Sunday, May 27, 2012

FBI Colludes With Dr. Michael Parnell & Judge Warren

After wondering if Dr. Michael Parnell and his wife are friends with Judge Gerald Warren, I looked them up.

Google isn't giving me anything except that Parnell's daughter and new son-in-law both went to Pacific Lutheran University.

If they're Lutheran, so was "supposedly" one of my lawyers, Justin Titus.  He's the one who screwed me over while working at the Roman Catholic firm in Wenatchee (Justin).  Justin's wife was best friends with one of the social workers they assigned to me, and the Titus's went to the Lutheran church.  Which is where, I supposed, possibly, the Parnells went?

And if we go back to chart notes written by Dr. Parnell, he was among the dirtiest.  From what I heard, he's Catholic, and that doesn't change just because your daughter goes to a Lutheran college, but regardless of affiliation, he's dirty.

He slandered me and he doubled his efforts to have me slandered in the medical file for anyone who could see.  It's not impossible at all that he and Judge Gerald Warren are friends.

His son-in-law is from Anchorage, Alaska and then has been in the Washington area for some time, first in college at Pacific Lutheran and then at the University of Washington.  Now, he and his wife are living in Tucson, AZ which must make it such a shiny, happy, place for my Mom and Dad when they have to travel and be around them.

He looks a lot like someone I remember working at Office Depot when I was buying a computer around my birthday in 2005 or 2006.  I'm not sure that it's him but looks similiar and that man kept talking about my son and refering to our being tortured right after we moved to East Wenatchee and said, sneering, "Don't you think your son has had enough?!"

I said, "What do you mean?" and he then clarified making it clear he knew we were being tortured and that he believed I was responsible for this and choosing to harm my own son.  I guess, by not giving in to demands of some in the State.

I do know that Parnell made a false complaint about me to CPS sometime after this, (the Office Depot incident was in October 2007) and that the first person to go to my house earlier had been Judge Bridges wife (and Judge Bridge knows Judge Warren...and I think...Warren might have an Alaska connection).

So Judge Warren illegally colluded to suspend my driver's license after Dr. Michael Parnell defamed me in medical records.  Then Judge Bridges comes along and through his wife, I'm offered a one-way out of the state with my son when I already said I was going to sue for defamation that prevented my being treated for migraines and made me sound crazy when I wasn't, and for childbirth damages.

The FBI knew all along that I wasn't crazy.

They sat there in Portland, Oregon, and allowed this Dr. to refuse me treatment, putting me into severe pain, and call me crazy, and the entire time, the FBI knew I was not crazy for saying I had talked to them or gone out with some of their agents.  They knew my medical records were being ruined and when I repeatedly asked them for FOIA, to prove I was not crazy and was telling the truth, they ignored me.

The FBI in Portland, Oregon and in Washington, knowingly and intentionally harmed me and my son Oliver.  They knew that I was trying to get records from them to clear my own name and instead of giving me FOIA which they knew would protect me and my son's rights (and his right to have a lawsuit filed for him for his damages), they ignored me, and discredited me, and then had me thrown in jail the night before I was going to talk to a reporter about THEM.  My story was about the FBI and their refusal to give me what I needed to protect my own safety, reputation, and health.

They caused intentional infliction of distress.

They withheld any kind of evidence from me for over 7 years and then send off a small packet when they know my chances of appeal are already ruined.

It is the FBI's fault.

The FBI is absolutely and totally criminal.

Not only that, the fact that they allowed Dr. Michael Parnell to do this to me, and to my son, indicates he is either part of the FBI or has an Alaska connection.  His daughter and son-in-law had their honeymoon in Mexico--I wonder how much they got paid by Bujanda or Garza's crew while they were there?  Or maybe Parnell was only worried about Mike Sterling-Tanzer.  Tanzer also has Alaska connections.

Parnell defames me while Judge Warren does a favor to suspend my license illegally.  They both colluded to cause and create immediate harm to me, my college endeavors, and to my life.  Then, it was Judges and Parnell that were included in lying about me and my son.  There is no doubt they know exactly who is responsible for torturing us.

Then my Wenatchee law firm had the supporters of Warren and Bridges (Irish Catholic lawyers) and supporters of Parnell (Justin Titus).

Of course I was never getting my son.  All of these people, are all intimately connected to eachother.  While Parnells buck-toothed daughter goes to Arizona to have a happy life in Arizona with weasel-eyes, he jealousy protects his turf through criminal conspiracy and torture of children.

Furthermore, the FBI doesn't even give me evidence that shows Dr. Parnell is guilty of defamation and should be in jail, until after they first collude to give HIM (Parnell) the excuse he needs by using FBI letterhead and authority to defame me to a psych ward in TN and inject me repeatedly and try to kill me.

I almost died from medication overdose there and it is the FBI.

The entire time I was blogging and saying I was in excruciating pain and distress and being refused medical treatment for migraine, the FBI knew they had evidence I needed to prove it.  They knew I would have been able to prove I did know FBI persons and that therefore, this was absolute proof that Dr. Parnell was slandering me in medical records.  I would have won a lawsuit against him and the hospital.  I would have had this and also had documentation of migraines from Oregon hospitals. 

But instead, the FBI held onto these things, and ENJOYED the fact that I was being defamed.  They KNEW I was suffering and they contributed to this suffering by allowing people to believe a lie about me or have that excuse for why they didn't treat me. 

The FBI also knew it would have helped me get my son back, proving I was not nuts to say some things.  By the time they gave me FOIA, only a small part, it was 7 years later, and too late for me to do anything with it and they knew it.  Not only that that, they had already minimized their entire liability for withholding FOIA by using and abusing their power to call me crazy and mentally ill.

They knew and know they deserve to be sued hard and to lose.

They would lose to me, because all I had to show, was that the FBI withholding of evidence caused damages that I wouldn't have otherwise had.

So since the FBI doesn't want to be accused of causing damages and ruining my defamation claim, THEY contributed to criminal conspiracy to defame me.


  1. FBI = your schizophrenia? The Middletons = your schizophrenia. Catholic conspiracy = your schizophrenia. It is ALL due to you being insane.

  2. Dear Anon,

    Hi. It's not disputed that Judges committed felonies. The facts are there.

    The FBI knows I am not mentally ill and they knew that when they had their agents try to get into my house and sexually assault me for their church.

    Middletons work for the U.S. FBI so that's not hard to figure out, and Kate was given my file before the FBI even gave me one page, when I asked for over 7 years and could have cleared my name.

    The FBI is almost completely corrupt and I would be scared to be someone who got in as a decent person. Who do you turn to? Maybe corners in the back of every FBI office are your own back's best friend.

    I even found my former financial aid worker from PCC-Sylvania campus, working out of the FBI bldg in Portland when I made my report. So umm, why is it that the FBI has always wanted to hook me up to their people?

    Catholic conspiracy--the facts are there and it's not just them because even some of them wouldn't kill unborn babies (I don't think). My unborn baby was killed by the same group at the DOD and DOE that torture us. It was by technology.

    I've never been insane.

    The only person to ever call me "insane" was a Morrocan guy I stayed with in Arlington, VA who talked to some Jewish Mossad man one night while I was there at the apartment. I started being tortured there, at that apartment when I was still pregnant. He was on the other side of the wall, but honestly, I can't blame him for sure bc how do I know he wasn't being tortured too? Maybe he thought I was doing that to HIM, and the whole time it was DOD?

    They flew a helicopter right up to my window, while I had torture happening and was being refused prenatal care. This is all with the Pentagon just over a few roads and in plain sight from my window. Anyone with binoculars could see me from there.

    I'm not insane and the U.S. has a serious crime problem in their own govt. offices.

    They kidnapped my son and all the people involved were Jewish, Catholic, and out of the 90% Catholic involved in the CPS case, 70% were also military.

    There were a few outliers who were Protestants or Mormons. I found no one in Wenatchee that was a real christian.

    They're all church-going hypocrites.
