Sunday, May 27, 2012

The FBI Commits Murder-for-Hire (to the FBI)

Read my last post.

The FBI commits murder-for-hire.  They have colluded to commit torture and encourage suffering and they worked with the DOJ to assassinate and plot to kill me, more than once.

They have been trying to kill me and they have abused their power to buy silence.  Taken alone, this sentence sounds crazy and yet for almost 1 full year my cars were targeted to have the battery drained of power while I was trying to drive and mechanics said there was never anything wrong with the battery; the FBI withheld evidence that proved I had conversations with them which would have proven Dr. Parnell was wrong to label me as "mentally ill" because he didn't think I could know any FBI (when really he was creating a cover for them); FBI went a step further by then giving Canada slanderous information about me which they had encouraged and collected from Dr.'s like Parnell, and by taking The Willamette Week out of context and using defamatory internal files about me--knowing this undermined my credibility and safety; FBI then went even further to encourage  a psych ward to assault me with repeated chemicals at levels which would have resulted in death if I had not hidden most of the pills (cheeked them) and instead resulted, after a week, in an extreme toxicity reaction where they paraded me before medical interns over.  I know it wasn't a mistake and that they tried to kill me because when I later saw records for how many pills they said they gave me, it was wrong and they made the count lower than it really was.  The women dispensing the medications knew exactly how much they were giving me and at least once or more there was a male doctor in their offices at the same time they were dispensing.

The FBI was also involved in obstructing my freedom of travel when I wanted to leave the country at that point and applied for a passport.  While the FBI instructed the Dept. of State to stall on processing my passport, knowing they impeded my travel, they set me up for a false arrest to keep me in the U.S., claiming I made an improper 911 call and then they transfered me to be injected with a foreign substance in non-official capacity, and held me for research.  The Knoxville FBI has never responded to my request for FOIA because they were involved in that incident.  My passport was not delivered to me until the FBI knew I had no money and then they gave me my passport, almost 1 year later when I applied correctly the first time and it should have taken only a month or so to give to me.

Even when I reported someone running into me with a car while I was walking as a pedestrian, across a crosswalk, both the local police and FBI did nothing.  I later researched the vehicle plate and found the description of the driver matched the same man featured in a U.S. military website.  He was military and the police and FBI protected him and any illegal activities done against me, simply because he was with the military.  He was driving and another person inside the vehicle yelled out, "Get out of the way!"  I was crossing on a crosswalk, and they saw me before they directed their car into me, because first they circled a block and were watching me and then they aimed for me.  The comment made was after I had written a post about Kate Middleton and something about get out of the way or how her thugs were trying to do this to me.  Her thugs are U.S. military then?  Why would Middleton have military thugs, from the U.S. by the way.  If I remember correctly, he was with the Navy.  That was in 2010.  A Catholic Navy guy I met at Lewis & Clark law college gave me his law password, which was "Harper".  He was from San Diego and his father is/was Navy intelligence.  1 year later, I was repeatedly tortured and drugged and thrown into a psych ward, and then Kate Middleton gets married, 1 day later Navy Seals kill Osama bin ladin and then Kate is visiting her Catholic friend in California, who names her kid Harper.  You know, the kid that shows up 9 months after Middleton gets engaged to her clinicially depressed boyfriend who is suffering from PTSD. 

Which is really hilarious when you think about how Mike Huckabee had this big "program" on last night, to applaud some ding-bat that marries a "Navy Seal" when he's a diagnosed crackhead.  Nothing like Pride Of America there.  For Memorial Day, let's remember how crackheads get retained by the Navy to terrorize not just other countries, but those here in the U.S.  And then let's applaud the women who marry them to try to "change" them.  The whole sob story was about how he said he'd only "beat it" if she married him so she did, knowing he was fully addicted to CRACK.  So there is nothing like trying to justify taking advantage of a situation there at all.  Then the guy goes out, blows off his hand and loses an eye and no one tells us, the whole time, if he ever got over "crack".  Then he learns to shoot with both hands, and dies.  While people write to me all the time, screaming at me about "I'm not supporting you on welfare" and while I am forced by MILITARY (not regular guys but DOD) to live with their people while they degrade and assult me, we're supporting "Troops On Crack".  Of course they pass their physical exams.  They're uh...on crack.  It's like the Mexican orchard workers who don't seem to get tired at all and pick an extra 4 bins...well, sure, the fruit don't mind so don't tell us where you got your speed.  Lives in crack hands, is different. It was like the big "Let's Try To Make People Like Kate Middleton Sound Noble" program.  The guy probably did a big crack snort right before his wedding day.  ("I can quit whenever I want...I know I can, I know I can, I think I SSSNnnnnnnnnnnoonooOOORT think I can, I think I can...HEY YOU MUTHERFUCKERS WANNA KILL US SUM RAGHEADS???? RIGHT AFTYR I GET MY BLOODY ASS MARRIED YOU FUCKIN HOOKAHS!!!").

(By the way, please read the above not as something I would say, but putting dialogue into a character's mouth)

I mean, it's not like the Middleton's aren't mafia and murderers or anything.  And um WHY? is there this state-sponsored (it would seem) American interest (from some) in promoting them?  It's one thing if someone is falsely alleged to be mentally ill and is being targeted, for others to think of ways to resolve this, and it's another thing to push people to be married when, if William of Wales had really wanted to marry her, he'd have committed long before he did and not at what others would call a "weak" or "vulnerable" time in his life.

That said, he was smart enough to hang his head a little and have some propriety for his own wedding, whereas she sat up and smugged for the camera, knowing she is responsible for torture of kids, including my son. 

So even in cases where the person is U.S. military (man running into me for Middleton's sake, via Navy contacts) and not maybe an FBI employee, wherever a state-paid or sponsored person commits a crime and then is not investigated, it makes the FBI liable for aiding and abetting in the commission of crimes.

I was even shown evidence of FBI involvement in trying to kill me.

The last communication I had with anyone in the FBI was from Portland FBI telling me to "call DHS" (Department of Health Services) for a judicial felony matter and child kidnapping.

Then they wrote back and said they wanted specific details on Judes, knowing I already gave them specific details.  Judge Warren illegally suspended my license on this date.  I have told you this HOW MANY TIMES? and you have more information than me but you tell ME to 'give us specific details'.

To the FBI:  I don't even know what your job title stands for anymore.  Most of you should have "Murder for Hire" added to your resumes.

TO DATE:  The FBI still has not turned over records they have which they knew exonnerate me and would return my son to me.  They have not done this because they are guilty of conspiracy to kidnap a child and traffick him from one country to the next; guilty of conspiracy to commit false arrest; guilty of conspiracy to coerce me to sign a false statement and of extortion in demanding I do this or go to jail; conspiracy to block my freedom of travel; conspiracy to commit torture; conspiracy to defame; conspiracy to commit murder.

I posted this, and then later, the DOD/DOE is still using military technology against us and targeted metal in my teeth again.

If I'm correct, Panetta is from San Diego.  Leon Panetta?  Right? 

I only used the legal site a few times and then it was disrupted and it was so far at the end of my lawsuits, to the point where I had obstruction of justice already and lost one because of chronic bizzare bronchitis that had no explanation.  Most likely though, it is possible to get into my own personal computer by allowing access to Lexus Nexis because Lexus Nexis tracks ip addresses and don't tell me none of their employees were ever involved.  I did about 98% of my work without using this site, and I used it at the college and checked out books too.  I am smart.  Don't let anyone tell you different.

Why do you think I've been tortured afterall?  They've wanted to dumb me down, keep me out of college and education, keep me out of law school, slander me to prevent me from holding my same occupation of nanny or in childcare or have my own business in this, ruin my singing voice, and drug me to permanently ruin and destroy my creativity.

And then they think they can just keep using me and my son.

I guess actually, I think the guy I knew was possibly from L.A.  I know San Diego is where his Dad was, I believe, but he may have been from L.A. because his mother and father were (I think) divorced.  His mother or father was Mexican.

Basically, it's really great, because the military and CIA use you, and forbid your own parents from ever giving you any information or instruction about what and who to avoid before you're out on your own.

The first time I was attacked, being held hostage in my own house with 2 other roommates, even then, the police were telling me not to tell anyone.  "Don't tell anyone."  "Don't talk to the media." For all I know, the DOJ set it up themselves and then told me and my friend Monica "not to tell" while they wanted Shirina Edwin to talk to the top Prosecuting Attorney personally, behind closed doors.  They never wanted to talk to me or Monica at all. Just Shirina, the former Marine from Alaska.

I remember the U.S. was doing horrible things to my Dad at that time.  It was 1996-1997 and I remember that both he and my parents had all these bad things happening to them all of a sudden.  I remember my Dad wasn't even feeling like himself at all.  After this, I was set up to be raped repeatedly by U.S. government-connected employees.  Rape and sexual assaults, more than once, and they tried to pass me around as well.

The U.S. did nothing but torture us. 

They are still torturing my son as well.


  1. You're a liar, Cameo. You did NOT cheek pills.

  2. Dear Anon,

    I'm not sure why it matters if I did or didn't, but I did.

    I didn't know that's what it was called. When they found me doing this, she yelled to the others, "She's 'cheeking' her pills," or she said, "She just cheeked them."

    So then they made me lift up my tongue and did a whole oral exam.

    For the first several days, I 'cheeked' all of them. I went to my room, shut the door and locked it, took out a journal, and wrote down how many, full descriptions of what they were, color, size, shape, and any marks on them, and I kept this record with me.

    When they found out I had "cheeked" some, they forced me to take them and then I had such a bad reaction, they wouldn't give me any medications anymore (the last couple of days). They contorted my entire body and watched me and showed me FBI complicity in front of a room of witnesses.

    When I later asked for records of my pills, I was given a few things, and I looked at the chart too, and saw their numbers didn't match.

    They were writing down that I had been given much less than they actually were telling me to take.

    They gave me so many drugs and Haldol the first hour I was there that I blacked out. The other residents said one minute I was sitting and then I was on the floor and a "bunch of people took you to your room."

    Those responsible for this are criminals.

    And yes, someone was trying to kill me because if they weren't, there was no need to lie about how many they were distributing to me to take.

    The FBI is responsible for paying the entire bill and for my damages as well.

  3. My name is Bryce. I tried joining a militia, ande it was an FBI sting which I knew when I arrived. I never went to a second meeting, and told people about the FBI sting. Joining a militia is not illegal, and is actually encouraged by the constitution. A couple days later I was ambushed by the FBI, and they gave me an injection. They interrogated me for over 2 hours, ransacked my room looking for imaginary bomb making materials, took my gun & ammo, then sent me to jail. Later that night in jail I experienced stomach pains, dizzines, and complete numbness where they gave me the injection on my left wrist. There were two small holes where the injection was. The numbness is traveling from my thumb, and up my arm!! WHAT THE HELL DID THEY INJECT ME WITH??? Please contact me with any info.

  4. Hi Bryce,

    I don't know if this is a prank or not. I will treat it as if it's not.

    I have no idea--how should I know?

    Stomach pains could be from any drug--dizziness as well. Numbness is not something "any" drug would do--it is either a specific kind of nerve agent acting drug or a very bad side effect of a drug used for other reasons. You wouldn't typically get numbness from a regular antipsychotic, antidepressant, or mood altering drug. Numbness "traveling" is either some kind of nerve agent or drug that acts on the nervous system, or the puncture was made into a nerve (which is less likely if it's two small holes). How did they give you the injection? Was it by syringe? patch? did you see it?
