Sunday, May 20, 2012

My Business Ideas (and goals)

Last night I came up with 3 ideas for business and then I'm thinking still about career, or what direction with majors.  I am pretty decided on a dual major of at least English and Biology.  I already was working at English Lit with an environmental science minor but I am contemplating both law and medicine still.  I am still not very interested in being a nurse as much as being a doctor and lawyer.  Which may sound late, but that's what I'm interested in and I've actually always been interested in these fields.  I am sort of thinking of geriatrics in the sense that I would like to be the cocoon doctor where anyone feeling older feels life is forever.  It doesn't seem glamorous, but I like the idea of working with wise people, and older people have a lot of wisdom.  I also think I want to know how to do some stitching, just in case, and have wondered about surgery.  I usually run from the idea of any kind of gore, but if I displace my mind and focus on lines and structures, surgery is somewhat artistic.  I don't know if I have the best and most steady and artistic hand for it, but it comes to mind now and then.  I think surgeons, good ones, need a combination of education, and then a good hand and eye, and sound judgment (how much is too much).  I have not abandoned my love of law and legal things though either.

My first business idea is the non-profit, "Six", for legal advocacy to Pro Se persons.

My second idea is for a "No-T.V. nanny agency" that has a social mission as well as a win-win idea for the agent, nanny, and parents and kids.  It is to employ not only non-criminal nannies but to rehabilitate petty criminal offenders as nannies.  Each person would have their criminal file fully examined, and the parents would know what it is, and then the idea is that they've paid their dues, and time, and some of them are still caring and kind enough to want to work with kids and play with them.  I would have a tax break by employing former prisoners, and it would restore the credibility of former prisoners by giving them a chance to reintegrate into society.  The parents would be good stewards and socially conscious and would want excellent nannies and at affordable costs.  I am also thinking of ways for those with even $30,000 a year (poverty or low-income level) to afford a nanny.  I feel the research shows kids are better off with one devoted caregiver than in daycares, usually.  So I am thinking about this.  I would look into contracting the nannies out.  So I would be their employer basically, and I would provide nanny tax service for the parents so they don't have to do it, insurance to the nannies at some point, and I would ask the nannies to keep a short log of activities of what the child enjoys and what they did that day, to be given as a kind of report card to the parents. The children also get to rate the nannies.  The other agreement is that they will not use television, at any time, to entertain the children, but will come up with other ideas.  I would place nannies with petty criminal backgrounds with probably just the kids that can talk already, so they are able to give their opinions.  And I would still look for a background in working with children in some capacity before I called them professionals.

And then my third idea is for small organic farming and tincture and setting up a very small farmer's market for 3 years and then apply for a U.S. farm loan after establishing I can grow crops.  I know how to garden and have done it in the past, and worked in gardens as a kid (an acre of garden), and I'm sure I can do it again if I structure time correctly.  The Baird Brothers are extremely successful orchardists and I have something of a scientific or business sense as well.  I also enjoy organic produce and herbs and things.  I think I would keep the tinctures to just one, since I would regulate it as well and it would involve alcohol (milk thistle tincture), but maybe I would experiment with other ideas if I had time.  I would also like to set up with whatever system it is that allows for food to be bought through food stamps.  Not just their vouchers for organic markets, but where I can take the food stamp card.  My first idea for a name for this business is "Organic For All".  Like, Justice For All.

To do all three, and keep it simple, and organized, I would have one flat rate for all nannies.  So the calculations would all be the same, unless I decide to have a 2 tier system with something staggered for the lower income parents and then higher income parents.  Lower income parents can get state subsidies for childcare, but I would rather find other ways to keep costs lower.  Still thinking about it.  I've always had the nanny agency idea but I've been obstructed from justice in so many ways, it's made it impossible.  Most of the obstruction was in trying to keep ME from being a nanny or working with children, so the U.S. government and their criminals could keep my son from me and conceal the truth of his kidnapping and still-current hostage situation.  And my idea about sort of being a temp agency is not new because I was trying to find jobs for unemployed hispanic workers in construction when I was in MD.  So nothing is new or impulsive.  It's all ideas I've always had.

All of my business ideas have a social and legal element to them.  But the only one I would mark as non-profit would be the legal advocacy for Pro Se persons.  The others would be socially conscious business ventures.

This one man recently told me it's more profitable to have just one business, because at one time he had many, and I agree with him to some extent, but it is still a good idea to see which one takes off.  I would work most at "Six".  Then, in the background, do a little organic growing, and think of how to set up a nanny agency.  By keeping one rate for all the nannies, it will simplify my accounting and books so I can devote time to "Six".

And I am still making demands for the return of my son Oliver Garrett.

The U.S. fraudulently abducted him, assigned him a social security number when they had no legal right to do so (at the time they did it), and knowing it was against my wishes, and then adopted him out with a different name, changing it to "Avila".  That's not his name.  It's a nice cover for corruption, but it's not his name, and the entire case is sham.

Anyway, Six would level the legal field and introduce new and healthy (and NEEDED) civil rights competition to the justice system.  This is good for the country and for all citizens.  The nanny business would not automatically write-off petty criminals and provides needed jobs and needed services as well, with the goal of happy children in mind, who have fun.  And the farming is a way for me to do something I already have an interest in, but take it to a more profitable level and hopefully acquire a house in the country with rural land for organic produce, even if it's small-scale.  This provides good quality of food to others, which I would like to make available to expectant mothers, children, and the poor.

I also believe that my son, now 6 years old, should be engaged in learning banking basics and coming up with a business idea and receiving the monetary reward for that.  I think it would be fun for him and educational and there should never be any age-discrimination against entrepreuners.

How I then get a law degree and involve in medicine too, haven't fully worked out, but right now it's just getting the undergrad degree.

For language, I started with college French and I'm going to finish the required college French.  I might have to repeat the first year though.  If I add something else, personally, I would like to know Danish.  I want to know Danish because if I continue to be tortured, it's one place that is mainly Lutheran, all the way to their government and religious hate crime at least would not be a problem.  And then if I'm looking at rare languages, I would choose Farsi over Arabic and still have an interest in Chinese.  Chinese is good for business (everything seems to be made there) and I like Chinese medicine and food, and some of their fairytales/poetry is beautiful, like the Japanese art and gardens are beautiful.   I know some Spanish, which could be refined, and I eat like a Mexican a lot of times (I would never be unsatisfied with daily mexican food..except now that I'm vegan, that's a challenge), and I like authentic Italian food and other kinds.  But I don't want to learn grammatical Spanish right now.  At some point, yes, but not at this moment. Farsi is limited to Iran (Persia) and I've considered Arabic but at the time I thought about Farsi, I was compelled by the idea of their poetry.  With Arabic, it would be more widely understood but not sure if that's what I'd take.  I expressed interest at one time and this Arabic man said to me, "You can't learn Arabic--you're a woman and it's too hard."  I think he felt it was sort of a religious thing too, because some study religious law while learning Arabic.  Sign language is good for discreet communications, especially in a world where everything is under surveillance.  It is possibly the only way to go, because bugs, taps, audio surveillance is not difficult to acheive.  Someone would have to have a hidden camera in your house to discover what you're signing and that takes a little more work to plant.  It is probably good to have at least a very basic knowledge of some sign language, if you're someone who values privacy and have had that privacy intruded upon.  I would personally recommend, if I were an advisor, taking at least one year of sign language to anyone who needs additionally privacy.  You could write to eachother, but in some cases signing would be easier, if you don't have paper, are in unfamiliar locations--that kind of thing.

The other thing I'm doing, I think, is not taking state-sponsored healthcare.  I got selected through a "lottery" for state healthcare, where there is a waitlist, and I'm not going to do it.  My Dad said, "When is the last time you saw a dentist?" and I said, "I'm not going to a dentist in this country where they torture me, just so they can degrade me further and get a peek into my mouth to laugh about what they've done to me.  They used military technology to blast a hole into one of my teeth, and I was in excruciating pain while they did it, to my whole head and teeth, and then they sent you a video clip about the "dam blast" the day after."  My Dad said, "What are you talking about?"and I said "I came into the house and looked around at your computer to see what you were looking at and someone had sent you a link to a hole being blasted in a dam the day after the DOD used military to torture me and blast out a part of my tooth.  I am not going to a dentist so they can get their jollies, and I'm not going to have someone fill it in either, when I can go to another country and point to this as evidence of torture."  So they said "So you're just going to let your teeth rot?" and I said "yes" and I highly doubt they will rot either.  I am preserving my evidence and the evidence of the mockery then displayed on my Dad's laptop.

I am also not going to a U.S. medical facility for myself, when they have illegally injected me with substances and just want to track what horrific things they've done.  I am giving them no opportunity to plot how to assassinate me, poison me, inject me with toxins and trash, and monitor my blood, which they have sent back to Virginia in the past, while trying to call me crazy.  They will have no further access to my body.  They refused to allow me to even find out what my own son was injected with, all the way to the health department.  I'm fine with being a doctor for others here, but if I want medical care, it won't be here.  EVER.  Not unless I'm in an accident.  And I don't need the FBI to tell me to go get healthcare when they are responsible for encouraging illegal injections into my body, concealing torture, and refusing to investigate the crimes of others while defaming me.

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