Saturday, May 19, 2012

Military (DOD) Shut Down My Laptop Again

Persons in control with the DOD (Department of Defense) shut down my laptop again. 

I cannot live in this country.  They FORCED me to open up a new laptop when it was unnecessary, just to get their predictions right and just to force me to do whatever they want.  They force me to spend money that is not necessary to spend.  And then, they tamper with the new laptop I am forced to buy and open.  I did not even open it up until today because I fixed my other one.  I do not WANT this laptop when I can fix the laptop I DO want.

I fixed the adaptor so my little laptop that I've had, which is maroon or sort of cherry wood color, worked fine again.  So even when I had the adaptor working, and plugged in with the light on, the military was shutting down my laptop anyway.  All of a sudden, it was jammed and turned off.  The light never turned off on the adaptor and the power source was fine.  And there is NOTHING wrong with my notebook laptop because I've had plenty of people see it and look at it who said there is nothing wrong with it.  When my laptop was shut down permanantly, until I took it to a shop, it was immediately after I sent in my CAT claim to the UN.  That claim went to the OIG and to the UN and right after I sent a copy to the OIG, my laptop was forced down.  So that is either DOJ computer hacks or military, period. 

It did not act up or have any internal problem, it was shut down to force me out of communications in my complaint against this country for allowing hate crimes and illegally using me for research and torture.

Then I had one person after the other stall and try to keep me from getting a working laptop, to prevent me from continuing my petition to the UN.

Get this straight:  THIS IS GOING TO THE UN.  And it's going to the UN, through a petition against Canada, and including how they have colluded with the U.S.

My mother tried to say it would make no difference if I lived anywhere else, and that the same things would happen and no, this is not true.  And she knows it's not true.  This is "state-sponsored torture" and that means one country, like this one, the U.S., might have no problem torturing and abusing their own citizens, but another country, is going to have better state policies and feelings about torturing human beings, kidnapping their children, defaming them to the entire world, putting them in prison on false arrest numerous times, refusing to prosecute Judges for obstruction of justice when they know and can see on the face of it that's what is happening, and they just might reward people for trying to get ahead and being smart, instead of jealously punishing them.

God damn this country for those who are so corrupt to be running it. Either you remove the corruption, or this country is being taken over by another country. I know it is the truth; I know that this country is no longer "covered" and there is no reason whatsoever, that any number of countries couldn't invade this country because corruption has already infiltrated and the FBI has more corrupt agents and the CIA more corrupt officials than good ones.  They have already sold this country out.

Not only was I tortured all night last night (and it was happening at my parent's house too, because I was there), I had my other notebook laptop working fine because I had fixed my adaptor. A different adaptor came in the mail and I didn't use it and still haven't used it because I didn't need to. Then, I was still using my notebook last night and the DOJ or military just shut it down. They turned it off and wouldn't let me turn it back on, even though the adaptor light was on and the adaptor was working and the notebook had a charge.


Because someone who runs these games wanted to force me to open up the box for this other one I just bought. I didn't want to open it up and I wouldn't have. I was going to return it unopened because I fixed the only problem with the other one, which was an adaptor that was going on and off.  It wasn't completely off all the time and I knew it could be fixed.

This one I was planning to return unopened is too large and too heavy.  It doesn't even fit in my bag and if I have a computer that large, it's going to be a desktop, not a laptop.  An oversize laptop doesn't fit on a lap and has no point being called "laptop".  I am getting one with anti-glare because I sit outside a lot and I need one with anti-glare, and I need one that's lighter.  I have to order it and since I've had all these other problems, taking up additional money I don't have, that has not been possible.

There is nothing wrong with the other laptop.  So I'm FORCED to buy new laptops when I shouldn't have to at all.  It's just some bizarre game someone wants to play, to force me all over the place when I would be doing the same thing with consistency and not spending money I don't have to spend on "inbetween" laptops that are not making the cut.  If I'm going to spend money on something, as a backup to my little laptop, it's going to be top-of-the-line or at least maybe cheaper but fits what my lifestyle is and what my work needs are.  Why would I settle for less if I have to spend money on a product.   I seriously resent the fact that the United States allows some malicious group to try to force and determine what I do and pushes me to spend money on middle-of-the-road things that I never should have been forced to choose or spend money on.

There are two keys that stopped working on my little laptop, after I filed my UN and OIG claim (no word from the OIG, by the way, and it's been months.  Out of all of the OIG complaints and reports I've sent in, I have never once had a response.  I had a woman contact me from OIG regarding FOIA for the FBI once, but wouldn't even address the fact that I submitted a report to THEM, the OIG, for investigation of FBI internal and international defamation of my character and refusal to investigate reports of serious crimes.

They shut down my "l" (L) and "k" key.  So then when I fixed the adaptor, I contacted the Acer support and someone was obstructing me from submitting information to Acer to send my computer in for repair.  It refused to allow me to enter any data for repair except for what the military and DOJ wanted to know, and they wanted to know if I could guess on one missing number from the serial number.  The thing is, the Acer site asks for either the SIDS number OR the SN (serial number) and I have the full SIDS number and all but one digit of the SN.  So someone kept preventing me from entering the SIDS number and then only wanted to see what I put down for the SN but then refused to let me go to any other tabs on the entire page to process my request.  First, all the tabs were working and I could move from one to the other to enter information and then they blocked me from entering ANY information into any tab.  At the same time, the DOD started extreme burning and vibrating of the laptop and tortured me.  I am blocked from even accessing repair for my laptop from a computer place.  Then some time after this, they just turned me entire laptop off again and there is nothing wrong with it.  The DOD/DOJ just decided to turn it off to force me to use this other one when it's not even necessary.

As soon as I opened up this laptop, I cried.  I just cried and cried and cried because I have no freedom, not even to choose what laptop I use, after I put in the effort to fix the other one and intend to buy a better one when I have more money.  I gave this laptop a password hint that is: "when oliver was tortured and kidnapped".

My son has been tortured and kidnapped and it's state-sponsored.

Then today, after I was forced to open the box for this other computer, I tried to download malwarebytes and I had repeated disconnections and then the message that it was "partially downloaded".  I have downloaded this exact same program with other computers with no problem.


  1. Get a Mac. No one is shutting down your laptop, you probably have a virus.

  2. Thank you. I might look into it when I can afford to. I have a Toshiba right now and it runs great--it made me remember how I always used to buy Japanese cars because of how they were made. They ran forever and hardly ever broke down. I like the idea of supporting their economy right now after devastation too, but I have had so many problems I don't know if Mac might help.

    I found this great desktop I'm dying to have, the "Ignition" Polywell. I loved how this reviewer wrote the article about it too, it was so, I don't know. His last name was Murray. I remember that because I thought, what an artistic and selling write-up.
