Sunday, May 27, 2012

My Dream About Escaping Psych Ward

I had a dream last night that I escaped being falsely thrown into a psych ward with my son Oliver.  Oliver was with me the whole time. 

They put us into a psych ward and locked us up and I had my son in my arms.  Someone left the door open and I hesitated, wondering if they'd catch me and we'd be worse off, and then I ran for it.   With Oliver in my arms, I ran and ran and no one was behind me because they didn't know yet.  Then I found a place to hide with him and then all of a sudden, in the dream, he wasn't with me.  I was making a phone call from someone's house to my parents and family and trying to let them know where I was, but my son wasn't there.

I ran for it wearing only a green towel.  I had one large solid green bath towel around myself, and I worried I'd lose the towel and that I didn't have enough on.

But I ran anyways, because it was dangerous and they were plotting horrific things.   All through the dream I was wearing only a green bath towel but it never fell off.  I just remember noticing my son wasn't there but we had still escaped the psych ward.

That's all I remember about the dream.

I think it symbolizes my flight from Wenatchee and Washington when they were torturing me and my son and plotting to use this as an excuse to throw me into a psych ward at Eastern and abduct my son from me that way.  In the same way that I fled for safety wearing only a green towel, I left this country with only a few greenbacks, and an intention to file for political asylum.

I protected my son, and myself, and I am still the person who knows what is best for my son.

I expect to have him returned to me and the longer the FBI drags their heels, the worse it will be in the long-run.


  1. Cameo, you should be dreaming about STAYING in the psych ward.

  2. Nah,

    My college papers are holding up. They're not perfect, but I'm not crazy.

    I am also not a "highly functioning" mentally ill person. I am a good student that's been out of college a long time and forced out of other things just so agencies and lawyers could make a point for themselves.

    I'm a normal person who is honestly a victim of tortue and so is my own son and I've witnessed the same with my Mom and Dad.

    My Mom and Dad have identical twins and THAT sounds sort of loopy, I know. I mean, on top of everything else, but I've thought about it, and watched them and made observations.

    It's nothing you think to look for, obviously, when you're a kid, and not once did anyone give it away. I just started checking more. Once, my Dad made a joke about it which was a good idea actually, bc it threw me off and I stopped looking. But then I realized, no, there really is something different going on here.

    They've been basically prisoners. We're all tortured but they've been especially tortured. They're identical twins.

    The only part I can't figure out, sounds nuts, but true, is how they raised them as kids...where did they go? an underground bunker?

    Then they forced them to marry eachother or something, after they were raised as MK-Ultra kids?

    It sounds NUTS. But I never knew or thought my parents could read minds and were psychic (in a spiritual way) either.

  3. ...continued...

    When I was a kid, I once thought I was adopted and looked for the papers. Then I also remember seeing my Dad's eyes and realizing they looked totally different at different times, not just color, but flecks and everything. My mom, I remember thinking what happened to her boobs? one day.

    Just small things.

    But imagine being an identical twin and forced to work for the U.S. and told you'll be killed or your kids tortured worse if you don't do whatever they want.

    If they're twins, do you think the U.S. wants to admit this? People might ask why. And then, it might start to look even more like the government has had something to hide, and has tortured all of us.

    They kidnapped my son Oliver knowing I am an excellent mother and that we were tortured.

  4. Maybe someone should keep a closer eye on where they go and find out when they trade off.

    You never think, as a kid watching "Freaky Friday", and chewing Wrigleys Doublemint Gum, that your parents are twins.

  5. Which brings up another thought, if they're twins (and they are), how horrible is it to be the less government favored twin.

    Maybe the one who gets beat up, and tortured more, for trying to escape. Or injected with chromium, slashed through the face, shot at by an employee repeatedly with an air-gun, on and on. Yanked around by the hair, that kind of thing.

    Most likely, you'd be extremely vulnerable to being exploited, blackmailed, and coerced to do just about anything.
