Thursday, May 31, 2012

Elsevier Problems Every Single Time

Every single time I try to use this medical terminology program that I paid for, for a class, there is a major problem.

I have never been able to use it successfully except for the first day, before, I guess, someone figured out how to specifically ruin whatever was running on my account.

Today it's the glossary.  It refuses to open their glossary.  The entire POINT of "medical terminology" is know the words in the glossary.

First it gave me one word definition, for one letter, and then for the next letter I clicked on, it listed an entire page of terms but wouldn't give the definition for any of the words.  Finally, after a half hour, it gave the definition for one word I selected from the page long list.  I then tried to get the whole list of words for other letters of the alphabet, and it refuses to open anything.

I actually did not have any problems with this site at all, until I said out loud, in my parent's house, how I was having zero problems with objective testing, where personal prejudice is not allowed.  I was going through all the terms quickly and correctly, and scoring with As.  So I had commented that when it's just a computer multiple choice program, it evaluates me or my answers and work no differently than anyone else.

Right after I said this in their house, someone immediately began tampering with the program.  I know that my mother knew this was going to happen too, because as soon as I said this, that I wasn't having any problems with objective computer testing, and explained why, she had this "Oh NO" look on her face and then got upset, and it basically as if she thought I had spoken out loud to The Evil Eye and that now someone was going to deliberately obstruct my education just to harass me and try to make a point, and continue to discredit me.

If a medical terminology program that I spent $100 for, can't even give you the glossary list that it already has published for students to use, it's a waste of money.

It's a program called "Evolve" and it has technical help bases in Canada and The United States.  It's the Mosby's Medical Terminology course.

I asked my college instructor if anyone else had problems like I was having, which I've already mentioned, and she said no.  She said no one else--no other student, has ever had the kinds of problems with this program that I've encountered.

Which is why I then went out and purchased a camcorder, to be able to record what happens and prove I am not delusional or making these things up.

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