Thursday, May 31, 2012

Drugged By Alvaro Pardo & "Difficult" CIA

I woke up this morning thinking about how I was drugged/medicated by my Ex.  I also thought about which persons were so "responsive" to any reminder I made, of an expression he used to use.

So many people pandered to Alvaro Barbosa Pardo. 

Mostly, they were from the justice department and military.

He used to use this expression about how he thought it would be "difficult" to get my son back but not impossible (at the same time he was saying I didn't need my son with me and it was too dangerous for kids to be in some situations).

"Difficult" was one of his favorite words.

"It's difficult," "I think it will be difficult," on and on.

I then noticed, when my mother once advised me about how to draft a letter to the court in TN (justice department), the word "difficult" was included.  This always seemed to make anyone in the justice department happy...little smirks and feeling good if I reminded them of Alvaro by bringing up how "difficult" times were.

The persons always so responsive to any gentle recollection or revisiting of this term, were Judges in the Justice Department, FBI, and Military.  And those also reusing this word all the time, in the same way, were all the above.

I'm sending for the documentation of marriage license application today.

The CIA and FBI attempted to erase everything else.   They stole everything from me.   I know for sure that he worked for the FBI but I don't know how much he may have also worked for the CIA, because he was international and always talking about "revolution" and I always had some idea he was doing something with hostage situations in the U.S., while he was in the U.S., and said he was working somewhere else.

For all of his U.S. government connections, and how people backed off and were willing to give me almost anything only as long as I was with HIM, it's shocking anyone would suggest he is NOT a government employee.

It's strange what some try to infer from choices in what I carry or wear, as if this signifies how I feel about something.  If I don't carry the computer bag given to me in D.C./Maryland, I'm "over" him or rejecting something and if I do carry the computer bag, it's supposed to mean something? It means nothing.  It means I haven't had money to get a new bag and it's not high on my list of priorities.

He and a lot of others know about torture of my son and so far, I haven't seen anyone making comments in support of me, about this.  Alvaro is both a user and a coward.


  1. If your son is with your ex, and your ex is part of the FBI and in on the conspiracy, then why would your son continue to be tortured in his custody?

    How would your son be safer with you at this point if you cannot protect yourself or your family from all the torture? What kind of life would he have on the run? So far you have been unable to escape the torture, even in Canada, so doesn't this indicate an international level conspiracy? Is there anywhere safe for you?!

    At least as things are now it is part of the official record where he is and lots of people can keep an eye on him and report anything unusual.

  2. Dear Anon If Your Son,

    Hi, my son isn't with my ex. His biological Dad is who knows where in Mexico, and played guitar in some band and who knows where he is now.

    My son would be safer, definitely.

    The reason is that the 'official record' is a lie. It's a huge lie and the DOD/DOE and CIA and FBI all know about it. I did used to feel it sounded too crazy or implausible to list all the agencies, but they're not stand-alone agencies anymore--on things like this, they all work together.

    My son is being torture by technological means just as I was and as my family is still. His placement with other family doesn't change that. It's "invisible", "clean", "white" torture and it's done to evade detection by bodily evidence.

    I don't think it is a conspiracy that is completely international. I feel certain groups and churches transcend boundaries, and even grouops that specialize in abuse of children for mind control, they all work together too--Canada, UK, and U.S. are arm-in-arm on that kind of thing. So it's not surprising Canada had people working against me,and also, it might be shocking if it was random, but it wasn't. It had been plotted for years, from the time I made public statements about leaving the U.S. for Canada while I still had my son in my womb. It's not where I first thought to go at all, but I just agreed to it publicly, to a "friend" and then we were smoked out to go there after they had it lined up the way they wanted.

    This country and Canada are responsible for kidnapping, false arrest, coerced signature of confessions, and child abuse and torture. They're guilty of perversion of justice and obstruction of justice.

    It points more to a religious conspiracy or group in place, or to a vendetta by a UK-Canadian branch that wanted to kick me around as a blow to my family.

    I feel there are few places that might be safe. I might have no problem with a certain country or its people, even in the U.S., but they might with me. Some countries, I feel fine with, but maybe they would look down on me for my speech, dress, or customs. Yet I still believe there are places where it would be forbidden to torture me and my son and family. It's more precarious when you're not a citizen of that other country, but we're citizens here and our rights are ignored. The most fundamental right is freedom from torture right?

    I would choose freedom over food and freedom from torture over food. Obviously, to a point.

    If you notice, prisoners at Guantanamo, guilty or not, they have fasted for months some of them. Does anyone know why? Couldn't it be that if it's not spiritual or religious reasons, or to hasten death, it might be to avoid being a guinea pig full of medicines and drugs? Maybe they prefer to die rather than knowingly have their minds altered and ruined and know (bc they're still thinking and they're smart...they're not blobs in jail)...they KNOW they're being used for research. Medical research.

    Would you like to be captured by a country, put in jail, and drugged to be used for research?

    What's happened to my family is that we are not even accused of crimes and we're targeted with hate crime. So yes, I think there are some countries who would keep their intelligence and law enforcement and scientists in check.

    My son was far safer with me than anywhere else. He was tortured, but I stood up to anyone who might have tried to attack him physically. They all knew to back off around me. There was nothing to blackmail me over, so they knew they couldn't get their grubby hands on my son.

  3. then when the FBI deliberately discredited me, and did so for themselves and to allow torture for friends that are hooked into the mafia (hmmm, it must be the one that doesn't like my family, ya think?)..

    they took my son. I reported evidence of torture and it was right there in the open and all of these Wenatchee people knew about it and said not one word.

    Have you ever watched this movie called "The Thin Blue Line?" Because it's older and it's Canadian, but it is a very true example of what has been done to Oliver. All these people know, and yet not one word, and he's only a child.

    He will always be safest with me. What the FBI and others wanted people to think, was that it was some safety issue and I needed a man, like "Pardo" to protect us. That's B.S. because the FBI already knew what they needed to do to protect us and it didn't require my marrying into their agency.

    The fact that the torture did quit when I was with Alvaro Pardo, points straight at the Devil's Eye.

    He is the Devil, and he knows the Devil personally. If he didn't, they wouldn't have listened to him and stopped torturing me just bc I was with him. What did he do when I told him to leave? Nothing. Same thing all over again.

    The U.S. military is criminally liable for abuse and torture and passing it off as research rather than hate.
