Sunday, May 27, 2012

Medication Without Consent Continues: FBI CRIMINALS

I am still being medicated without my consent as well.

I am still having the droopy eye and that's in addition to being tortured by military technology.

I had 1 month of relief and then someone didn't like how I was asserting myself again and regaining my focus, so I was drugged again.  Not by family because I haven't even had anything from them.

The only time I had any relief was for a month approximately where there was nothing and then when I noticed I was still being drugged, I fasted.  During the time I fasted, I regained my clarity and ability to focus.

Part of the problem, I believe, is still continued effects from the FBI almost killing me with over a week of toxic Haldol overdose.

I haven't been able to focus the same way since they did this to me.

Then, after that, I was injected with the foreign substance at the federal detention center and I have no idea what it was.  Like I said, there was no medical person there.  It was 2 women in police uniforms who did this to me when I was not yelling, fighting them, or resisting in any way.  I was naked and they turned me around, yanked up my arms behind my back, and shot me up.

The amount of Haldol I was given was enough to kill me and there is no doubt this is what they wanted or hoped would happen.

They shot me up, per FBI approval and recommendation and order.  First, they gave me the strongest possible injection that you can give someone, regardless of their weight.  They did this the minute I arrived, prior to any "evaluation" which is why they said they were sending me there.  There was no evaluation.  I asked to make a phone call and they shot me up with a toxic injection.

Then, they forced me to take Haldol pills and another drug that is harmful, 2 times every day for over a week.  They lied about how much they gave me.  The fact that they lied about how many pills they were giving me, proves they were trying to kill me.  So, for example, I wrote down "They gave me 4 pills, 2 were white and small and say __ on them and 2 are orange and say ____ on them and they said they are___ and ___(brands)."

I compared my notes on what they had given me with what they documentation and they documented fewer pills.  They lied.

They were giving me a few extra pills and not even recording it in their notes.

If I had taken all of those pills, when they wanted me to, I would have died from toxic overdose.  This is because, they not only believed I was taking all of them, they then doubled more on top of that amount.  I had an extreme reaction from overdose and it wasn't even the level of overdose they had hoped for.

They tried to kill me.  Nice to know the FBI wants to marry you in as their daughter-in-law one day and kill you the next. 

Because I had "cheeked" the pills, I was able to go back to my room and document how many they had given me and what they looked like.  I recorded everything.  And because I had cheeked them, my overdose was not fatal. 

Instead, my thinking has been ruined ever since.

The FBI is responsible for major, serious crimes.  Mueller should be in prison.  Laura Laughlin is prison bait.  And the FBI in Portland, Oregon has agents who should be in prison.  Diane Harsha with the FBI in Nashville, TN should be in prison, along with whoever has encouraged criminal conspiracy from D.C. offices.

They did not just jack me up with a toxic overdose--they could have killed me and this is what their intention was.  The man making the notes, who ordered and sent for the doctor to inject me, was U.S. military.  He was the biggest Southern asshole that should be hog-tied and strung up by the hamhocks that I met there.

They did not do a blood test on me when I first arrived at ER.  They did no blood test of any kind.  They had no base level for anything and they knew I had gone there with internal bleeding and with a broken knee.  I kept asking for a blood test and they kept hoping I would just fall over and die.

Where's my creativity?

Have I written ONE poem since the FBI drugged me to the point of almost killing me?

I have not written even one song or poem or even been able to dance except for a couple of rare times I fasted or purged my system of their crap and as soon as I ate again, I was dead again.

The FBI took my body.

I FUCKING WANT MY BODY and they had better FUCKING find a way to say:
YOU MAY HAVE THE BODY with regard to my son Oliver you living God-damn ASSHOLES.

I want to see Laura Laughlin IN PRISON.

WHY IS SHE NOT IN PRISON with a bunch of the FBI conspirators who tried to MURDER me?

First, in this country, they TORTURE mothers and kids.  Then they try to marry them in to reduce their liability and then they TORTURE again and TRY TO KILL YOU.

They tried to kill me and they've ruined my son's life.  This FBI withheld information I had a right to have from the start, knowing it ruined and damaged my life, and they hoped I would suffer and be killed over it.

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