Friday, June 1, 2012

Witnessed Evidence Of Another Torture

I saw a man today who has evidence of being tortured and he's mentally/physically disabled.

He's being tortured by the U.S. because they think no one will care, notice, or that he's disposable.  That, or they were worried about him from the start, working against some other group, so they targeted him.  For all I know, he wasn't even born this way.

He is definitely being tortured.

He has all of the evidence showing in his fingernails and that's just his nails.  I don't know what else is going on.

It is a little strange, because I read a few short passages from the Bible today, once in a restroom and then later, and everything was about signs.  To the jews, "you ask for a sign but you don't believe it when one is given" (NT) and then after this, 3 more sections randomly, about signs.

And the last one I read, was that only a remnant will be saved, and then I saw this plastic bag of fingernail clippings I had with me, tucked into my Bible. I looked up, and there were this man's fingernails, facing me, with obvious signs of torture.

Whoever is responsible, is going to end up in jail because the remnant will see to it.  This country is torturing me, and people that some want to keep down for their own sick reasons, and they're torturing people who they think they'll never get caught torturing because they're mentally or physically handicapped.  This man I speak of was not able to speak fluently, or coherently, and sort of mumbled, and made odd noises, and he acted definitely disabled. 

It wasn't like he put his hands back for me to see, and I didn't even notice, all the way over to this town, and all the way back, even though I saw his hands a couple of times as I chose to sit behind him.  The first way down, I sat behind him because I decided I wanted to sit on the water side that day, and I sat behind him.  He made so much noise I thought about moving but decided not to and now I know it was for a reason.

Then on the way back, I sat behind him because I just felt like sitting on the other side, and right about the same level in.  He had a hand across the back of a seat, or move them around, and did a lot of different things, but right after I briefly read this passage, I looked up from the scripture after snapping my Bible shut, embarressed to see "Oh.  That's the plastic bag with fingernail clippings in it" and when I looked up, his nails were at the back of the chair and facing me, and I saw he was being tortured.

When I first saw him, he was putting his hand over the top of his head with wide eyes and making a noise but I didn't know if it was part of his mannerisms or from something else.  Then I sat behind him and the technology that affects metal in my teeth was happening but mild and I figured he felt it too.  Then that stopped, and I didn't think anything of it.  I mainly felt my pride and asked God to help me with it.  He was wearing a red hooded sweatshirt and I was wearing a green hooded sweatshirt (under black) and at first, as I saw some driving past, I felt it made me look conspicuous.  I didn't really want to look like part of the "disabled" group and he was making all these noises.  But I prayed and, no big deal, bc I still have pride obviously--no one can get rid of all their faults.  And I didn't change my seat.  He was scratching his head and doing all kinds of things.

Then, I didn't really choose to sit behind him the way back.  It was actually where I just felt like sitting, and he just happened to be sitting in front of where I wanted to sit.  Then at the very end, was when I noticed he was being tortured.  I opened to a section in I Kings and it was about a sign, and then I opened to another section randomly and it was about a sign (unto you a child is born), and then I chose to open to something in Psalms and it was a part of Psalm 88 and then I accidentally fell across "only a remnant will be saved" and my non-public display item of fingernail clippings in a plastic baggie, and I snapped my Bible shut, looked up, and there were his nails with evidence of torture.  His nails were not cut, and were longer than usual for a man I suppose, and his nailbed had clear signs of extreme and severe torture.

No one would even defend him probably, because they would write off what is happening to him, and how he's being illegally used for research or to punish someone in his family, as "mental illness" or "disability".

He has sort of whiter nailbeds, but then a very dark red ridge before the whites of the nail.  I have seen this in my parents after they suffered severe torture, and in myself, in my toenails and fingernails, after torture so severe, it causes heart problems, and heating of the body tissues.

I didn't really notice that he had any lump on his head when I was first getting on the bus but I think when I got on again to go back he maybe had a big bloody lump or something but I didn't look close enough.  It crossed my mind at a glance that he banged his head or fell.

I seriously wonder what his parents do for a living.

So yes, there are others who are being tortured like my family.  We are not the only ones.


  1. you hallucinated this man because you are schizophrenic

  2. This man sat on the same bus everyone else sat on. He is a member of this community, from what I could tell.

    On these buses, there are a few disabled persons who have aides that travel with them. Some of these aides appeared to be military-connected and what their interest is, in being an aide for a developmentally disabled person that is being utilized to be tortured, is up for debate.

    This man had dark curly hair, blue eyes, and wore a solid red sweatshirt with a hood and he was there the way over and the way back and he has evidence of torture on his nails.

    I witnessed his response to be targeted by torture, possibly, even on the bus, and then I saw the evidence on his body. On the way back, he had a new bump on his forehead that wasn't there the way over, and what he did or what happened to him while he was in Coos Bay,I have no idea.
