Sunday, May 27, 2012

"Don't You Think Your Son Has Had Enough?" (Office Depot)

I commented about this in the prior post, so I'll repeat it here.

I have already written about this, a very long time ago, but it's relevant still. 
After my son and I had moved to East Wenatchee, it was 2007.  We were being newly tortured out there, and I went to Staples to get a laptop. 

One of the workers there, a man, followed me around, sneering and looking at me with hatred.  He said to me, in undertones, "Don't you think your son has had enough?"  I said, "What do you mean?" and he repeatedly commented about didn't I think my son had had enough and that our being harmed was over what I was doing or saying.  He kept saying my son deserved "a break".

At that time, no one had made any CPS complaint against me except Parnell (one that was false where he said my son was not even with me when I went to the hospital, which was a lie I was trying to prove by getting videotape).  Parnell, by the way, had a motive to lie about me because he had his little "tootsie" Ashlee who he hoped to marry off to Alaska.  He and his family were jeopardized by the fact that he defamed me in medical records the moment I arrived in Wenatchee/Cashmere.  When it was proven I was being defamed, and that I had migraines and documentation for it,


It's looking like Mike.

Okay, side comment there for a moment...(thinking out loud).

Parnell knew that he was in trouble legally.  So he was also one of a few doctors that desparately tried to call me crazy and have my son taken from me too.  At the point that I was approached by this computer guy at Staples in Wenatchee, wait, Office Depot.  Not Staples, it was Office Depot.  I remember very well.  It was Office Depot for sure because I remember the aisles and everything. The only complaints against me were the one from the Judge's wife, Bridge's wife.  I know Judge Bridge knows Judge Warren.

Then we moved and either Parnell had also made a false complaint, or he did so after I was at Office Depot and that was around October of 2007.  I went there to get a laptop because my desktop I'd had for a long time, which I had dial-up for, was fried through an extremely powerful and prolonged surge. 

I remember leaving shaking because no one had ever come so close to threatening me before and I knew at that point, this employee knew exactly what was happening to me and my son, and was blaming it all on me--

He was telling me I "asked for it" and didn't I want to stop?  Hadn't my son had enough?


  1. In one post you say it's 'Office Depot'. In the next post you say it's 'Staples'.
    Well, which is it?
    Don't bother saying they are the same because they are 1.9 miles from each other.

    Which is it?

  2. Its not only mike Parnell it is all the mds and nurses and reception that know you are crazy, every time you came in I heard you acted like a crazy person they used to have the police on stand by when you came in because you are so unstable and of course security was always outside your door you are one of a very few who got fired from cwh

  3. Hi, thank you for writing.

    Yes, it was not only Mike Parnell, that is true. He was the first one to write me down that way though, and it was over the FBI specifically, and then he made sure to make double copies and keep a new one at the top of the stack for other docs and nurses to see.

    I wasn't crazy and they all knew I wasn't. I do believe some of the techs or nurses might not have known, possibly, if they only had to read what was written about me.

    They refused to treat even one of my migraines and called me drug seeking. I never was. I went to ER everytime I had a severe migraine and they lied to all and said I didn't have any migraines. Meanwhile, they never had a neurologist on staff and I always told them where my neurology records were in Oregon and they refused to have them faxed.

    Even after I faxed proof to them, they were still trying to say I didn't have migraines, as if they could know.

    I believe some of the drug accusations came from police "red-flagged" or FBI and it had to have been slander. I have seen only a small part of the FBI file on me, even the altered testimony I gave, about the FBI agents, and they twisted and changed so many things, I would not be suprised they tried to defame me somewhere as drug using.

  4. ....(continued)...
    all they did was try to make their own cover. It was out of control and some of the meanest and most cruel treatment I've ever had.

    And yes, they hired a police officer to stand by just for purposes of trying to create an appearance that they needed one. They never needed an officer or guard but they felt that by putting one there, it made me look bad and caused others to think there was a reason.

    I remember being forced to wait in an empty ER room sometimes, with no other people there, for hours, with migraine. I also remember they defamed me to everyone and flat-out refused to treat me. Because of this, I was totally incapacitated. I couldn't have tried to appeal my lawsuits if I'd wanted to because I was being hit with one "migraine" or migraine trigger after another. It was extreme.

    I was then "banned" by them. I found out their board of directors was full of priests. That hospital is a merger of a methodist and catholic hospital and they had some of the same people there. As for being fired, I am sure some of them fired "on me" but I didn't work for them.

    I did, however, do volunteer work at the Mt. Angel Abbey and then I was slandered and fired after I worked for them for free.

    I don't know if I should have sued them as a citizen, thinking back, or a former employee actually.

    Who knows. Maybe it makes a difference.

  5. Dear Anon, Staples or Office Depot.

    Hi. It was definitely, 100%, Office Depot.

    I said "Staples" at first and then corrected it because it just came out and then I kept thinking, that is not right. The layout of the store was totally wrong and I could still see the "running video tape" when I scanned back in my memory to that day. So then I tried to remember the name of the store that had the same level of aisles and door in the back, and location and it was Office Depot.

    It was 100% Office Depot. No one said anything creepy to me at Staples bc I wasn't getting my computer from there at the time, or looking for new ink or whatever.

    The guy looked like the fiance of Parnell's daughter sort of. He was thin, and had sort of the same look or face.

    He kept passing me and coming up to me, saying things to me and making threats and refering to my son.

    I left the place, shaking, and thinking, "Oh my gosh. He knows about it." I think from that point on, finding out certain people I didn't know, knew we were being tortured, was what started my documenting some license plate numbers, in case I was able to go back and check IDs and find out what was going on.

    Did this Davis guy work at Office Depot? I'd love to know.

  6. Dear Anon,

    And yes, the first time I ever went to Wenatchee police to try to report "false report" to CPS (because there is a law against it and it's supposed to be something you can use to avoid being harassed), they ignored me.

    I had been falsely reported for various odd things and always got cleared. There was no outstanding 'investigation' of any kind when I left the U.S. with my son. So, finally, after Dr. Parnell reported me by saying I went to the ER without my son and they didn't know where he was, I tried to report him to police because I had to go through another huge CPS thing until they closed the case.

    I tried to get videotape from the CWH because it would show me going there with my son and I had him in the room where Dr. Parnell was. It was just malicious of him. He created an idea out of nowhere to defame me.

    I hope Parnell ends up in jail. And no, he wasn't the only one. Dr. Crane/Crain scared the living daylights out of me. That man came across as so reasonable and normal until he really thought he had you and you were down and out or vulnerable. Then, he let his guard down and he showed himself to be capable of killing people, in my opinion. He is 100% passive aggressive and you would never ever guess. Out of all the doctors, he still seemed sort of "diplomatic" and even. But no he's not. He is a very good actor and nothing more than that. He's vicious. Dr. Hughes was bad, Jobe was bad, Parnell, Craine, and I'd have to think, oh Shipman was bad. Shipman was nice at first and then turned.

    Some of them were like split personalities. One minute being agreeable and the next, wanting to harm because I offended what person now?

    Craine, I would say, was one of the scariest. Scariest in the sense that Parnell was criminal right in the open, but Craine hid all the deviousness until he thought it didn't matter and no one would listen to Cameo Garrett over him and the others.

  7. Jobe was really mean too. He was one doctor who spat in my face and screamed and sneered at me, saying "You don't have MIGRAINES! I will give you something for TENSION headache!" and offered me advil in tablets.

    2 advil for severe migraine, because he was determined to call my migraines "tension headaches" even when I finally gave them my evidence from 2 neuroglogists from Oregon.

    They are all counting the days until my son turns 7 and they can say they got away with not being sued for malpractice for childbirth damages.

    The OBGYNs husband is a cop, by the way. Stacey Stubblefield.
