Friday, May 25, 2012

"Begging" books on Mom's laptop & Torture

I checked to see which books my mother was getting for something and instead of pulling up books she requested, she was getting nothing close, and instead, totally off-topic, books about begging.  She was getting all kinds of things and nothing on-topic, even when she was typing in an actual ISBN number.  It was beyond what you normally get while trying to order a commonplace set of books.

Anything that came up instead of what was asked for, was stuff that sounded degrading or humiliating.  It wasn't accidental, either.

All day today I've been tortured with technology targeting metal in my neck.  The other day I was tortured to my stomach all day, with what felt like a laser going straight from the laptop monitor to my stomach.

I don't have physical problems aside from being tortured or having a problem with the knee I broke that was never examined in TN.  The technology has been bad enough to my heart sometimes that I have ended up with extreme edema of my legs, which is exactly the effect this same technology had when I was being tortured at Steve Mays house in E. Wenatchee.

My mother walked past me after sitting for awhile and when she did I could feel extreme and serious torture by technology around her one time, targeting her body and then when she walked close to me, I could feel it too.  She had nothing with pockets, and was holding nothing.  She was being targeted and the DOD followed her while she was walking even.  It wasn't a neighbor, it's DOD (Department of Defense & Department of Energy).

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