Monday, May 21, 2012

Michael Brotman Is A Liar--Shannon Borg--Kate Middleton's "Name"

I just got an email from Michael Brotman, an owner for a Seattle winery and the downtown pike market "Chocolate Box" and he claims this woman who has my belongings hasn't worked for them for over a year and he doesn't know where to find her.

This is a lie. 

The employee who worked for him is a wine reviewer.  She goes to all the tete-a-tetes (or whatever) and winerys and businesses and writes reviews about wine.  She publishes all the time, in Seattle papers and wine journals and other one that go outside of Seattle.  She worked at his wine business as well as the chocolate company, and he knows exactly where she is and where she can be found.

It's not like wine reviewers are a dime a dozen.  There are only a few of them in the area.

I have had my personal belongings gone through and shared with Kate Middleton.  The only time anyone could have accessed my photos or copied things over to her is when I was with Alvaro at Mykal Holt's house, or with this other employee from Seattle, whose former partner of many years is Canadian and also in the medical industry in Seattle.

Shannon Borg is the wine reviewer and she refused to respond when I emailed her from TN.  It was her own personal email address and she chose not to respond and she is holding my belongings.  She is turning out to be as corrupt as the rest.  She was with her partner from Canada for many years, 5 or 10 or something like that.  I met him.  Both she and this Canadian said they would keep my things for me, until I was able to pick them up.  Shannon emailed me after Kate Middleton announced her engagement and I was in TN.  She said where should she mail my things?  I said not there because I had no place for them there and I would let her know when I could pick things up.

Right after that, when she wanted to mail all of my personal things to me knowing there was no safe place to store them, I was put into the psych ward and injected with Haldol and drugged for over a week. 

After Kate was married, I started noticing she's wearing things and designs that are adapted from articles of clothing I had with Borg, and that I was photographed in in my personal photographs. 

This woman is not good.  I believe she's already had kids, but outside of her own country, by sending over egg and sperm to another woman to be the surrogate and raise the child in secrecy.  I know she is involved in some of the torture against my parents and that her mother is involved directly.  I also believe her father has used an Uzi and is violent, and that the entire family is connected to mafia that deals drugs.  The FBI also gave her files about ME when they refused, for over 7 years, to provide one single thing to me about my own record and knew it harmed my case for getting my son returned.  Queen Elizabeth overturned all laws preventing Catholics from taking the throne, and the entire country of England is in trouble.  They have some of the same infiltration and corruption problems that the U.S. has.  William never should have married into the Middletons.  What is nuts, is they married him to her while he was under a diagnosis of PTSD.  That is sheer stupidity and grounds for annulment right there.  The only reason he wouldn't leave her is if they had a kid from their DNA already, which I think happened and I think is a tragedy.   Before he was diagnosed with PTSD, they were talking about how he was taking medications for depression.  That was before he ever engaged with her.  So here's a depressed guy, making a proposal to a criminally connected woman that isn't good for anyone but maybe the former boyfriend she had.  I am absolutely positive she would have never stayed with William if he did not have a title.  I am positive.  She does not love him, she loves the power.  I have no idea why the royal family went along with her.  No clue.  She does not even give her actual name.  Her name isn't Catherine Elizabeth Middleton and it's not Kate.

I don't know what the deal is, but I've had several people confirm this is not her real name.  Which really makes no sense to me, because when did her parents have it changed? or was it done at birth? or how is this possible?  All I know, is that it came to me one day that this was not her real name and then a few other people (not parents) confirmed this to me.  How do you even possibly investigate something like that?

And I think I read a slogan with the article someone posted to me, about her being independent.  She has zero evidence of independence.  She worked at her parent's business and lived with Mom and Dad until she got married.  She never once started her own non-profit or business venture.  She didn't live on her own independently and she didn't work independently.  She's a dud that got money through a gang-chain.  Everything she has has been handed to her.  She worked for nothing ground-up.  I can't even see her cooking from scratch. If she does, it's the only thing she's ever done that was a "start-up".  Apparently, that is what the FBI likes--people who are dependent upon hand-outs.  They tried to make me look like trash when all I've ever done was strive independently and then reward wash-outs who take hand-outs from Mom and Dad, from the FBI, and now from the English government.  She's not a protestant christian in any sense of the word either.  She slept around as soon as she was in college and for all we know, started in high school.  It wasn't like she was preserving herself for marriage and that's why she lived with Mom and Dad. 


  1. Shannon works at the Doe Bay Café at the Doe Bay Resort and Retreat. This is on Doe Bay Resort and Retreat, Orcas Island.

  2. this is shannon borg's blog

    this is her old blog

  3. Shannon has a PhD in English Literature and Creative Writing from U of Houston. She graduated from BYU.

    You dropped out of Portland Community College and have literally failed out of your ONLINE EOU classes.

  4. To Anonymous about the blog--

    Thank you very much. I did write to her there and she refused to respond.

    It's starting to look really bizarre actually.

  5. To Anonymous about S.'s credentials:

    That's great.

    No, I did not drop out of PCC--I transfered to University when I had enough credits and my term at EOU is not even over.

  6. To Anonymous on Doe:

    Thank you. I will look into it.
