Friday, May 25, 2012

Double Major (English Lit & Science)

I was previously an English Lit. major with a science minor but I've changed it to a double major.  I plan to get a B.A. in English Literature and a B.S. in Natural or Biological sciences.

I was asked to submit a bunch of different forms and a plan over but the email address that was working this morning bounced back to me this afternoon so I had to resend it to others to forward to him.  I even confirmed his correct address this morning with the operator but since then, it has been sent back to me.

I had to fill out a plan of classes, a double major petition, a declaration of program intent, and a letter for explaining why I am double-majoring.

I got all of it completed, signed, and sent out before 4 p.m. today after talking to him again this morning.


  1. Because you have been diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, you are disqualified from ever being accepted into med school.

    Also, you have many F's on your college transcripts so that would also not make you an appealing candidate.

    You are on welfare. You are on food stamps. You live in a rural area in a trailer park. You are on psychiatric disability. You have been hospitalized. You have attempted suicide. You have been deemed an unfit mother by the court. You do not have a college degree even though you are old. You have no friends. You have no job.

    You will never, ever be a doctor or a lawyer. You will forever be alone and insane.

  2. In my earliest encounters with the psychiatric consumer/survivor/ex-patient movement, I met several individuals who been given a serious psychiatric diagnosis, yet were functioning at high or relatively high levels in society. They often referred to the diagnosis as “labeling” and in fact questioned the need for psychiatric intervention and the appropriateness of psychiatric authority over people whose behavior was considered deviant by others in society and by professional experts. There was variety among people who resisted psychiatric labeling. Some individuals returned to their doctors or hospitals for periodic crisis intervention; others stayed as far as possible from the psychiatric establishment. Some worked in the mental health system as advocates for other “patients” or clients; others advocated for a stronger voice in their own treatment. Some agitated for alternative treatments and/or the eradication of psychiatry; others called for changes in the current mental health system to accommodate an increased voice for patients, clients, or “consumers.” Some were on heavy doses of psychotropic medications that helped them to function from day to day; others rejected even the idea of such intervention for their problems in living. Despite the variation, they all had two important features in common: they were all psychiatrically diagnosed, and they were all “talking back” to psychiatry. Not content to settle into the sick role, or to depend on medical professionals to direct their care, they were active participants in selecting, directing or rejecting the care they thought they needed (or didn’t need). They were acting more like the patients with chronic medical conditions mentioned above: well- informed, active, speaking up about their needs, taking responsibility, and making choices about treatment.

  3. Goffman’s work on stigma (1963) focused on management and information control of discredited and discreditable identities. He was writing before the era of liberation and identity movements and he assumed a unitary normative stance: It can be assumed that a necessary condition for social life is the sharing of a single set of normative expectations by all participants, the norms being sustained in part because of being incorporated (1963:128). Abdi Kusow (forthcoming) has recently focused on the challenge to this assumption by Somalis who come to North America and do not accept the stigma of race, since it is not part of how they divide up their social world. For psychiatrized people to truly reject the stigma of psychiatric illness, they have to reject the stigma inherent in the illness or reject the illness itself. Alternatively, they can reject the notion that the illness is “who they are.” Carrying out radical identity politics requires an ability to reject and redefine some of the fundamental norms of society. This takes some level of power and asserts a claim to authority in the interpretation of experience.
    ← When patients talk back to their doctors, the standard hierarchy of doctor and patient roles is challenged. Rather than relying on the doctor’s professional expertise and complying with treatment recommendations, the patient is exercising a degree of autonomy and personal authority that differs from the standard conception of “patient role.” Renee Fox (1989) describes Parsons’ characterization of the asymmetrical nature of role relations between doctors and patients as one in which the hierarchical relationship can change, but will not disappear, because of the “built-in superiority of the professional roles” (Fox 1989:25). Parsons relates this differential to a gap in competence between the professional and the patient, and the anxiety that patients experience, which makes them less capable of decision-making and more dependent on the doctor. When there is a disagreement about the medical examination, procedures, diagnosis, or treatment, a number of outcomes can result. Power and influence can be used by both parties to negotiate an agreement or compromise (Gerhardt 1989). Alternatively, the patient can refuse to cooperate with treatment and consult another practitioner; a third option would be for the patient to refuse treatment and seek another alternative altogether.

  4. People with stigmatized conditions need a liberating meaning perspective that can free them of self-hate, a negative self-identity, and assumptions that they are inadequate. They need to redefine their humanity. ... A self-help/mutual aid commons exists in part to create a social space where people can freely define and evolve their own meanings and identity with regard to their shared problem, apart from the social groups or society that is devaluing them. From a societal standpoint, such commons can be incubators of social innovation and experimentation (1999:115-116).

  5. Talking Back by bell hooks (1989) provided an important key to my research as well as a title for my dissertation. What do black feminists and uppity mental patients have in common? A lot: To speak as an act of resistance is quite different than ordinary talk, or the personal confession that has no relation to coming into political awareness, to developing critical consciousness. ... it is easy for the marginal voice striving for a hearing to allow what is said to be overdetermined by the needs of that majority group who appears to be listening, to be tuned in. It becomes easy to speak about what that group wants to hear, to describe and define experience in a language compatible with existing images and ways of knowing, constructed within social frameworks that reinforce domination (hooks, 1989:14). Then hooks goes on to say, To make the liberated voice, one must confront the issue of audience – we must know to whom we speak...writing my first book, ... I saw that ... my words were written to explain, to placate, to appease. They contained the fear of speaking that often characterizes the way those in a lower position within a hierarchy address those in a higher position of authority. .. When I thought about audience – the way in which the language we choose to use declares who it is we place at the center of our discourse – I confronted my fear of placing myself and other black women at the speaking center. Writing this book was for me a radical gesture. It not only brought me face-to-face with this question of power, it forced me to resolve this question, to act, to find my voice, to become that subject who could place herself and those like her at the center of feminist discourse. I was transformed in consciousness and being (hooks, 1989:15). Reading hooks, I realized the importance of to this movement of finding voice, of speaking truth against power, of claiming authority to speak rather than be spoken for (or spoken about) without representation of your point of view. It was the role of the movement, of the uppity ones, to find a voice to say, it’s not like that for us, you are not representing my experience, you are causing harm and claiming it to be help, “for my own good.” There were strong parallels between what I saw in the movement and hooks’ words. To speak against psychiatry and challenge its power from a “lower position” is a radical act. To redefine the relationship and challenge the hierarchy of power and knowledge is to place oneself as a subject rather than an object. To challenge the dominant discourse with a subordinate voice, claiming to bear its own truth, is a transformation of consciousness and being. It seemed that this was the right approach to understanding the c/s/x (consumer/survivor/ex-"mental patient") movement.

  6. Dear Anon Because You Have:

    1. I've never been diagnosed with paranoid schitz. I've been slandered with such, and by the same FBI in Portland, OR and Seattle, WA that later wanted me to marry their government worker as part of a deal because they were scared someone might expose them on the East Coast if they didn't. I have had 3 evaluations that cleared me of all mental illness, which WA AG, CPS, and FBI were aware of at the time they slandered me to Canada. After this, they knew they were in trouble and they tried to force me to marry their employee (an FBI worker originally from Colombia). During this time, they worked out ways in which to get discovery, conceal and destroy evidence, and threaten others with blackmail.

    I was evaluated for 1 hour by a state-paid CPS psychologist. This does not hold water in court. Not for damages for defamation or any other damages. After this, knowing their "evidence" against me was "nothing" and that they needed a cover for the FBI and CIA's illegal negotiations, they threw me into a psych ward to prejudice me, with no cause, and assaulted me with drugs before any diagnosis was made.

    After I was assaulted, I was given the FBI-pronounced diagnosis of paranoid schitz, and it was for their own cover. In fact, the FBI has been so interested, they faxed over a bunch of things to doctors about me. Not unlike giving Kate Middleton and others files about me when they refused to give me anything from my personal file for over 7 years.

    I reported their agents for sex abuse and then they bribed a Sgt. with Portland Police not to press charges. That's obstruction of justice and crime. The FBI is guilty of crime.

    So when you look at who wants to call me crazy and spend time, money, and friends to get this spread far and wide, it's clear they have motive for wanting to stay out of jail.

    No FBI director likes to see themselves or their agents in the slammer, and not even held accountable in the court system. No, instead, they would rather try to get close and if they can't nail you in prison for a long time, they want you to do them a favor and blackmail you over it.

    I am not disqualified from med school. I might have to be evaluated by a normal psychologist, which I could pay for myself, but no, I'm not disqualified.

    Guess what? If I AM? In THIS country? I will take my talents to another country that actually needs brains and not a bunch of kiss-up brown-nosers with brains, new cars, generic marriages, and a lot of hate.

    As to every other claim you make to smear me, I am quite sure I am able to use any truthful evidence of damage, against those who have obstructed justice, and committed crimes.

    I am not even commenting on the long exhausting tirade after yours, because it's a lame excuse to keep trying to seal up and smear anything that puts the FBI and CIA into question for criminal conspiracy.

    So if you want to believe this person, that people are "high functioning" and this is the excuse and explanation for my being in college, how about this--how about "high functioning criminals with professional jobs always come up with educated sounding excuses to justify the criminal actions of others and sound sympathetic at the same time."

  7. Dear Anon Because You Have:

    1. I've never been diagnosed with paranoid schitz. I've been slandered with such, and by the same FBI in Portland, OR and Seattle, WA that later wanted me to marry their government worker as part of a deal because they were scared someone might expose them on the East Coast if they didn't. I have had 3 evaluations that cleared me of all mental illness, which WA AG, CPS, and FBI were aware of at the time they slandered me to Canada. After this, they knew they were in trouble and they tried to force me to marry their employee (an FBI worker originally from Colombia). During this time, they worked out ways in which to get discovery, conceal and destroy evidence, and threaten others with blackmail.

    I was evaluated for 1 hour by a state-paid CPS psychologist. This does not hold water in court. Not for damages for defamation or any other damages. After this, knowing their "evidence" against me was "nothing" and that they needed a cover for the FBI and CIA's illegal negotiations, they threw me into a psych ward to prejudice me, with no cause, and assaulted me with drugs before any diagnosis was made.

    After I was assaulted, I was given the FBI-pronounced diagnosis of paranoid schitz, and it was for their own cover. In fact, the FBI has been so interested, they faxed over a bunch of things to doctors about me. Not unlike giving Kate Middleton and others files about me when they refused to give me anything from my personal file for over 7 years.

    I reported their agents for sex abuse and then they bribed a Sgt. with Portland Police not to press charges. That's obstruction of justice and crime. The FBI is guilty of crime.

    So when you look at who wants to call me crazy and spend time, money, and friends to get this spread far and wide, it's clear they have motive for wanting to stay out of jail.

    No FBI director likes to see themselves or their agents in the slammer, and not even held accountable in the court system. No, instead, they would rather try to get close and if they can't nail you in prison for a long time, they want you to do them a favor and blackmail you over it.

    I am not disqualified from med school. I might have to be evaluated by a normal psychologist, which I could pay for myself, but no, I'm not disqualified.

    Guess what? If I AM? In THIS country? I will take my talents to another country that actually needs brains and not a bunch of kiss-up brown-nosers with brains, new cars, generic marriages, and a lot of hate.

    As to every other claim you make to smear me, I am quite sure I am able to use any truthful evidence of damage, against those who have obstructed justice, and committed crimes.

    I am not even commenting on the long exhausting tirade after yours, because it's a lame excuse to keep trying to seal up and smear anything that puts the FBI and CIA into question for criminal conspiracy.

    So if you want to believe this person, that people are "high functioning" and this is the excuse and explanation for my being in college, how about this--how about "high functioning criminals with professional jobs always come up with educated sounding excuses to justify the criminal actions of others and sound sympathetic at the same time."

  8. You were diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic in Tennessee. This is a fact. You were injected in your naked buttocks with Haldol because you were diagnosed as "Axis I: Paranoid schizophrenia, Axis II: Borderline Personality Disorder."

    Please learn how to spell. It's not "schitzophrenia," it's schizophrenia.

  9. You are a bald faced liar. You have been diagnosed with paranoid schitz by multiple doctors. Nothing u say is real. You just spew hatred, and selfserving viciousness.

  10. Dear Anon You Are Bald:


    Yes, it's true, I have not been diagnosed with anything except by one doctor and that wasn't until I was in Nashville, TN.

    I was never diagnosed in WA, OR, or anywhere else. I had one CPS 'eval' by a woman they paid, who saw me for 1 hour and said she didn't know what was wrong, if anything was wrong. Then she tried to beef it up in court and still said there was no diagnosis but she didn't know if I could parent "in time". She was a liar and I was warned about her.

    So that was it. Not once was I diagnosed.

    Then, I went to TN, and while I was there I tried going to the DEA and FBI there. The FBI told me to go to the ER and then I found out the FBI directly lied about me and defamed me to the hospital and I guess they were the ones who said I was paranoid schitzophrenic.

    If the FBI said this, it figures, because that would prove this was their motive for wanting to get something like that to "stick". They defamed me, most likely to Canada too, and rather than take responsibility for that, they wanted to find someone who would lable me to excuse their slander.

    Mainly, the only people who ever said this were Roman Catholic monks and priests who also said "Mary crushed the head of the serpent not Jesus" and could never be wrong about anything.

    After them, I found out it was a Jew at the Willamette Week too, because he ran the slanderous article about me when I was trying to report the Jew who raped me out of hate crime and plotted intent.

    I wasn't even diagnosed when they shot me up with Haldol. They told me this much later. The only "evaluation" comes from TN and it's worthless.

    Here's a question....why did they show me all this stuff from the FBI? They said, to the roomful of medical professonals (incl. interns), "This is what the FBI gave us." If that's what the FBI gave them, and they showed me that the FBI faxed The Willamette Week article to them, then it looked just like what I saw on the desk of the Canada immigration lawyer.

    I know the FBI defamed me and they've ruined my son's life.

    They have been personally, as a company, and government agency, USING the "Willamette Week" article against me.

    This is an article that is defamatory about me and I was blocked from travel by the FBI and Judge Warren, while I was still in litigation over that same article.

    So I lost, because of FBI involvement. Then, the FBI took the information from my losing the right to protect my reputation, and they used it for their own personal evidence cache against me.

  11. ...The fact that the FBI has been trying to use a defamatory Willamette Week article about me, to prejudice my treatment by others, means they are guilty of defamation and have motive to conceal for someone.

    Possibly, Joshua Gatov was already working for them when he raped me. It is not impossible that Gatov was working for the FBI and I believe at that time, the head director of the CIA was a Jew.

  12. ...(continued, on Gatov for FBI)...the reason I believe Joshua Gatov was working for the FBI is because he was tipped off too many times, and too much.

    The FBI would have something very serious to lose if it were discovered not only Bujanda and Garza sexually assaulted me, but that I was, in fact, "raped by the FBI", with their employee Josh as the rapist.

    Making it even worse, would be that I believe it was pre-meditated.

    Not looking very good for the dear FBI guys.

    This would give them reason for wanting to personally involve themselves to obstruct me from traveling to defend myself in lawsuits over my reputation. They already knew their employee was being investigated by police.

    It may be that when Mike Parnell said I said I was raped by the FBI, even though I never said this, I believe, given all the crazy things that agency has done to me, it is highly likely.


    Charged with conspiracy to conceal crimes of rape, sexual abuse, obstruction of justice, defamation.

    Then, they don't like the future outlook so they throw in torture for free.

    Josh Gatov is an FBI employee.

  13. Dear Anon You Were Diagnosed As:

    I was not shot up with Haldol because I was diagnosed.

    Your "facts" are NOT facts.

    I was told, in the Vanderbilt hospital ER, that I was being sent to the Middleton psych ward to be "evaluated" to see if I had a disorder.

    No "evaluation" was done at the Vanderbilt ER.

    However, they DID call up Nashville, TN FBI and that FBI office slandered me to the doctors as paranoid schitzophrenic.

    I will spell it however I want to spell it by the way.

    I went from "no diagnosis" at Vanderbilt to Middleton psych ward with still "no diagnosis". Upon admission, before I saw ONE doctor, the attendent nurse got mad at me for smarting off to him when he refused to let me make one phone call to my parents or a lawyer.

    He screamed at me, went into a rage, and told me I'd be sorry I said that. He left the room and brought in a doctor who he told to inject me with Haldol.

    The doctor had not even met me. He was called in, by the military guy who got mad at me. He was former military, ROTC (I believe), and a nurse there.

    I saw this doctor and this is what he said.

    "Come in and close the door. Sit down there."

    I went in and sat down. I had been there not more than 10 minutes. He looked at me and said,"I am ordering an injection of ___ccs of Haldol and ___."

    I said, "I need to call a lawyer" or something like that. He said,
    "You are paranoid schitzophrenic and you are going to be injected."

    Then, the nurse who injected me was the same one, if I remember correctly, that flew into a rage and ordered Haldol for me as punishment for calling him an idiot.

    When this doctor saw me and ordered the injection, he didn't ask me any questions. He took 2 minutes total, and said I was "paranoid schitzophrenic".

    No one ever diagnosed me with that. They got it from the FBI.

    No one in WA, D.C., MD, or OR ever diagnosed me. So when he said this, he was talking out of his ass.

    Hmmm, last time I checked, calling an asshole an "idiot" is meeting all the DSMVs or whatever for "paranoid schitz" and borderline.

    I was being drugged every day, twice a day, for over a week and then they confirmed FBI was involved in the defamation.

    The doctor who saw me at the end, said, "You're paranoid schitzophrenic" just to cover for what they'd done. Not once did anyone say anything about "borderline" and it never came up, ever.

    What has come up, repeatedly, is FBI assholes.

  14. ...(continued)...about FBI assholes...

    So, IF there is any diagnosis at all, NOW, yes, it only came up in Tennessee.

    But they didn't inject me because I was "diagnosed". They injected me for political punishment and torture and to cover for the fucking FBI assholes that have ruined my and my son's lives.

    They cleared the way for others to feel better about themselves too.

    There is, to date, no valid and holding diagnosis.

    I was not ever evaluated at that psych ward. It is impossible to make a diagnosis in 1 minute, after an orderly gets mad and orders a Haldol injection because his penis is the size of an acorn and his brain already shrunk.

    That man is going to hell and I hope his entire family dies. I hope the FBI employees reponsible die as well. They should not be taking up oxygen on this planet. They're liars, and they have tortured children and defamed me to cover up for their own crimes.

    If you want "criminal conspiracy" ask the FBI for some tips, because they are guilty of criminal conspiracy against me.
