Sunday, May 27, 2012

Ratios for World Wealth

I am trying to find the actual book statistic for this article I'm reviewing for Gender & Environment.  I put on Britney Spears, right before getting started, with "You Wanna Piece of Me" and then I was trying to look up this book by F.E. Trainer and there's nothing online.  So I can't check the footnote in p. 14 of his 1989 book, "Developed to Death:  Rethinking 3rd World Development".  I tried. 

I have some doubts so I wanted to see for myself, if the footnote is refering to a statistic from another book, where did they then get the statistic and how was it computed?  But I can't fact-check.

I want to know if the numbers are adjusted  and also, I want to know, if the U.S. keeps getting this disproportionately wealthy, how much of this is coming from just the top 1-5% and how much is reflective of the U.S. as compared at an average with other nations.

Anything.  Oh oops.  Can't concentrate with the music on.  I meant "Anyway."

Had the idea flash...Has Weird Al done a spoof on this one?  "You Wanna Piece Of Meat"?  to my Vegan ears it's sounding like "yoo wanna pieca meat, do yoo wanna pieca meat?"

The next one I picked it one I've never heard before "The Earthquake" by Mashup.  I've never even heard of Mashup. 

It's Meat and Potatoes baby.  My way. 

The article I'm reading is called "Liberating the Consumer." 

Now clean your plate.

First I heard the one by Tini Tempah and then I clicked on one with Eminem and it's good too, I like some of the switch-up.  My favorite switch is in the echo room.  Not caring for taking God's name in vain, but some of the music ideas are interesting.  It sort of goes from this monastery echoing chambers to "oh my God" and I guess you could think of it as taking God's name in vain, or in an exclamation about God, and then he goes on to say someone is trying to kill someone.

It has this man painting a woman on the side of a railway car in one clip--sort of had to look at that.  Makes me sort of sad to see it.  Sort of sad to think, even joking about my "meat and potatoes" music, my sustenance, thinking about how some people don't even have enough food to eat. The graffiti on the car makes me feel sad for the ex-offenders and wrongly imprisoned.

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