Friday, May 18, 2012

Lara Moore: EOU Fails To Make Good

Now I have received a letter from EOU telling me, after ignoring me for over a month, that they refuse to honor their promise for additional funding. 

They forced me to meet all of these different requirements, including contacting a doctor, having a doctor write a letter to them (TWICE), and promised receipt of funds if only I did these things.

I followed everything they asked me to do, and then all of a sudden, after I met 100% of their requirements, they broke their written agreement and, first, they ignored me for 1 full month almost, and then they tried to report ME to "student relations" when not one of my requests for their funding was rude, and then their Financial Aid Director Lara Moore wrote to tell me they were breaking their written agreement.

Lara Moore ignored me for weeks first. 

They forced me to do all of this additional work and to take up the time of others, to then refuse to follow through with what they guaranteed to me, in writing.

And then, this sleazy director did not even have the "norm of mind" to contact me directly to let me know, and instead, she pushed it off onto someone else that has nothing to do with the financial aid department.

This is the DIRECTOR of EOU's financial aid. 

So basically, I was coordinating everything through a financial aid worker, Carolyn Prescott, who is supervised by Lara Moore (the director).  When Carolyn started ignoring me and went out of office for several weeks, I contacted Lara.  She then ignored me.  She said how can I help you? and I told her what the funding matter was (which she already knew about) and then she just ignored me.

They not only refused to follow-through with what they said they were doing, they took up my time, money, and effort, to try to get what they asked for, which they promised would provide the funds.

And then, it's not like they sent it to a Chairperson of finances.  They didn't send this to some other related department at all, they sent it to a department that has nothing to do with management of financial aid funds, which wouldn't be a big deal, if they had not chosen to send it to a group that was intended to make me look bad.  I mean, they sent it to "student relations" as a form of harassment, not delegation.  The purpose was to smear me. 

Duties of a financial aid office might be consistent with some other offices, but it has nothing at all to do with "student relations" which is an attempt to push off their own failures and unethical practices, to try to blame me for something, which is impuned by having me contacted through "student relations" at all.

Her "excuse", given to me months later, after I've done all this work, was that they already provided monies to me and decided to break their written agreement to provide additional funds if I provided them with a doctor's note.  She says nothing about the damages they've done by causing distress and taking up my time and interfering with  regular business.  She claimed I had already received enough, and tried to blanket things by not specifying what some of these things are for.  And it doesn't matter how much they spent, a contract is a contract, a deal is a deal, and a written agreement to provide funds upon receipt of required materials, is just that.

If they felt they couldn't provide additional funding at all, they had that answer from the moment they issued my financial aid disbursement, which was 2 months ago.  They knew then, that they would deny funding.  So all they did was harass me.

After THEY harassed me, by saying they needed more and more and more, THEN they tried to BLAME ME and make me look bad while they ignored me outright. 

I am not going to this college ever again.  DO NOT GO TO EOU.

I can't confirm this, but I spoke to Lara Moore over the phone earlier in the term and she was pleasant and there was nothing on my end or her end that was contrary to this.  But instantly I knew she knew FBI.
I thought, "She is either Catholic, FBI, or both".  She was too interested in me, personally, to be some random financial aid person.  From what I gathered intuitively, she had a motive, but at that time I didn't know what.


  1. I am sure that the folks at EOU are SOOOOOO sad that you have decided to pursue your educational goals elsewhere. They are probably dressed in black and mourning your absence. I am sure they will fly the flags at half mast. Or perhaps it's more along the lines of "Goodbye and don't let the door hit you on the ass, you lunatic." Only time will tell.

  2. You are failing online college because of your inability to get along with others. You're not retarded. You lack basic social skills. You speak in hostile, aggressive and threatening ways. You think there is an FBI/CIA/military/Catholic/Jewish conspiracy against you. That is straight-up delusional.

    :( :( :(

    Did your schizophrenia social security disability checks start coming in yet? It's clear you will NEVER pull it together!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Anonymous,

    Do you watch "The Spin"? Because they give a really interesting show you might enjoy. One day O'Reilly is feeling pretty good about his hosts, dressed in turquoise and bright yellow thinking no one will connect his people to Logan's or other Catholics from TN, and then the next day he is soberly talking about how the CIA and FBI work together.

    If you think the FBI and CIA do not work together and that the mix of people I mentioned is delusional, YOU are crazy. No one acts alone when committing crimes of this caliber.

  4. Anonymous Folks at EOU:

    Your comment is so full of cliches it's amusing.

    "Only time will tell."

    Only time will tell what? Time will tell if they are going to mourn and worry when they get hit up with a lawsuit?

    Thanks for reminding them crime doesn't pay, not even for colleges.

  5. (as for my comment about the turquoise and yellow, Bill O'Reilly and his guests would know exactly what I'm talking about. They didn't expect me to crack open their pandora's box and that's just an inside scoop between me and them and it's not like my Dad and Mom didn't notice either.)
