Thursday, May 17, 2012

I Fixed An Adaptor

I, uh, fixed an adaptor today. (I also have a couple of blenders set aside that I am planning to fix too but I need the right tool).   Even after I found out what was wrong with adaptor, I think the military or someone can still shut things down.  I'm not mechanically minded, but it bugged me that this power cord stopped working and I ordered a new one but it's not here.  I got a new computer today but I decided to fix the cord for the other one without opening my new one up yet.

So first I was rudimentary.  I thought maybe I could open it up with scissors but I just scratched it a little and it wouldn't crack open.  So then I asked my Dad for a screwdriver through the door and he said he was too tired to get up.  So I went to the barn and found....?  an awl?  I have no clue what this tool is.  It has a sharp arrow kind of point and it's a long handled metal stick.  So I used that and it opened first try.  Then, it looked like a candy box inside.  There are all different colors and shapes of things.  So it's this one part that has a wire and if you adjust it a little or push down, it turns the adaptor light back on and it works.  It kept turning off because I couldn't keep applying pressure, so I put a coin in and it's working that way until I fix it permanently.

I thought, this is sort of strange.  ?  Before I decided to open it up I prayed to God about something else.  I said, "God, I think I'm still fertile, but do you think so?" and not that you can base answers on a coin toss, but I figured, well it really makes no difference one way or the other because I have no one to be pregnant by and I want my son back.  I guess I was sort of peeved, imagining someone had laughed at me for choosing a terracotta pot instead of a green one for some lettuce seeds I bought.   I thought, "What.  Terracotta is dry and infertile and green is supposed to mean the opposite or what?"  I don't know, I had some weird intuitive feeling someone was saying that.  So I did my toss and said "heads I'm fertile, tails I'm not."  It was heads and I said to God, "Well that's what I thought."  I guess if I had gotten tails I would have kept flipping the coin.  ha.  Maybe I thought this too because all these baby girl clothes were sent to me to "sell" and why should I sell them?  What if I'm not done having kids?  and they have memories of my son besides.  So the first coin I found, rummaging in the closest drawer, was this Greek coin I got in Tennessee.  It's the one that says "Liberty or Death".  So when the adaptor kept going out, I tried placing this coin into a slot and either it's bracing something or it's acting as a conduit, but it keeps a steady light now.  It's sort of strange that it's this coin but it's not symbolic or anything, but Osama bin ladin (Usama bin ladin) is my connection to it.  You know, the guy that the CIA trained and called "friend" and then assassinated.  One day after a wedding.  It's a 50 cent coin.

So in this adaptor is something called "tenta" and then something else, a battery or something, that says 82 uF and then below this is 400V.  I just paid $25 plus shipping to have a new power cord sent to me and this one can be fixed.  There is even a part inside of this box that looks like a green ring and has little wires around it, like a hanging basket and I just bought a terracotta hanging basket for a green plant.  I decided to get a hanging basket because the seeds I ended up with are called "Black seeded Simpson lettuce".  I didn't exactly plan to end up with them but I looked at herbs and I already have basil and some herbs can be bought cheaply at the store.  And I looked at tomatoes and got seeds for them but then my mother called to me from coming out of the outdoor gardening area and was leaving so all I had in my hands that moment were "black seeded simpson lettuce (organic)" and "beefsteak tomato" seeds.  Both were organic.  I was told tomatoes would never show up in time and this is true, but I had forgotten.  Because of the weather, you have to buy them as plants already.  So I ended up just buying the lettuce and said, "I don't know how I'm going to keep slugs off of the lettuce" (because I've tried it before) and my mom thought maybe get a hanging plant.  So I did, but I don't know if I'll hang it or use something else on the porch because it turns out there is something else.   Then I got an early girl tomato plant because it will bear fruit in time.

Today we were all tortured. Not a lot, for me, but as soon as I was back at my house there was technology and then my Mom said her teeth hurt.  Patty then called to walk with her.  I guess it's "Your teeth will hurt unless you walk with Patty".  I made a criminal report about her and I stand by it.  She then told my Mom they were going to join Kathy, another person who I listed on the report. 

I saw my mother's fingernails today and they are extremely bright red at the tips and solid white the rest of the nail.  They are torturing the living daylights out of my parents.    My nails have changed the same way but not as bad as my Mom's.  Patty refers to my Dad as "Bobby".  No one calls my Dad that except for his own family and it's extremely derogatory and condescending for her to pull a power stunt like that with my Dad. Not only that, she lives right in the area where my Dad said 6 sex offenders lived.  Patty lives right there.  It's not a "neighborhood"--there are only a few houses along that road with acreage inbetween.  The first time my Dad told me about 6 sex offenders and said it wasn't Oliver and tried not to cry, we were out there in that area and he said he didn't want me to walk over there anymore.  The next time he drove me out, Patty came by, and then stopped and tried to talk to my Dad, with me in the car, and I said, "She followed us out here?!" and my Dad said no she didn't.  I said, "Dad, she is showing up wherever I am.  She followed us."  My Dad said, "You're wrong" and I persisted so finally he said, "She lives out here."

For all I know, Patty tortures my mother and sexually assaulted my Dad.  How would I know?  She refers to my Dad as "Bobby" which is disrespectful and tries to assert power and control over both my Mom and Dad.  My Dad can't do anything, no matter what happens, because look at the police response when I reported her and Debbie and Kathy.  They made excuses for them.  They've shown my parents there will be no help.  So my Dad and Mom both act passive when Patty is around.
I had some impression last night, but really, please take what I mention with a big helping of salt, because unless I know for sure (which is only in a few situations), I really don't know if sometimes it's imagination, or mind control/stuff, or God and I have to discern and doubt some of the things I think I get.  I am not at all like some who really see or hear or know things, with incredible accuracy, that others can't see.  Or can predict things.  That is really not how I am, so I would never want anyone to take something I say as a sign or absolute because I don't always know what it's about.

I prayed last night to see something about Kate Middleton though, and said show me something and all I saw was torture.  I am not sure it was right, and had such a sad and down feeling when I asked, so I don't know if it was in touch or not.  But what came to mind really shocked me, because I thought she can't be that mean.  I don't think she's good, but she can't be that mean, and how is it possible for her to even do some of these things?  First it was like demonic stuff.  Some really weird things and I can't even describe them.  One thing was of some kind of person or animal jaws with them chomping down on something in a contorted excruciating way.  This huge amount of suffering.  It had the same pace as a stapler, as if someone was stapling one document after another.  It was really blurry and weird, just looked like demonic stuff causing suffering.  Then, all of a sudden, I saw this diamond stud in her tongue.  In the center of her tongue and I thought, "I don't think Kate has ever had a tongue piercing" ? and wondered what that was about.  Then, I saw scene after scene of violence and extremely brutal torture.  I mean, things that I don't think about or read about or watch on t.v.  And it was a woman who looked like Kate, doing some of it.  I thought, "That's impossible, when could she even get away to do some of those things" so I wondered what it was about.  I thought, after seeing all these things, "I knew she wasn't good but I can't believe she would be that cruel."  But cruel and mean is what I saw, and extreme violence.  One scene I saw was of a jagged thin metal ruler (sort of shaped that way but thinner than a ruler) with jagged edges and someone had thrust it down someone's throat and was pulling it out slowly.  Like up, and with the result of tearing up the insides while it was being pulled out.  I saw beatings, and killings and other kinds of torture.  Things you don't really see today, I mean, I've never heard of (I don't think) some of these things.  And then a couple of times at the computer and she's not really giving orders but nodding and encouraging things in a discreet way to not get caught.  The part that shocked me most was the torture stuff.  And then I don't know why I saw a diamond stud in the middle of her tongue right before I started seeing torture and violence.  I had prayed "God, I already know there's something wrong, and for others to find out for themselves, but please show me something" and then this is what I got but it was so bad, and so violent, it's not what I expected.

I have never imagined, on my own, some of these things.  I have thought money laundering or a little drug use or knowing about torture even by technology or people who have lied about things, so I've thought "mean" but never some of this other stuff.  So that's why I say, I don't know why I saw these things, but I was shocked by what I thought I saw.  As for some of the scenes, I did not see them as still pictures but some of them, in motion, like the stick thing coming out of someone's mouth, from the throat, and I think I saw some gutting even.  Sometimes there was a woman who looked like Kate but was too active to be her, violenting beating someone up, hitting them with sticks in the stomach, like bars, but it was all surrounding my question. How someone can pull up a serraded metal ruler or flat thin stick through someone's throat these days, is beyond me, but I saw it being done.  That scene was medieval torture-like, but it was done in this day and age, or in present.   It was like I saw her as some kind of Bloody Mary.

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