I was told it's a belated anniversary gift to themselves but it's not.

It's the U.S. and I believe my parents are in danger.  We are all in danger, already, but I have a bad feeling about their traveling to "California" where who knows what will happen and no one will know why.

I can now confirm though, that I am not the only one whose communications are being shut down and tampered with.  It's happening to my Mom and brother and probably my Dad too.

My mother looked totally poisoned after going out with Patty.  Her eyes looked like someone had had an instrument attached to both of them and then were blowing the hell out of them or suctioning them for hours.  It was a complete difference and her skin over her entire body changed too, and she looked like she'd been dehydrated and hadn't had a drink of water for over a month.  She looked very bad, and this is right after she'd been with Patty.

I am pretty sure Patty Otterbach is connected to the Middletons.  I think she is Jewish.  I think she's Jewish and works for the FBI, and that Middleton has to be connected to the FBI.  I mean, there is zero doubt about it.  I don't know exactly how, but she is.  And her mother is.

My brother, when I talked to him, sounded normal but he also sounded like he was forced to sound natural and at one point he mentioned "Mom" and he almost started to cry.  I knew something was wrong but didn't know what.  Then after this, my mother drove by and that's when he said he'd been trying to call her and she didn't answer.  He had said to me, "Where's Mom?" and almost cried and then didn't say anything when I said, "I guess she's at work."

When I saw her, she looked like she'd been poisoned and she said she had no calls from my brother on her phone.

Tonight I did only a small amount of gardening and had the radio on and my Dad said "Turn it down, NOW."  So I went inside the house, turned off the radio completely, and quit gardening.

(This country must go by another name, because I can't find any of the people I used to know, who were Americans.  In fact, I can't find anything that even looks like America anymore.  They apparently don't know who I am either.  They throw requests back at me and say they don't know my ID and that I am not identified in their U.S. "American" system anywhere.  For my part, I keep trying to find an American that has a government job or office, and I can't find anyone.  Obviously, I'm not being literal here, but the rest of this post is true and I didn't exaggerate, I wrote the facts as relayed to me by my mother and brother).

None of this is national interest.  It's hate crime and picking and choosing people some in power hate, to torture and pass it off as research.  You can say it's research, and yet never answer the question about how you picked that person or their family.

Think about the people who have died or been in "accidents" lately?
All of the Protestant Hollywood entertainers (or they're called nuts and have their fortunes split and kids taken from them), and prominent pastors and activists.

1.  Chuck Colson.  Protestant and former U.S. activist with government ties. Tries to help prisoners with recovery and has the largest Protestant prison ministry.   Dies suddenly.

2.  David Wilkerson.  Pastor of Brooklyn Tabernacle Church and Choir.  He ends up in an "auto accident" that took place around the time of Kate Middleton's wedding.  It was in April, and he died.  I don't think it was a natural accident.  Someone wanted him dead.

3.  Steve Jobs.  The only big business computer guy that's not Catholic. 

4.  Whitney Houston.

5.  Michael Jackson.

Anyone who is influential and/or has money and is Protestant is dying, getting killed, having an "accident", and going off the radar.

At the same time, what's really happening with churches?  are churches just being infiltrated with people who claim to be one thing and they're not?  Maybe this country is being taken over by an internal inflitration and "invasion".

Next thing, I am sure it's already happening, is that they are not just using twins and abusing kids for their programs, and killing people they want out of power...they are going to deliberately "create" people for themselves.  You thought "Hitler" was bad.  In addition to creating and designing people as if they're craft projects, they're going to, if they're not already, clone people and create doubles and hold them as hostages to the state.

If you think it's not possible, ask the MK-Ultra survivors what they know and have been through.  What about the ones like Sheryl and Lynn, who are so groomed, they just accept it, even though they know what was done was illegal.  The one still helps to capture "terrorists".  For who?  The same terrorists that kidnapped her, sexually assaulted her, starved her, and tried to create a bionic woman out of a little girl.  The U.S. military. They must be especially proud of her, because she's still brainwashed enough to think she's doing this country a favor by helping capture "terrorists" when the greater favor would have been to get out of it, and expose the criminals who abused her as a kid and who are now abusing my son.

It's not illogical or extreme to think that if the U.S. does these other things, they are not already plotting how to do worse. 

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