Saturday, May 19, 2012

More Torture & Another U.S. Federal Website Obstruction

I am experiencing obstruction to accessing any part of the Department of Labor website.  I was looking up 29 CFR section 541 and I clicked to download the Fair Labor Standards Act several times, from the federal site, and it refused to show me anything.  So then I clicked on a different link (this is all within the federal home site for DOL) and instead of taking me to the section that was highlighted it said, "You are now exiting the Department of Labor website."  I did not click to exit at all.

I am being pushed out of this country by force through torture.  It's illegal and criminal and the torture has picked up again in the last 5-6 days.

I guess someone thought who cares about a petition for habeas corpus or about violating Geneva Convention treaties the U.S. signed.

I have been tortured non-stop again, every single day, for about a week.  The U.S. was backing off, and then they just decided to keep it up and they tortured me today, in my house, the ENTIRE day.  I was trying to study this entire time and it was made almost impossible to focus because of the torture.  I woke up this morning with dark circles under my eyes again because they are using the same technology that destroys collagen in the body.  They are using technology that primarily affects my heart.  They did it so severely that my heart was all over the place one night, literally moving and jumping around and it is a miracle I did not have a heart attack.

This country is corrupt.

Then I got up to look this Act up online, and stood in front of the computer and it's humming a technology field from the laptop and straight to my heart.  I have put my hand over my heart, while in bed and out of bed a few times, and felt a suctioning stop.  All of a sudden, my heart relaxed and ribcage wasn't sucked in anymore.  And tonight, when I turned this laptop monitor screen all the way back, all of a sudden it was a drastic reduction in direct target to my heart.  I altered something directionally.

I got my Business Law book today, finally.  It says it's for use "internationally".  I am sure I will take things to an international scale, but I'm not leaving my son and I'm not leaving this country when I have things to do.

So the U.S. "torture" gimmick is only getting them into hotter water.  No one believes the detractors anymore.  They believe me.

They might not want to be friends or get close, knowing what is happening to me, or show support, but they believe me.  They do not buy the "mental illness" and "nothing is going on" crap that corrupt government mob alliances have tried to push.  They don't believe the FBI either.  What's even worse, is that the international community doesn't trust the FBI like they used to anymore.  Why should they?  What reasons has the FBI given for showing they are not corrupt and that they investigate crimes and do not allow or encourage torture in this country?

Why can't they understand that this is not profiting the country in any way?  I mean, who hijacked the system and why in the world is this country going after international terrorists when terrorism is occuring HERE, by U.S. EMPLOYEES.

I would like to have my son returned, go to college, and I have a few different business ideas, all of which I could handle without a problem.  I am pushed out of productivity by jealousy.  What other motive is there for this?  There is no other motive.  It's hate crime.  They have tried to make it look like some kind of legitimate military research gig, and they mixed it up with that, as if "institutionalizing torture" makes hate crime less criminal.  It's not even legal to do this from a government standpoint, through CIA, FBI, or DOD.  It's strictly illegal.  It is not just sort of illegal, it is crime that carries some of the highest penalties of any of the crimes in the U.S. code and state laws.

Do you know how much jail time high ranking officials are looking at?

UPDATE: 12:01 a.m., 5/20/2012.  Some of the torture lessened but now that I write this it's picked up again.  The torture needs to stop entirely.  I got to the site I was trying to look at as well.

Criminal penalties for violations of Geneva Convention are not just jail for those who commit the actual crime.  The party who orders it is liable as is anyone with knowledge that it is occuring who does not speak up.

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