Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The Rest Of My Day

Very quickly, the rest of my day has been okay.  I bought seeds for basil and tried a new Tofutti product--"Better than Sour Cream" and it's very good.  I think you could use it as a substitute for ricotta in a vegan lasanga.  I got a kimchee for the bacterias until my sauerkraut is finished...I had been getting canned kind, which I like.  The libby's kind was really good and very inexpensive, but the kind (I found out) that has all the acidophilus and things is the refrigerated kind.  So I got this one and took it home and found out it has shrimp in it.  It sort of freaked me out.  I don't know--a little bit of dairy product hasn't weirded me out but the idea of meat or shrimp juices does because I've been vegetarian even longer than I've been vegan.  What's strange, is I have nothing against shrimp.  I love shellfish!  I don't really anticipate being vegan or even vegetarian for life, I'm just playing it by ear and vegan is what seems right for me right now.  So why I cared about a little shrimp juice I don't know but it grossed me out.  That said, I have nothing against anyone else not being vegan or vegetarian at all.  I went ahead and bought "sixlets" for my son today, to send him at some point.  Last night I saw them in a box and it was too much, but when I found then in the little roll I got it.  I like the tiny miniature ones where it's just one little one after the other in a line best.  I remember pushing them out, one little chocolate bead at a time.  Very memorable as a kid.  On the package I got, it's a larger tube and then has the caterpillar on it, but if the single line one had been there I would have bought that one.

I've had no impressions though I saw something unusual with a bird today.  It was natural though, and I only happened to notice.

The other thing I had an impression of a few days ago (oh, and it was just 1 day ago I made sauerkraut, not several days), was of two guns.  I saw it like I was the dealer at a gun shop, or something.  They were solid black pistols and they took out the cartridges and put them on the table at the same time and pushed them forward to me, as if I could see through the eyes of the person who was looking at these guns.  They weren't glocks I don't think, they were a little larger, not much, but a little and slimmer.  Solid black.  It was probably my imagination.

So the thing with the bird today was that I looked outside and right at that moment some grey and white bird flew to cover this hole in the wall of the barn and spread it's wings out to the right and left.  It was ...let me check something...(I just walked over to look at the other side). 

Well, there was a trick of the eye today I guess.  Because I was fully awake and in my right mind too but this bird flew over to the wall of the barn and covered this hole with its body and had tail down and both wings out to the side flush with the wall.  Then, if I am looking at its back, it moved its right wing inward a little, sort of folded it after being straight out that way.  I thought, "It's covering that hole in the barn wall!" and wondered why and then it flew away and there was no hole.  So believe me, there IS a hole in that wall, and it's never moved or changed, but in that instant, when it flew off, there was no hole and it was all a wall.  So that sounds really weird but then I looked at it again later and it's there.  I went to the barn to see if something was in the back of it but no, there's nothing at the back on the other side.  It had no spiritual meaning to me, it was just something I noticed. 

At any rate, I am having a ton of computer problems and I don't need people to say I really chose the answer "prefix" when I didn't.  I had an entire Quiz downgraded because the computer is switching my answers.  I have had so many problems, I think the only thing I can do at this point is videotape my monitor while I'm on the computer.  I mean, I depend upon reliability while I'm trying to take classes online and if I have to document what is always happening and how much of my time it takes up, I think it's the only thing I can do.  I don't even have money for that.  I don't have money for a camcorder of any kind, even small, but how else can I document and show the magnitude of the computer problems?  It's interfering with my work and I can't be questioned (doubted) about it. 
I was trying to think of something I could share of spiritual value but don't have that much really at the moment.  I can tell you this, Rehoboham, over and over and over.  I kept landing on this section of scripture, in both of my Bibles, about rehoboham.  What it means?  nothing to me, specifically, I just thought the number of times it came up was outstanding.  It's a scripture about this king who says what should I do with Judah?  The king of Israel had put their brothers (or other kingdom) into forced labor (I think...I haven't really studied it) and they went to him saying please relieve us of this hard work and slavery or cut us some slack.  So the guy says what should I do?  all the elders or a prophet advised him, if you loosen their yokes they will always be your servants.  Then he went to the young men who said, "Tell them that if you thought my father was tough, just wait." and he condemns them to worse work and is harsh.  So then he takes the advise of the youth and Judah throws up their hands in despair and say "What have we to do with you?" and they go away sorrowful and distressed and he makes the yoke heavier and sends out a labor enforcer and the people of Judah stone him to death.  So then it says, "and this is why the house of Judah has been in rebellion with the house of Israel to this day".  I have no clue why I kept finding this, but it came up maybe 20 times in the last 1-2 weeks.  Sort of like, in a week, every single day or every other day, sometimes more than once.  I think it's in I Kings.  So I've read this several times, with no particular situation coming to mind because I can't think of anything specifically.  I just thought, well that's a definite historical note: "..and this is this day."

I guess tonight the only thing that happened was random, so maybe that's a russian roulette way of reading things.  I don't put a lot of stock in it, just do it if there is nothing specific to mind and it doesn't matter much (like drawing a lot).  I prayed very briefly, for an answer to the raspberry keytone writer, who tried to post to "if it were not for the lord".  Just for a second.  I went in the house, prayed a minute and then asked if there was anything I could share spiritually and nothing came to my mind.  So I asked if there was any response to this post I just got and then left it there and I flipped to one section briefly but didn't see anything specific, and wanted something sort of encouraging to read, so I flipped to another section and again, same thing and then I went to psalms randomly and fell upon psalm 131 which is sort of an answer twice.  I thought about raspberry leaf and what does that have to do with anything? to me, I think of my son and how I took this tea while I was pregnant with him.  So then finding this psalm about being like the weaned child seemed to fit and I found it at random.  The first time it talks of the weaned child with its mother and the second, like a weaned child is my soul within me.

Uh, don't know if that helps.?  So anyway.  I'm sure it's my fanciful thought but I thought, "Oh! well it's sort of like saying the same thing twice too, and it's about a child where I think of raspberry leaf in context of my son (child) but whatever it means to someone else is fine too.

I clicked on the second link that was listed.

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