Monday, May 21, 2012

Fasting Off Yeast or Mold

I am not sure how well it works for just mold, but I think in addition to being on a strict diet, I keep thinking the answer is fasting.

I wrote in my last post (on this topic) that a fast might be a good idea, 6 months into the diet, but the more I think about it, the more I'm convinced this is the way to go, if you are not weak or immuno-compromised in any way.

I am really going to try this diet for a year, this is my plan, but I will have to quit and go to just strict vegan and not the other stuff, if I feel too weak because last time I did feel a little weaker or more tired and I'm not sure if it was the diet or what.  I guess I might need to get a multivitamin to fill in any gaps.

I said to try the 10 day fast after 6 months because if you do it at the beginning and then keep eating (even on the fast, it might come back if there is still a high number of cells).  If some of the cells died off because of the fast, then there are fewer to attack with the 10 day fast.  Then you're introducing a little food again, but restricted foods, and then maybe another fast at the end.

When I think about how the goal is to starve them off, I would say plan of attack is to first reduce the number and strength with the diet and 3 day fasts.  Then go for a big attack with a 10 day fast 6 months later.  Then return to the diet and maybe 3 months later, repeat a 10 day fast.  Return to diet and then maybe after 1 year, go for a 15-30 day fast.  I would say if this is tried and it still comes back, there is no other option but antibiotics, or more specifically fungicide IV.

You can fast for 30 days with water or herbal tea and it won't kill you (check with your doctor if you're immuno-compromised).  My Granny fasted for 30 days once.  She didn't die.  I was just reading that Paul and some men on a ship to Malta fasted for 14 days after the Day of Atonement and then on the 14th day he told them to take some bread and eat to keep up their strength.  Oh, and he also was visited by an angel that spoke to him (I think this would be grounds for kidnapping any children he has from him, don't you?  seeing and hearing things?)

In the book "Prescription for Healing" they recommend a monthly 3-day fast and an annual 10 day fast. They say the 3 day fast purifies the blood, a 5 day fast works on regeneration, and a 10 day fast puts the body's focus on healing specific injuries or problems. I think for something so stubborn as some yeast or mold, a 30 day fast might work to permanently kill off all of those bad cells.

It would be an entire month of starvation of these bad cells. I don't think they can live and struggle for survival for an entire month. Not even their offspring.  I would think after a year, fasting for less time would still be effective, maybe 15 days, but if you put in all that work to be on this extremely restrictive diet, I would not want it to go to waste but not giving it a good punch at the end.

If I did this, I would say, "I think I exhausted all my remedies now" and I would return to the vegan diet and then go in for an IV through a doctor.  I believe...if it's yeast, it can be killed that way, possibly, no matter what variant (I do not have typical women's yeast problems...nothing in the nether region at all).  If it's mold, it won't be killed by a fast I don't think unless other supplements are taken.  I think mold is harder to deal with.

1 comment:

  1. Christian Cabrera and Mykal Holt had a son in Wenatchee that they named Elijah Makarios on May 9, 2010.
