Sunday, May 27, 2012

"MCAT Changes 2015" (Not For The Better)

The MCAT is changing and I don't think it's for the better.  I looked at it, and while I could see incorporation of some neurological processes as part of medical school, no real doctor wants to wade through a bunch of political "socio-cultural" sensitivity crap.'

I mean, that's stuff people should already know and have opinions about, but it doesn't make a surgeon better at knowing where to cut and how much to cut and why.  No doctor thinks, "How can I make this dressing the most pleasing in a socio-cultural way that is positively influencing the behavior of this patient and then the 'shakti' of the world?"

It's not stuff you should be tested on.  Academics are academics, and social and cultural or other behavioral information is something else entirely.  It looks like they're wanting to blend hard science with soft science.

If you're going to be a psychologist, sure.  But I think there is already a separate test for that.  If they wanted to add a new element to their test that would be more fitting, from what I've seen, it would be an ethics section that covers the Hippocratic Oath and legal responsibilities that one assumes with the medical role, on how to not "screw over your patient and gang up in a med-mafia against kids who have grounds for a lawsuit."

The new test is covering an entire section on "cultural sensitivity" and they eliminated the verbal section.  While going for cultural sensitivity, where's the law and ethics that every single person who goes into medicine will be responsible for?

Currently, the MCAT covers the following 4 sections:
Physical Sciences, Verbal Reasoning, Writing Sample, and Biological Sciences.

They are eliminating the Verbal Reasoning and Writing Sample and replacing it with a "Socio-Cultural Behavior" section and "Critical Analysis".  They're cutting out writing as of 2013. 

It's like the dumbing down of America all the way around.

If that's the standard for pre-med admission, colleges should start looking to another testing group to design something else as an alternative to MCAT.  That's my opinion.

It's like saying, "Our test covers 'A+B=C or possibly AB' and then shifting to, "Let's talk about your FEELINGS".  How do you FEEL? 

"We don't want facts.  We want to know how you FEEL."

"Warm and fuzzy thoughts?" 

They take out the verbal reasoning and replace it with a feelings section.  ???!!!!  Why?  Because it is someone without good reasoning that doesn't see the need for reason and prefers to focus on feelings.

And of all things, if focusing on feelings, or cultural issues, I would think that a clear understanding of the importance of abiding by ones oath, and taking legal responsibility for ones actions, is more important than "How I Hugged Myself Today" or "I Gave A Big Group Hug To The World" today.

If you need to test for that, just require a psychological evaluation before admission, don't make it part of your "medical" test. 

Well, hurry and take the test before it "changes" on you and starts requiring the egocentric application to take a psychology course.  It used to be refreshing to find a student that did not take a psychology course.  It was sort of respected and indicated they are not obsessing with themselves or trying to psycho-analyze others.  It's a soft science because it's opinionated, political, and full of changing.  Psychology of yesterday gave women hysterectomies for "trying to be strong like a man" and anyone who masturbated was diagnosed with a mental disorder of "masturbation" (they did have such a thing).  Contaminating hard science with rubbish is wrong.

Think about it.  How many of our grandparents took "psychology" because "I need to know me."  People should be able to know who they are, or think about it, or talk to people or look it up, without taking a class in it.  Why should anyone even accept some of the crazy standards this country currently has, for trying to use mental "illness" to undermine others who are "deviant".

Deviance, to them, is anything and everything that is "different" from what they're used to.

My attachment parenting was seen as "deviant" in Wenatchee where they throw babies in a crib and the State pays mothers to throw a bunch of babies into cribs at a virtual orphanage. 

What these people need to know, is the law, and civil rights, not "touchy-feeling" ideas of constantly changing perspectives about politics and religion.

No normal person throws out a good standard to replace it with a flimsy social stick.  Like we need more attention-deficit kids brought up on computers and T.V. and with daycare, to then go around trying to psycho-analyze everyone.

What does that breed?  Incompetence in evaluations and the idea that everything fits into a slot, and that 1 hour will determine which slot to put someone in.  The other thing that is completely lacking, is any kind of moral or ethical backbone about the oath, duties, and responsibilities one takes with any medical profession.  One can have 100 friends on facebook and go out with people visiting college from other countries and have a complete disconnect with values and what it takes to make the U.S. a healthy place.  It's like they want to go "global" when they are not addressing domestic corruption.

Oh yeah, and we need more incompetent ER doctors to insert their non-professional opinions about mental illness into citizen-victims' chart-notes.  "So and so is rambling and therefore 'delusional' and since they mentioned the FBI they are 'paranoid'."  No treatment for pain for you then, says the Dr.

What a great idea--Medical doctors who think they can diagnose mental illness off-hand because they studied it and passed with high scores on MCAT.  Or because they took a class once.  Or because they happen to have a friend that will do them a favor if they'll misuse their position to slander a citizen-victim.

(Are Dr. Michael Parnell and Judge Gerald Warren friends?)

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