Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Plot

We made a plot today, my Dad and I.

I had a little plot in mind, something small, and then had the idea of a large raspberry patch.

Someone keeps trying to ruin every heartfelt idea we come up with because it went from that great night of being excited about it, to my understanding someone told my parent's no, and what they could not do with their own land.

I think some group is still afraid of my Grandpa Garrett.  He probably made some kind of prediction once that freaked them out of their minds, and they've tried to ruin everything ever since.  He made predictions about me even, that I didn't understand until after he'd been dead and maybe only in the last couple of years.

But at any rate, instead of the raspberry patch, he offered to till my small kitchen garden, which was nice, because I was behind on it and doing it by hand.  It's a small square but I see it as two diamonds right now.  

The deer have already stepped through, and I was going to lay down this one mesh but was worried their feet would get caught in it.  It might be too small.  I have to find something until I have lavendar stinking them away.  Oh yeah, and oregano and things.

So far, it's been a slower start to my gardening because I did it differently than I ever have.  In the past, I've started things with potting soil or mixed some into the dirt so new seeds come up better.  I haven't done that this year and now I'm thinking I need to do this. 

I have work to do but was thinking of something I could write that is spiritual or touching on art in some way and I fell upon Job, where he prays to God to vanquish all his enemies and then goes on to say what hidden things are found in mines, but that wisdom isn't found where these other things are found.  It's really poetic, with lots of word-images.  Job 27:13-28 (through the 28th chapter). 

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