Sunday, May 20, 2012

Please Monitor Pam and Keith Lewis

(CORRECTION:  the girl's name is "Grace" except for the comment about the shoes being 'datable' and that is her older sister "Malaylia")

I am asking someone to please watch Pam and Keith Lewis. 

They go to the Coquille Community Church.  They are getting ready for church now and I worry about my parents every Sunday they go to church.  She works at the Coquille hospital as a nurse and I don't know where he works.

I believe they have committed crimes and I need to have them tracked, observed, and followed.  Pam Lewis uses sign language for discreetly communicating and while she uses this in church, which appears to be a good thing, I believe she uses it to communicate illegal activity.  She is also a nurse at the hospital and is friends with a doctor from Argentina who I had a bad feeling about.  Those women sat behind me at a worship service and used torture and Carla Anatole made it clear she disliked me.  She showed up to harass me and no other reason--it wasn't for "worship".  Then, out of all the doctors I saw, she was one who tried to create a bad record against me, making an issue about something that wasn't an issue.

Pam Lewis expressed barely concealed displeasure when I first showed up with my parents at church.  It was the look of someone who resented my being there and wasn't happy about it because possibly, now that I know they commit and encourage crimes, they didn't want me to talk about it.  The first dinner I went to here was at the Lewis' house and they used torture on my mother there and it was Pam that was sitting next to my Mom.  My mother had unusual back pain after the dinner, like from results of ultrasound, and I experienced burning or something while there at that house.

Keith is violent.  He did not say one single word when I met him but glared at me.  He's an enormous man, and seems to be extraordinarily passive-aggressive.  He is passive-aggressive to the extreme.  One hour he's quiet the entire time, not saying one word, and the next hour he is unleasing sarcastic after scathing and denigrating comment, including thinly veiled death threats and talk about violence.

They adopted two kids, another seeming "good" thing, but they've used these kids they picked out, to corrupt them and to encourage them to degrade others, commit crimes, and engage in psychic practices.

When this new "pastor" came to town, the one with 20 years military background, I knew something was wrong.  I then went to church after knowing this, and found Pam Lewis sidling up to him.  If Pam Lewis is aligning with this pastor, it only confirms that both are corrupt and violent and both are comfortable with eachother because of a common interest in torture and abuse of others.  This pastor is not a Protestant christian.  He says he is, and went to such colleges, but he is not.

These kids that the Lewis' adopted have displayed the most grotesque behavior that I have ever witnessed, in my entire life.  I have been around tons of teenagers in my life, even working as a camp youth counselor and for church youth groups for high school.  I have never witnessed the kind of degrading criminal sexual harassment from any kid that I have directly witnessed with the Lewis' daughters and the Lewis' and a few other adults encourage it.  It has been directed to my Dad, to degrade him.

You don't have to be over the age of 18 to sexually harass someone, to a criminal level.  Mehalie has done this to my Dad.  I did not witness her other sister doing this, but she has watched as have adults, and both of them are used for psychic work.  The times I have witnessed Mehalie sexually harassing my Dad, her parents were in the same room, and other adults encouraged it.  One adult who sort of "got off" on it, and was smirking while watching, is Rosemary's husband, the one who works in the police department here.  I watched my Dad being specifically sexually harassed by Mehaylie, and others were observing but I saw Rosemary's husband sitting on the hearth by the fireplace, watching with slitted eyes and a totally evil smug and smirking look on his face.

Not once did my Dad ever respond to her with anything flirtaceous in return.  He was embarressed, humilitated, and seemed unable to defend himself with these other conspiring adults around.Mehalie is 16 years old and she should be in jail. Her parents should be there with her.

At the first dinner I was at in this town, at the Lewis' house, Mehalie told her sister to sit next to my Dad so they could make "an oreo".  Which wouldn't be a big deal if her context wasn't sexual.  Then they squished their bodies against my Dad.  The next time was when she got sexually explict.  She made several sexually explicit comments to my Dad, parading around him suggestively, touched him repeatedly when he did nothing in kind, and then degraded him further by putting a plate on top of his head and leaving it there.  I don't know what was happening under the table, because I wasn't looking, but they were squished up in their chairs next to my Dad and had their hands under the table at some point and my Dad was turning red and looked like he was about to cry.  He was acting like a victim.  I was so shocked by the things she said this day, that I wrote about her in my blog. 

After Pam Lewis became friends with this new pastor, they decided to tell my Dad to lead the youth group, which includes Mehalie.  I could tell he didn't want to do it and was being coerced.  They steal my son from us and torture him, and then set my Dad up for further sexual harassment and humiliation around Mehalie.  My Dad was coming back from these trips looking like he was in shock.  On one occasion he had to take them to a concert and I had a horrific, very bad feeling that something was wrong and something very bad was happening to my Dad.  I kept asking my Mom, "Where's Dad?  Where is he?" because it was then night and it got worse.  My mother said he was taking the youth to a concert.  I was shocked to hear it was such an innocent thing he was doing, because of the level of evil I sensed.  Then I rushed out to the car when my Dad was finally home and he didn't want to talk, and he was in shock, and in a bad mood.  The bad feeling left when he was back home or a little before he got home.  I am very sure something was going on.  This pastor and Pam and Keith Lewis set my Dad up to be around Mehalie more often, for purposes of degrading him and allowing him to be sexually harassed, and I do believe there is possible sexual assault involved.  When you see how huge Keith Lewis is, who is monster-size, you realize why maybe my Dad doesn't feel like he can protest.  First of all, it's harder for men to object or publicly protest if they are sexually harassed or assaulted.  Secondly, her Dad is encouraging this and he's about 6'3", and 300 lbs of some muscle and and a little fat.  He's extremely stocky and very mean.  Then, I observed this police-connected guy who is husband to Rosemary.  He was looking in with enjoyment.  And then there was some guy named "Sparky" who acted nice but I don't think he is, because he also watched this happen and worse was occuring when I was in the other room.

This morning I went to see my parents before church and my Dad was putting on shoes and commenting about them.  They are "Polo" shoes.  The Lewis', by the way, have connections to Tennessee and the Logan's I worked at where they tortured me.  I already wrote about the blond woman who came up to me to harass me spitefully. So my Dad said this morning, "I wonder if Mehalie will like these" in a not-caring what she thinks but casual comment.  Before he even said this, he was starting to cry.  I saw these tears in his eyes and didn't know why.  Then he says this, with Mehalie coming to mind next.  He said nothing about why he had tears coming to his eyes, but he looked miserable and then the next thought he voiced was about Mehalie.  These shoes are not even shoes my Dad would choose for himself, but anyway, then he went to the other room and brought out other shoes and showed me and said, "I was wearing these and Mehalie said I wasn't 'datable'."  I said "What do you mean you're not datable?"  My Dad said, "I told her I wasn't looking for a date."

I said, "I don't like those girls.  They are corrupt and their parents adopted them to corrupt them.  I have seen Mehalie sexually harass you several times."  My Dad said, "They're 16 and 17 years old." But he was sort of half-heartedly saying this and I said, "It doesn't matter how old you are.  You can be under the age of 18 and be guilty of sexual harassment."

I think their parents and the adults have used her, to try to make my Dad look or feel he will be looked at as wimpy or something if he mentions it to anyone. So they use their own daughters to degrade him.  It's like what the women guards did to Guantanamo prisoners.  They are applying the exact same tactics to my own Dad.

Mehalie has criminally sexually harassed my Dad, and adults watched and encouraged this, including her own parents, to intimidate and degrade my Dad.  Her sister is also involved but she is more discreet.  I saw her sister looking extremely mean and vicious while sitting next to my Dad, and then deliberately altering her expression when I walked into the room. 
If you want to catch criminals who have been getting away with a number of crimes, some less obvious, keep an eye on them.  The problem is, she uses sign language to convey half of her plans.


  1. You need to take this blog post down. It's very nasty and filled with lies.

  2. This is Cameo Loree Garrett. I swear I am over the age of 18, a resident of Coos County, and that I am competent to make this declaration and sworn statement:

    It is true what I have written about Mahalia Lewis and what I observed. I would not alter any word of it and would make this same statement in court, in support of evidence of crime.

    I did not make this statement out of another motive. I have no reason to arbitrarily dislike any member of their family but for the reasons they have provided through their conduct.

    I swear this is the truth to the best of my ability and belief and know that it may be used in a court of law, subject to penalty for perjury.

    Cameo L. Garrett
    aka "MAMA"
    (Oliver Garrett's mother)
