Monday, May 21, 2012

U.S. Sponsored Marriage Fraud: Alvaro Barbosa Pardo

The United States was sponsoring Alvaro Barbosa Pardo to commit marriage fraud, using ME to get him into the U.S. "easy".

All he talked about was getting his green card and how it would take too long to get it another way.  And he worked for the FBI.

I and my son were tortured and punished for not marrying him when they wanted me to, and attempted, by various means, to coerce, pressure, and force me to marry him.

The U.S. FBI and CIA are guilty of using citizens for their own dirty means, and continuing to abuse the rights of a child and his mother.  I am positive that this attempt to use me for getting Alvaro into the U.S. was sponsored by the FBI.  They knew about it.

While they tried to force me to marry him, they also attempted to keep me from correcting the record with regard to assaults perpetrated on me by CIA-connected employees, and prevented my access to any remedies and from following and obeying court orders.

I will testify against Alvaro Barbosa Pardo and anyone connected to him, to Congress, to public citizens, whomever, whenever I am called upon to testify.  The problem is that the U.S. is involved at the highest levels.

They tell all other immigration authorities, and citizens, and people from other countries, that marrying someone strictly to get someone into the U.S. is "marriage fraud".  It's punishable with 10 years of jail.  But this is how bad it has been for me and my son Oliver in this country--the U.S. handpicks, apparently, and chooses who they want in the U.S., and if they want that person to work for them or benefit their economy, they are as corrupt as Nigeria.  They made an exception for Alvaro and then when I was wanting to wait, because he had given me plenty of cause for doubt, the United States poisoned me, tortured me, withdrew all of my federal housing, prevented me from getting financial aid in time, tortured my son and then brought him into the state offices with evidence of torture, and used police officers and FBI to intimidate me, insult me, and defame me.

He always said I was a "good person" and I cannot say the same for his agency.

He held me hostage, dumped me off at a hotel and then surrounded me with police there, and he knew several other U.S. employees somehow.  A condition of our engagement, set by me, was that he did not cheat on me, and he violated this condition multiple times, even doing so in Wenatchee, WA, where everyone was watching.  He was soliciting phone numbers from women at dance clubs when he thought I wasn't looking.

I know he is connected to Chris Dabney and the Middletons.  He may know William of Wales because of his connection to working with FBI in Colombia, which William also did.  If it is true Alvaro and William know eachother, the U.S. was making preferential treatment for Alvaro out of dishonest "privilege".  THIS same country that puts people in prison for selling drugs, turns around and buys drugs from Afghanistan and Colombia.  And this same country that puts people in prison for marriage fraud, cherry-picks who they want in this country and gives them a free pass.  Knowing William of Wales would definitely explain why there has been all of the Australian and UK interest and why the U.S. would pander to others.

They used me.  The United States of America tortured me and my son and then they used me to do a big favor for others.  They didn't care about me, and they didn't care about my son.  If they had, they would not have again resorted to torturing us, made false accusations against me to put me in jail again, injected me with Haldol repeatedly for over a week and defamed me, drugged me, turned me away from their offices, and poisoned me to the point that my singing voice is permanently ruined.

Every single thing that the U.S. has done with regard to me and my son has reeked of corruption.

All this country did was try to retaliate against me and punish me for not marrying Alvaro.  And first, before they tried to use me as a pawn, they first attempted to put me in jail for marriage fraud by trying to set me up at the Maryland courthouse with an officer or agent there.  That man made every effort to get me to agree to marry some other man, but with a solid start-to-finish fraud aspect.  Alvaro knew about it.  What most likely happened is that after stalling me on court matters, and knowing my chance to appeal to Hague Committees was over, he found someone else, and wanted to marry them instead or someone in the U.S. presented a different option to him.  That done, they wanted to dispose of me and discredit me by trying to put me in prison for marriage fraud while the U.S. went ahead with their own marriage fraud schemes.

They plotted to kill me later. 

Alvaro told me he didn't want to work to get into the U.S. because it would take too many years, and he didn't want to join the U.S. military, and he didn't want to move to Canada.  He wanted to marry me and at the same time was telling me maybe it was good for me to not have my son because there are some things that are too dangerous for kids.  I guess that "danger" is this country. 

When I told him I needed more time before rushing to marriage, where my reasons were not for fraud, he left.  He did not just leave the house for a few days.  He went to the FBI in Seattle with his shaved pubic hair and then called me later to say he was back in D.C.

After this, Catholics, military, and other U.S. employees immediately punished me and tried to pressure me to agree to marry him or ask him to come back or go to him in D.C.  He told me he could fly me back and forth from Wenatchee to D.C.  I never asked him for anything, and I never agreed to his ideas.  When the FBI and U.S. didn't get the response they were hoping for, from me, they put me through 3 years of degradation, humilitation, defamation, and had me injected with Haldol and forced me to take Haldol tablets for over a week, then injected me with a foreign substance in Knoxville, TN and caged me to be under observation for experimental research.

When I was with their government person, the U.S. suddenly decided to contact all government channels to set me up for a 14 day psychological evaluation to clear my name and return my son (presumably) to me.  When I did not marry him when they wanted, they immediately withdrew all funding for this, and then stalled for one year, cancelling psychologist after psychologist on me, to keep me from getting my son.  They hoped the entire time I would get desperate enough to call up Alvaro and marry him.

I am not a "desperate woman".

Let that be clear.

I let them torture me to the point of almost killing me, torture my own son and mock me to my face, and went without housing; I had all of my property and belongings stolen from me, and every promise they made was broken and I still not make that "let's get back together" call.

Why not?

Because he is a dirty U.S. FBI and CIA employee.  Because he tried to hold me hostage.  Because he forced me to kiss him when I said I didn't want to.  Because he lied and cheated on me to my humiliation.  Because he colluded with mafia to steal from me and when my underwear went missing from our room, there is no reason why he was not the person responsible.  Because he called me up and tried to get me to "talk dirty" to him over the phone, when he knew it was over, just to have something to share with others and humiliate me with.  Because he attempted to find out who the biological father of my son was so he could pass this information onto the Mexican Mafia.  Because he kept me from visiting the land mines archives in D.C.  Because at our engagement party, the only present we received was a box of silverware from one of his lovers, after I had made a blog post about "how to eat a heart".  Because his pals came to my bed when I was in my room and tried to pressure me to marry him right away.  Because he deliberately attempted to keep me out of work, and out of any kind of money, to make me 100% dependent upon him for everything when the Wenatchee CPS and FBI colluded to not give me airfare to go back and impeded my freedom of travel.  Because when we visited my Uncle and son at their property, the person ratting on me for even being near the property (when I didn't go on it) was my own fiance and he had nodded to an undercover officer on the way up to their house and smirked.  Because he drugged and medicated me while I was with him, with an anti-yeast medication and birth control, without my consent.

The United States made an appearance of returning my son to me.  But they broke all of their promises and then they tortured both me and my son.  Since he is connected to U.S. government, and Catholics, all of the Catholics and other government workers worked together to harm me after this.

Attorney General Anne McIntosh, whose son in law is a Wenatchee Captain for Police, had promised to increase visits with my son.  The minute Alvaro was gone, she broke her promise and was hostile to me.  Then they put in Catholic and military person after the other, to cover for them.  They colluded with public defenders to keep my information out of the record.  My housing money, for just getting an apartment since I was forced to live in that town, was stalled.  Then they gave me 3 months in a house where I was tortured and drugged.  After this, they withdraw my entire allowance for federal housing, which meant I was homeless.

They knew they were making me homeless at that point.  And by the time they did this, Alvaro had already called me up and said "Maybe you ARE crazy" and "It's too late".  When it was "too late", the United States then felt my value to them as a pawn was zero and that I was a liability instead.  So they pushed me out of housing to make me homeless.  Then they got the ball rolling on selling me out to military and doing an I.Q. test (which they lied on while scoring), a CT head exam (which was unnecessary and none of their business) and got a psychologist to say I was mentally ill and paranoid schitzophrenic.  Right after they got this from psychologist Lucretia Krebs, they then tortured me in Seattle, mocked me, and I lost my singing voice to poisoning.  I was mocked by Seattle U.S. Marshalls, by the Seattle Police, and by the Seattle FBI that was just doors away from where I was.

He sold me out and so did his friends.  Judge Hotchkiss knew all about what was going on, and so did Anne McIntosh.  They are all connected to the same U.S. Justice System that the U.S. wanted Alvaro Pardo to be part of.

They literally tortured my son, and tortured my parents and me, and then they have even gone so far as to block my right to Petition for Habeas Corpus.

It's federal, in the sense that the U.S. Federal Government is responsible for the kidnapping of my son and for defaming me in internal records and conspiring to have me asssaulted at a psych ward with drugs.  And it's international in the sense that both Jewish and Catholics were involved in this "operation" of punishing me.

Here is the absolutely shocking part:  the U.S. held me hostage and tried to force me to marry Alvaro Pardo.  Then when I didn't, they tortured me and my son again.  After defaming me and injecting me with foreign substances, they had the nerve to think I might "work for them".



"Let me rape you and your son repeatedly and then, hey, do you want to choose to have sex with me and will you marry me?"  ("maybe if we rape her enough times, she'll start to think it's no big deal")

"No one wants you anymore Cameo.  Look at you.  You have no job.  No college degree.  No life.  No friends.  No property or belongings.  You're old.  You're homeless.  No one wants you.  But we can give you a job if you want to work with us.  So you choose now sweetie, what's it gonna be?  You work for the same country that abused you and your son and tortured you and poisoned and raped you? or you apply for disability and get some nice state healthcare so we can bump you off for good?"

First they tortured me and my son and kidnapped him from me.  Then they tried to kill me in a bus trip to Wenatchee to visit my son.  Then in MD and D.C. they killed my unborn child.  Then they tried to put me in prison for marriage fraud by attempting to set me up.  Then they tried to use me as a pawn.  Then they assaulted me and called me crazy because...uh, yeah, they um, used me as a pawn.  Then they incited hatred against me and hoped someone would kill me, anyone.  Then when they couldn't pressure me to marry Alvaro, knowing it wouldn't look good for him to remarry someone else instead of me, they tried to force me.

If they couldn't get me to marry Alvaro and they wanted it done "now", after all that, they couldn't have him marry someone else right away because it would look "suspicious" when he is not a citizen.  So they didn't want to wait or felt they couldn't wait, and tried to force me to marry him anyway, knowing if he married someone else, they would have to wait and it would take more time to develop a "story" of how they met and fell in love and he got over me and married someone else.

When they knew I wasn't marrying him and it was "too late", or the Middletons were involved, I guess in figuring out how to have an invitro of a baby abroad with a surrogate and other things, I was dumped hard.

After that point, I was nothing but "waste" to discard and smear because they couldn't afford to have my testimony of what the United States has conspired to do, working against THEM.

So they put me in jail on false arrest, stole ALL of my belongings and had police pilfer through all of it, police stole and erased evidence I had made, and then they immediately began reducing visitation time with my son, even though I was "cooperating" with them by following all court orders when they knew all of it was a fraud to begin with.  They stole my son from me and tried to kill me and ruin my mind.

That's how great the CIA is.  And that's how great the FBI is to work with.  Oh, they did ask me if Alvaro ever assaulted me, because to pass a screen for FBI employment, there can't be any form of domestic abuse or anything.

This country is totally corrupt and when they broke all their promises, they then dumped on me and my son and obstructed justice to keep me from having him returned.

They are guilty of conspiracy on a number of levels.  There is also no doubt that some party in the UK was involved.

My son is going to be returned to me, and must be returned to me.  I will take it to whatever level I have to take it, and expose whomever I have to expose for corruption.  I've already given an entire list of corrupt Judges who committed obstruction of justice.  I sent that list to the Washington Judicial Committee at the same time I sent it to the FBI and it has been a month and I've not had a response from anyone there.

I wonder what the delay is.

My son's name is not Oliver Avila.  It's Oliver Garrett.  He is not supposed to have any SSI number and this was illegally obtained.  The U.S. federal government is responsible for torturing me and then colluding with local and state officials to kidnap him, collude with Canada, and violate international treaties.

The FBI is the responsible party for forcing my mother to agree or not agree to follow through on promises.  They are directly responsible for harassment of me and broken promises and crime.  They forced me into forced labor at Logan's with a bunch of Catholic government employees in TN, had my bank accounts shut down without cause, and did every possible dirty thing there is to do.

The reason torture quit when I was with Alvaro is because he works with the federal government.  My son and I were tortured at the hands of federal government and they only stopped when they thought I was going to do them a favor and get their employee into legal immigration status faster.  They not only quit torturing me, they medicated me without my consent when I was with him.  They had me on an anti-yeast medication that cleared up the rash I have unless it's treated, and had me on birth control knowing I am opposed to birth control.  I only use condom (which I used everytime with him, or would with anyone, even when he didn't want to).  I am against the pill and any other form of birth control because it ruins women's bodies.  I don't put my own body through that and I would never consent to it.  So they did it anyway.  They had me medicated.

The torture resumed when I broke up with him because it is all federally sponsored torture.  If I wasn't doing the U.S. a favor to get "Big Dog" in the house, they were torturing me and my son.

I want Alvaro Pardo in jail.  Along with the rest of the U.S. that colluded to torture me only unless I married him.

Prison.  I want the top men who are responsible for torturing me and taking my son in prison.


  1. You're saying that your IQ tests results are inaccurate because you think you're very smart - LOL, oh schizophrenic Cameo, you're FUNNY but not intellectually gifted in any way!

  2. Anonymous,

    Thank you for expressing your opinion joyfully.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The comment removed above was a reprint of my response.
