Friday, May 25, 2012

SWOCC Employee Attempt to Prejudice Credibility

I have already had to head off an attempt to undermine my credibility.

After I had talked to this one "advisor", who I wrote about, I was then told I could only talk to "Tim".  I asked what he did because as far as I could see, it was all disability issues. He said he did many things.  I asked what his degree was in and he said "counseling."  I said, "I thought so."

I explained to him that all I was trying to do was make sure I could double major and that I was taking the right degrees from their college.  He said to change my major from English Literature to Science.  I told him, "But I want to double major and I need to protect all the work I did for English Lit, which I'm not dropping."  So he said change the declared major for now and then in the meantime petition for the double major so I am able to take the degree for transfer to protect my credits for English Lit and take the AS for natural science.  This sounded reasonable to me and I was very explicit about wanting to protect my English Lit work so that when I transfer, I am able to double major at a University with just a year or less to go on my Lit work and maybe a year or two for the science portion.

Then I called back today because I wanted to find out who my new female advisor is.   I suddenly, since Trish McMichaels (horrible, horrible woman and atrociously nosey), was being transfered from the regular advising supervisor and secretary to Tims' number.  So I asked him today why I was sent to him when I called to get a new female advisor.  He said that since he had "talked to some people" he thought it was better if I worked with just one person--him.  The guy with the degree in "counseling".  I said I don't think so.  Well, I said "I don't think so" in another way.  I said "Why is that?" and he said, "Well instead of having you call all these different people--you were calling Susan, and Cyndi, and Trish and a bunch of folks, you can talk to me."

I said, "You are already trying to undermine my credibility.  I wasn't calling "a bunch of folks", I talked to Susan because she is the supervisor of advising, Cyndi because she is the secretray and Trish because that's who my advisor was.  That's not "a bunch of folks".

They were already trying to prejudice me by making claims that I was calling up all these different people as if I was all-over-the-place, harassing someone, or out of control.

I told him I had nothing against his background but that I didn't appreciate attempts by some to discredit me by attempting to associate me with someone in counseling or psychology or disability, all things which have been used to undermine me. I said, "You answered my questions about double majoring and if you could encourage the department to accept this, that would be great.  I don't need anything else, and I had asked for a female advisor."

He said they wanted me to work with him instead.  I said, "When you have a gender change, maybe that will work."  I restated I wished to have a female advisor assigned, and I did not wish to be micromanaged and I only needed her in place to clear my registeration per term as their college apparently requires.  He said what I wanted to do was "complicated" and then said, "And you're saying you want to go to med school and law school...." and I said, "And it's really none of this college's business what I decide to do after SWOCC.  I told you I want to double major and some reasons why and if I decide to choose one grad school or a different one or change my mind, it's really none of anyone's business.  I stated I want to double major in English and Science and that this is what I want to do at community college level and then transfer this to a 4 year University for the double major.  What I do from there is my concern."

Between "calling all these people" and "calling a 'bunch of folks'" and "you want to do this and that  and this and that and this and that" and "it's complicated", they were already trying to make me sound nuts.

So I tried to explain to him, I was grateful for his advice and help, and if he could help explain and approve the double major that would be great, and if he would then assign a female advisor so I can call and get the clearance prior to per term registration for classes, that was all I needed.  I don't want to be prejudiced, micromanaged, and I don't want people making mountains out of molehills, and demanding conferences or interfering with my scholastic success.  I want to go to college, focus on my classes, follow the plan, and that's it.

Right after his comment about my "calling a bunch of folks" I marched out of my house, to the SUV, grabbed my shopping bag containing my telephone recording devices, and ripped open the packaging.

I need batteries in case the electricity goes out and I am otherwise ready.  I am so tired of people trying to create false characterizations of me and slandering me as mentally ill when I'm not.  I want my son back.  Have I said that before?

Oh.  Well let me say it again.  GET OUT OF MY WAY and RETURN MY SON.

I just looked up this female advisor he said, with a smirk in his voice, that he was assigning me to.  She's not an advisor, she's the only female counselor on his counseling staff.

Counseling Services

Tim Dailey: Student Support Director, Disability Services Director, Counselor for Student Support Services
Ron Bell: Counselor, Associate Professor
Carolyn Byrd: Student Support Services Counselor
Beverly Segner: Counselor, Full Professor

Counselors are available to discuss personal, career or educational concerns. Sessions are private and confidential. All counseling services are provided free of charge. Career Interest Inventories are available at a nominal fee for use in career counseling.

So basically, he is still attempting to prejudice me by assigning me to a psychological counselor rather than a normal advisor as I requested.

When he mentioned a woman's name, "Beverly", I said, "What happened to the two other female advisors that were mentioned to me when I first called SWOCC advising offices?  One of them was named Michelle and there was another female advisor as well."

Tim was dismissive of them saying you had to be a student that was part of their "program".  This is not true because I had talked to the head of advising and it was Susan who told me about the other women.  Tim told me the "only" female advisor that the college had, besides Trish McMichael, was "Beverly".  She's not an "advisor".  She is listed as a counselor in the counseling services department.

This college has totally different links for "Advising" and "Counseling".  The Advising link is educational advising support and the Counseling link is for psychological services.

Exactly as I said, certain employees (Trish McMichaels) are already attempting to prejudice my student standing and my standing in the community and are protecting the legal interests of others (FBI).


  1. Take some personal responsibility. You have conflicts with practically everyone regardless of the context. It must take incredible energy to be in such denial over your role in your inter-personal conflicts. Grow up.

  2. Dear Anonymous Take Some:

    Taking personal responsibility is a balance, don't you think? Sort of like true humility, you don't have to degrade yourself to be "humble" because that's not what it's about. To do this, to degrade oneself, is false humility. It's defrauding oneself and others of the knowledge you have that says, "I know what I'm talking about here; It is not my fault to be victim of corruption and crimes; I am really not very good at anything; the authorities always know more than me..."

    Taking personal responsibility isn't a price-fixing negotiation. It's not an "ethics-negotiation" where you agree to sell yourself down so low or you agree to raise yourself up so high only with the agreement of others.

    The incredible energy I have in spite of the drain of corruption in society is spent best by investing in a telephone conversation recorder and documenting false accusations and allegations that harm me.

    It's money well spent.

  3. Dear Anonymous Take Some:

    Taking personal responsibility is a balance, don't you think? Sort of like true humility, you don't have to degrade yourself to be "humble" because that's not what it's about. To do this, to degrade oneself, is false humility. It's defrauding oneself and others of the knowledge you have that says, "I know what I'm talking about here; It is not my fault to be victim of corruption and crimes; I am really not very good at anything; the authorities always know more than me..."

    Taking personal responsibility isn't a price-fixing negotiation. It's not an "ethics-negotiation" where you agree to sell yourself down so low or you agree to raise yourself up so high only with the agreement of others.

    The incredible energy I have in spite of the drain of corruption in society is spent best by investing in a telephone conversation recorder and documenting false accusations and allegations that harm me.

    It's money well spent.
