Thursday, May 31, 2012

Tortured Yesterday and Today

All day today I've been tortured with technology and my parents have too, because I followed close by a tractor and it was being targeted at my Dad.

The burning laser type stuff while in front of the laptop, and with my mother too, and then this guy showed up that I have serious questions about.

His name is "Gail" or "Gale".  He does some kind of psychic work and everything gets leaked straight to the art people with Google.  It's happened a number of times.  My mother said what did I have against him and I said "I have been worried in the past".  She said why.

I said, "I've seen your nose screwed up, not now or recently, but for about 2 months and 1 month especially, someone was doing something forceable to your nose and it was obvious."

My Mom said, "It's always been sort of crooked" and I said, "No, something else was happening.  It looked like someone was pushing on it for hours or applying hard pressure and it looked newly broken at one point."

And I said, "And your skin sometimes, has not looked good after Gale is there, like you were poisoned or something", "and the dog has been afraid in the past when he came around, and starts shaking with fear."  I added, "Things like that.  And seeing your eyes glassier after he's here and you not looking okay."

I didn't mention how my Dad was also afraid of him a few times and they both seemed relieved when I stayed in the house once.

He's always been pleasant to me, never said a wrong thing, or been mean, but because of what reactions I see from my parents, it's not always all about me.


  1. Hi Cameo, can I suggest you read Bartok's memoir "The Memory Palace"? It is a daughter's memoir of her schizophrenic mother. I think you may gain some insight from it. Take care.

  2. Hello Idiot:

    If I am able to focus on such a book, do you really believe I have schitz? and would you even write to me if I did?

    No, you would not. You write because I think normally and therefore I am normal and not as you suggest.

    Your comments only reinforce the idea that you might have something to hide. We would like to know who you are perhaps and maybe you would not prefer to be anonymous if you had nothing to hide.
