Saturday, June 2, 2012

Shopping Yesterday (Have To Return)

I did a little shopping yesterday but have to return one item.

The guy said it was "vegetable glycerin" when I asked, but then I got home and looked it up and it's not.

I specifically asked when I was buying it, because I didn't want it if it wasn't vegetable glycerin and this one guy was saying he'd take $4 off of it instead of the seeds, which I was told I could get half off instead of 30% off.  He didn't want to take the half off the seeds and wanted to apply it to this glycerin.  I told him, "Well if it's not vegetable glycerin I'll be returning it" and for whatever reason, he looked like he didn't like the idea.  Who knows why, because why should it matter to him. 

So I got home and checked the brand and it's not vegetable glycerin.  I won't have a problem returning it though, because one of the pharmacists specifically said it was vegetable glycerin when I said I might want to return it.

I was getting 50% off the seeds because I talked to Julie in the garden section and she was going to honor what I was told over the phone, that the seeds were 50% until the 2nd.  So I was there, and they'd changed the sign to 30% off and she was going to credit for that.

I'll still get my money back from it though.  I bought the glycerin for a hair conditioner or to mix with a hair conditioner, but it's the wrong kind.  I wasn't going to even get it, and then the guy said it was vegetable glycerin but it's not.  It's some kind of synthetic or animal product glycerin.  I opened it and put a very small dab on my hands and then thought, "This isn't it."  I got up and checked and sure enough, it doesn't say on the bottle, but online, the manufacturer says it's not glycerin.  It says "pure" behind the price tag, and I thought, "It's like the Kate kind of pure.  Fake."
I got bachelor buttons and lavendar for deer repellant and I also got lots of veggie seeds.  I saw the jubilee gem bachelor buttons but opted for mixed bachelor buttons, just because, I don't know...something Middleton about my garden plot.  I have this diamond patterned laptop right now, and saw it's the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and didn't feel like getting the jubilee gem bachelor buttons to put in my diamond slot garden.  Nothing against the Queen, I'm just anti-Middleton and Carole Middleton has been a particular eyesore for my mother I'm sure.  I think Kate is evil basically and she knows about torture of children and others, done for her and to support and buffet her family's schemes.  It's too bad that slamming her is now sort of like slamming William of Wales, now that he married her, but he chose this.  It's not like no one gave him fair warning thought those people are probably no longer friends with him now.

While choosing seeds, a few mosquitos came over and started buzzing around my neck.  I just thought of Carol Middleton right away. I associate her with mosquitoes, ever since I read about her group licking up blood from the floor after they gun a guy down.  So I had my short little japanese karate instructor moment, where he catched the fly with his chopsticks, and I reached out, grabbed that mosquito with my right hand and then smeared it across the leg of my jeans. 

Then I got home I cried thinking about the man who was tortured.  I had to sit behind him bc he was always in the front row before anyone, so it's how anyone could notice.  And then I cried thinking about him a second time. 

I'm sure Kate is spending days and nights, crying over the plight of the tortured.  I am just sure of it. I cannot stand her fake, hypocritical, and false prophesying family.

It's one thing to be in the dark so long, not knowing what some of the competition and torture is about.  Once you discover what it's about, there is no need to hold back when I know it's a main reason for the torture of my family and why my son was even taken away from me.

They wanted to create an appearance of instability with me, in every regard.  They're criminals, and they get more U.S. support than they ever got from the UK originally.  Which is sort of odd actually. 

What's even stranger, is that the Duchess of York, Fergie, went to Thailand for a foot spa or something, which is where my rapist fled to, after Kate Middleton's wedding and visit to see her in L.A.  Why Thailand?  Of all places?  This is also where Alvaro Pardo's pics of his friends were from.  I would bet money, that he was hired by Kate's brother James.

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