Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Comments (Not Showing Up): like a weaned child

Hi to those who have made comments since 5/12/2012.  I didn't get a notice in my email box that there were comments to be posted so I just found them now and put them up.  If someone ever makes a post and it doesn't show up, please resend and let me know. 

I post almost everything, whether it's good or bad (about me or to my liking).  The only times I've deleted comments is if it seems to be the same person trolling and writing extremely harassing stuff that has no point at all (just name calling or insults but without an opinion of any kind).

So in general, anyone who makes a comment should see that comment up.  I do have a sort of backlog to go through still, but I will try to get to it.  For awhile, they were all going to this section and I had no clue because I wasn't getting any email notices at all like I am supposed to.

For example, someone made a comment to my email box and I have clicked several times to moderate it and then went to the post to see if it was there and it's not showing up anywhere.  So here it is:

Cameo Garrett] New comment on if it were not for the lord.‏
4:06 PM
From:Anonymous (
Sent:Wed 5/16/12 4:06 PM
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "if it were not for the lord":

Hi there, Great info. Does anyone like

I know where to get it cheap.
Also see my site:

Moderate comments for this blog.

Posted by Anonymous to Cameo Garrett at May 16, 2012 4:06 PM


Like a weaned child is my soul
Like a weaned child within me
(found at 8:37 p.m.)

1 comment:

  1. that's just spam, cameo.

    don't click the link cuz you;ll get a virus.
