Friday, May 25, 2012

Parents Are Twins


It must be really fun for the twins that the U.S. forces to work for them, since they were little more than babies.  Where do they keep the spare?  If they plan to use one to do something for them and then the other as the alibi, where do they keep them?  In a government prison?  or do they get to stay in some underground house unless the U.S. thinks they're out of control.

It would be easy to torture and interrogate twins.  While one is being kidnapped by the U.S. and taken on extraordinary rendition, the other just waits their turn.  After torturing and interrogating one, they kidnap the other. 

"The UN won't help you," is how they'd be threatened.  "If the UN or another country finds out what you did, they'll kill you."

Nice way to keep people under your thumb.

The U.S. could force one of a pair of twins to commit crimes sanctioned by them, and ordered, and not even give the twins a choice, and threaten to one or both of them, or leave them out in the open to be murdered by another international group.

The U.S. could then use this extraordinary power they hold over twins, to torture their children, to keep them in line, silent, compliant, and continue to force and extort labor.  They could do whatever they want really.  They can go on like this for generations, and torture and kidnap grandkids too, to hypnotize, traumatize, and put into mind control programs.

You got one parent who was cut in the face and has a scar?  No problem.  Kidnap that one away for facial treatments to eliminate any trace of the scar while the other one is thrown in, glassy eyed and told not to tell.  Then call the kids who notice this, "Crazy".  "Where's the scar?  huh?  where is it?  oh, she's just crazy."

Too crazy to want to be sexually used by what? another set of twins?  Maybe the U.S. does dirty deals, gets another set of twins in to work for them and then blackmails the spouse saying, "If you don't keep having sex with both Alvaro and Cheech, you're going to prison."  I am just using Alvaro's name hypothetically.

You know, Cheech drives the Ferrari with the other women in it and Alvaro drives the beater and works at "the car wash".  Just for an example.

Then you have kids growning up with twin parents.  The bigger boobs Mom and the smaller boobs Mom, the broader chin Dad and the narrower chin Dad.  The Dad with eyes that have different flecks than the Dad that has other colored flecks.  The narrower face Mom and the wider face Mom.

The entire time, the U.S. can torture the life out any of them.  They can solicit mafias even, and throw them to the lions and Leons and no one cares.  They have zero power because they're tortured to stay in line and if they don't, they're issued death threats.

You can't change eyes you know.  You can't change the flecks colors in eyes.

The U.S. is in a shitload of trouble.  I said this to my mother a few minutes ago and she said, "Get out now" and told me to leave the house.  I said, "Well, it's true.  What have they been dumping in my garden?  Manure right?"  She pointed to the door and I said, "Coffee?"

"Hello FBI?  Yeah, hi RATS.  I just wanted to report being sexually assaulted by your employees.  Oh, oh really?  You're sending me a military guy who specializes in extraordinary rendition?  WOW." 

Like parents who are twins don't know what that's about.

"Daddy, your eyes look like they're a different color!"  I just never noticed before I guess."

"That shirt makes your boobs look bigger Mom."

Imagine one of them tries to escape forced imprisonment and slavery by the U.S.  They haven't done anything wrong--they've had all promises broken by the FBI and had ALL of their civil rights violated.  So let's say they don't even defect but the U.S. thinks they did or just wants an excuse.

The U.S. then has total power to torture and torture, and torture their kids, and grandkids, to the point of death, and gets away with it.  They hand out "Free Passes" and "GET OUT OF JAIL FREE!" to corrupt lawyers, Judges, and FBI and CIA and military, like they're throwing candy at a Gay 90s Parade.  All that the Red Cross would do, if they even gain access, is supervise torture and interrogation and then try to clean up the mess and make it look better.

What do you do with a family member that doesn't get sucked into the blackmail?  Oh, she's just "crazy".  Not only do they torture the living daylights out of them, and steal their child from them, they get called "crazy" for NOT being stupid and crazy enough to do anything that will put them in a position of being easily blackmailed by the U.S. government into keeping their dirty, dirty, secrets.

I said I am getting my son back.  My mother stared at me in horror when I said I'm sure some parents are twins, and described a situation.  I said, "I wonder what the U.S. does when they get exposed for exploiting twins for themselves."

Like that's not grounds for the largest massive lawsuit against the U.S. in the history of this 100 years.  Maybe they've been trying to kill me all these years, just because they had some govt. psychic tell them I was going to be a problem for them.

Imagine twins getting kidnapped and tortured on a regular basis.  Controlled with mind control.  Sexually harassed and assaulted.  Kids being trafficked. 

Hmmm.  I remember how thoroughly I was being scrutinized for any birthmarks, body marks, moles, everything.  As if I had a twin sister.

As if.

I imagine the ones who will be most stunned to read this, will be victims who are twins themselves, who feel powerless to say anything and who are victims of a U.S. state-sponsored Nazi-style use of twins for research and their own sick in the head programs.

If someone in the U.S. "imagines" they did something wrong, even if they didn't, how do they have court?  They would never take it to court.  They can't have what THEY have coordinated all these years exposed.  So instead they impose justice with no court, no jury, no fair evidence, and they allow and impose punishments as well:  torture, torture of children, and grandchildren, extortion of eggs and sperm and DNA...They imprison us and block our freedom of travel, and torture us, and then want anyone on the outside to think we are crazy if we say anything. 

If the Iranian man thought he had it bad, with the CIA, he has no idea how lucky he was.  What I have experienced and witnessed, as a citizen of my own country, is enough to shock the most hardened criminal.  And the saddest part, is that it's "the intelligence" and high powers who have known all along, and they inspired and encouraged hate crimes against us and given us little to no protection.

People have known.  This is why Alvaro was checking me over.  It's why others asked if I was out at a party for the election night and I kept saying no and they didn't believe me, as if it was me, and I was lying, or I had a twin.  It's why someone had the idea that I had twins in my womb when I've never heard of such a thing in my family.  It's why my Nana went to her grave with a big secret (I'm sure there was more than one). 

It's why we have been helpless at defending ourselves or trying to speak up.

I wonder how many other twin sets there are that are being exploited and tortured to work for government. It's probably this whole thing about promises.  "We promise ______, and we promise ___" and then they use you, break all their promises, commit gross and outrageous crimes, and then they don't even care that they wasted our lives or lied and harmed us.  They illegally took my son and adopted him out, knowing the entire time that they were committing fraud and abducting a child.


  1. You are fucking nuts you need to be put in a mental hospital since you are a non person, no job no home you live off my money that I go to work and earn every day
    What does your ssi check state why you can't work? O ya it says your looney tunes
    I feel so bad for your parents they have to see you every day and watch you sink deeper into craziness
    Ps saw Oliver a few weeks ago with his mom he is doing great
    And this blog is being watched and kept to show how nuts you are by cps
    I know this won't be printed because it is so true it makes you nervous

  2. You are fucking nuts you need to be put in a mental hospital since you are a non person, no job no home you live off my money that I go to work and earn every day
    What does your ssi check state why you can't work? O ya it says your looney tunes
    I feel so bad for your parents they have to see you every day and watch you sink deeper into craziness
    Ps saw Oliver a few weeks ago with his mom he is doing great
    And this blog is being watched and kept to show how nuts you are by cps
    I know this won't be printed because it is so true it makes you nervous

  3. Dear Anon You Are:

    I receive no "SSI check".

    Do you know my parents are not twins? Hmm. Have you done the DNA test or lived with a set of two parents and seen different colored eyes and flecks in eyes even as a kid?

    How about this? How about this country is "NUTS" and the FBI is hanging themselves because they have encouraged corrupted and exploited others.

    Are you saying there is no such thing as twins? or that it's impossible the government is capable of such a thing?

    What a sad day when people realize what has been going on. As a man in Seattle said to me, in horror and shock, "You don't want to know."

    I don't want to know what? I don't want to know HOW badly religious intelligence has been beating up on my Mom and Dad, me, my brother, and my son?

    Can you prove my parents are not twins and used and exploited? PROVE IT.

    Stop calling me crazy and coming up with zero evidence. And by the way, why should CPS even care about what I write?

    If they have no guilt, they wouldn't even care. They are guilty, so they follow.

    They will always be following me. They will never be leaders.
