Sunday, May 20, 2012

Parents Used To Obstruct Appeal for My Son

My parents were forced to obstruct me or keep me from even making an appeal for my son.

This country kept me out of college, and stalled deliberately through all federal channels, to keep my son for use by the U.S. military.  I had my financial aid held up and stalled with excuse after excuse until they knew the time for appeal had expired.  Then they decided to grant my financial aid money that was due almost 6 months earlier.

My parents are now free to print out any papers for me.  Which is remarkable, because they were forced not to print any paper out for me before I was in college and while the appeals for my son were active.

Judge Wasson and Christine Gregoire are criminals, in my opinion.  I heard Wasson trying to intimidate my mother over the phone.

Not one time were they allowed to print anything out for me and they all knew I had no money.  Now, since the appeals, my parents are free to print out any paper I need practically.

They were being tortured by Patty Otterbach, Debbie Sweetwater-Burt, and Kathy.  My Mom was.  I am sure the "Hayes" woman was not far behind them. 

Doesn't anyone think that's odd?  Not one paper printed out for my appeal for my son.  But whatever I need, printed out after he's adopted away from me and appeals are almost completely over and there is no hope to appeal further because the Koch firm kept all evidence for a normal appeal out of the record.  It wasn't my Mom and Dad keeping me from filing anything.  It was my mother's boss, and some group my Dad has to deal with.  They even had my mother repeatedly harassing me, not because she wanted to, but because they demanded the reaction.  They told her to agree to print things out and then refuse, over and over and over.  And everytime I asked, my mother looked like I was asking her to hang herself or volunteer herself to be poisoned or raped.

Now, no big deal.  I need a paper?  Just ask.  No false promises, no withholding, no obstruction.  My parents have been blackmailed and intimidated into cooperating with criminal military and Judges.


  1. If you can't figure out a way to purchase paper and/or print a document, how would you ever be able to afford to care for your son? I mean, how long is an appeal? Fifty pages? One hundred pages? Here are some suggestions: get a job. Move out of your parents' house and support yourself. Stop whining so much. Quit making up crap. Take an anti-psychotic or two. Grow up.

  2. Hello.

    How would you like to be run into the ground and the victim of plotted assassination between Eastern Indians and the U.S.?

  3. After taking that one in, how would you like to be run out of business by obstruction of justice from Judge after Judge that worked with corrupt FBI and defamed me to all police (some who are corrupt and a few who are not and had no choice but to believe what they read). Then get forced out of college and obstructed from going back for 7 years. Then have someone torture you after you have your only child, and then kidnap that child while you are still recovering from childbirth injuries the entire State was in denial over, and then try to heal without any insurance or painkillers. Then be defamed in Canada and set up for a false arrest. After you've been in jail for about 2 false arrest and a forced and coerced guilty signature, then be obstructed from travel unless you marry the man the U.S. wants to work for them. After you break free of that, and hope to do nothing but liberate yourself and son, and WORK, try being turned down from every single business owner in Wenatchee in a 20 mile radius. After you discover the history of torture and use of children for illegal purposes in Wenatchee, then apply for housing and have the federal government and Seattle people tell Wenatchee to take it away from you.

    While forced to be homeless, as everyone waits with stinking bated breath for me to make that phone call asking for the fiance to come back or save me (which I never made, in 3 years time), then be forced to live with U.S. military that works for the Middletons, not the citizens of the U.S. After they degrade and torture you and everyone knows about it, have a lawyer you go to, trying to plead for help to get the federal housing back until work is found (by the way, I couldn't work in that area and they knew it and trapped me there saying if I left, they'd charge me with "abandonment" of my own son), have this lawyer and his FBI computer friend or someone from the FBI find out about your interest in being a surrogate.

    When the surrogate agency asks you, by email, if you would rather donate eggs for $4,000, then have the only lawyer who might help, tell you he will get your housing back for you, if you give him $4,000 first.

    No housing from the federal government, when they ruined my life, tried to kill me, and extorted me after torturing me and my son, unless I provide the FBI with some eggs.

    I guess that's because the FBI has a lot of infertile folks and think that while they twist your arm as they push your face into the ground, they can take a hand and reach into your vagina to pull out the golden egg for their own use.

    After this, have them collude to assault you in jail and use you for experimentation.

    How much money do you have?


    I could have had a lot of money. In fact, I thought it rather strange that my fiance didn't want to live in Wenatchee or said he couldn't, and made no effort to support me financially there, but told me he would fly me back and forth from Washington D.C. to Wenatchee several times a month, if I would rejoin him on the East Coast and then see my son this way.

    I never took his offer.

    The United States is guilty of extortion.

    They are guilty of attempted murder, assault, extortion, obstruction of justice, and defamation of my character.

    From age 16-30 I had a job. I also lived on my own from the age of 18. I am not Kate Middleton.

    When I moved to be close to my parents, it's not in their house, and it's for safety because we've been assaulted and tortured.

    The FBI forced my mother to refuse to print anything out for me, just as they colluded to take my federal housing from me and then

  4. tried to extort my eggs from me and force me to marry their employee. They know exactly why I haven't had any money.

    I was obstructed from justice on every chance to appeal. Every single one. They tortured my parents if they did not comply with their orders. I was returning bottles for 5 cent refunds because of this country.

    I am not getting a job. I am going to college right now, I started a non-profit where I have already created my own job, and I do not need to leave my parent's house.

    If we all left together, I could leave. I am going to the UN but if they wonder why I don't leave, it's because the rest of my family is tortured and they need to be safe and acknowleged.

    I will whine whenever I please, I do not "make" anything up unless it's creative art or songs, and I take zero medications.

    Stand down soldier.

  5. You are barely in school. Apparently taking computer classes and in conflict with the school. You can't succeed in school. You can't get a job. You can't have your own place. UNLESS you treat your schizophrenia. Without psychiatric help, you will NOT get anywhere.

  6. Dear Anon You Are Barely:

    Here's the truth--if my parents are twins, do you think that's a big deal? Let's say the U.S. has been using religious haters in government intelligence to exploit them and use them without their voluntary consent and blackmails them with further torture and exposure.

    My parents have been in-and-out of the house my entire life, making the switch. One set of twins one week, another set the next.

    I noticed they were different when I was just a kid, and I did't have "paranoia" then. I noticed their eyes were not the same color and did not have the same marks. I noticed other things too.

    Then, the FBI and U.S. blocked me from seeing my own Mom and Dad for over 7 years while they allowed and endorsed torture of us the entire time and kidnapped my son. Since I've been back, I have seen one "Dicksie" with a haircut that the other "Dicksie" doesn't have. Different boob sizes. Different face shapes and eye shapes even if very close. A knife cut on one cheek and then Patty Otterbach kidnaps her away to "Roseburg" supposedly, to switch her out with the other one and my Mom comes back with glassy eyes, and in shock and shaking. Maybe, because she thinks I am starting to discover the truth.

    Guess what. If that IS the truth, don't you think some in the U.S. would try to kill me over it? and don't you think some haters have felt they get a free pass to torture all of us? My parents are blackmailed.

    "If you don't do this, we'll tell..." "If you don't do this, we'll tell about what we forced you to do and you'll get killed..." "If you don't do this, we'll torture you even worse and no one will EVER believe any of you."

    Where do they take the spare set of twins to? Cuba? to Guantanamo confines in the U.S.?

    My entire life I have been raised by a set of TWINS?

    And the U.S. is LYING About MY WHOLE LIFE and KIDNAPPED MY SON from me, KNOWING we've been tortured. The military is a bunch of Nazi's and they use criminals in the Dept. of Energy to torture us from a distance.

    They stole my son from me hoping they could crank him out to be like my Mom and/or Dad.

    And they "need" me to be mentally ill, because they have no excuse for the crimes they're guilty of committing.

  7. Do you know how relieved and hopeful they were when I first made my UN petition, alleging my parents were being forced into labor for the U.S. and were basically hostages? It's just like the CIA taking the Iranian man and trying to make all outward appearances look normal. They've been doing this with my parents, and using the FBI to back them up, and it's been going on for decades.

    We are being tortured and it's our own country that tortures us. My parents don't even feel free to leave this country.

    I have one "Bob Garrett" with a broad face and one with a narrower chin. One with one kind of eyes and then another with other eyes.

    They are twins.

    And at least one of the Dicksie's has chrome sores or something that looks like injection marks directly positioned over larger veins in her feet.

    CIA-style torture.

