Friday, May 18, 2012

Business Law (No Book)

I have sent for my book for my class in Business Law since I started this term.  It has been 2 months of being jerked around.  The professor even refused to allow me to make anything up, knowing the situation, and told me to "drop" the course, but did not offer a full refund nor did he say I would not have an "incomplete" or withdrawal on my transcript.  So I am basically forced to take this class and receive an "F" for it when I would never get an "F" in this class.   I have been forced out of 2/3 of the entire class assignments and term and I did all of the extra credit and did whatever I could do.

This kind of grade is not reflective of me at all.  It does not reflect what I would know and what I'd have learned by this point in the class.  It is reflective of pride of others to not allow someone to excel at what they naturally excel in.

I have paid several hundreds of dollars for this course, and I am getting an "F" as an "A" student.

Not only that, my other courses have similiar things going on, with a couple of professors lying about whether they got my assignment or not, or gave me instructions for the extra credit or not, and then refusing to provide me with information I need to keep up with the assignments.  And then one of them insulted me, on top of this, by snidely remarking maybe I should get a "tutor" to be my "first reader" before turning in my assignments.

It's revenge of the absolute idiots. And revenge for what?  for feeling low themselves because I am smart?  They have deliberately tried to sabotage and ruin my GPA to prevent me from doing what I planned to do, and insult me on top of it. 

Giving me an "F" on a transcript, or a "C" or any lower grade because of problems that came up and have nothing to do with me is almost a form of "false advertising".

It's an advertisement that makes me look less diligent or less intelligent than I am and it's assigned to my name, as if I am the person responsible for such a grade. 

I have no problem doing challenging work of any kind, but I think the objective here has been three-fold:

1.  To make me look stupid, so they can feel smarter,
2.  To punish me for whatever imagined offenses they think I made,
3.  To justify lies and defamation about me that claims I ever had a mental illness that kept me from work, college, or raising my son in any way.
4.  To prevent me from succeeding now and trying to ruin my future when I at least had a good GPA to my name still.

My Professors that have given me incorrect information are:
1. Professor Robert Harrison (military history), and
2.  Tonia St. Germain (gender and the environment).

Tonia insulted me by email and tried to use the fact that I blog in fragmented sentences as a reason to claim I don't know how to write.  Of course I know I how to follow grammatical rules and write an essay.  I also know how to break those rules, which is what any competent and confident writer does.  If I stop-start a sentence for an emphasis that is more natural or reflective of speech, then I will do.  For any emphasis, I will do so.

Sorry, but people do not speak to one another in "complete sentences".  My writing on my journal reflects thoughts, not literary work.  No one speaks without using fragments.  And that is just one example of why I choose to write the way I do for my blog--It's natural and not contrived.

Then I have Professor Harrison who refused to get back to me about extra credit when I repeatedly asked and then only bothered to answer me after I started having so many problems with my computer problems and other things he KNEW I was distracted.  I don't think he's an honest man.

Then I have two other classes, with one in Business Law, where we have sent for the book 4 times and I also went to the library and the library told me they could get the book I needed on an interlibrary loan and then didn't notify me when they got a response back that said it was not available for loan. 

My online medical terminology course is the only other one I have, and my scores have been all A level.
It's the one course that had objective question and answer and gave me the information I needed as well.  And then all of a sudden, this program started bouncing back responses saying my "correct" answers were "incorrect" and then I took the first Quiz and somehow, it was recorded that I made answers I did not even choose or make.  So I got an 87% for the Quiz when I had an "A", not a "B". 

I had to purchase a camcorder just to videotape my monitor while I am online.

I've lost so many hours in being disconnected and shut off of being online or accessing courses that if you add up the hours I spent which were wasted, and didn't allow me to work, it would add up to several weeks worth of time.

Much worse things have been done with my case with my son.  This country has allowed and encouraged criminal activity against my family.

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