Saturday, June 2, 2012

Beets & Sauerkraut

Today I wore green with a cream colored fleece.  I bought pint jars for canning sauerkraut and had started beets last night which I'm cooking whole today.  Lots of dots.  Had my fleece tied around my waist and walked to town before a parade, and got cabbage, artichoke, habanero, pasilla, asparagus and salt, and yuban original.  I have business law homework to do first.  Last night sang lots of old songs and listening to Billy Holiday's "The Very Thought Of You" today.  I like singing this song and might do my own version sometime.  I have lost my high notes and clear 1st soprano to torture and Kate's Group, but I still have my Billy Holiday.  So sometime, I might use my inflections and interpretation to get through where I can no longer use beauty.  My voice isn't beautiful anymore, but I could still wring a tear if I tried.

My beets smell good right now.  Mmmm.

I'm almost ready to put my killer-therapy down.  The one for treating the thrush that docs never treated.  It's been 5 years and I still have it only around my breasts, nowhere else at all.  All they had to do was treat me and my son, 5 years ago.  It was that simple, and honestly, very crazy they put up such a fight over it, tortured us, and then kidnapped my son from me.  They tried to steal him from me before he was even born. 

I'm more into food for medicine than vitamins but I got some things to help me with my plan and I might try it for 6 months instead of a year if it goes well.  I don't know.  I am thinking of a combination of gradually taking out various food items, and then using energy and multi-vitamin while doing this, with a bone builder combination, and then incorporating some fasting and colloidal silver, black walnut, pau d'arco therapies.  Maybe in different fasts, try killing off a lot through silver (while avoiding salt, ahem), and then another time, black walnut, and just eventually get it altogether.

I need a lot more silver when I try that one though.  I only got one small vial but for a treatment, you go through more than a vial a day.  Doctors used to do a lot of silver intravenously, but not as much now.  I would try this, with the things to combat metal toxicity and then after using silver as a treatment, purging or purifying with activated charcoal later, and reintroducing good things.  I also got acidophilus while I'm waiting for my sauerkraut to work.

I think I might take Danish too.  That's an aside, but with my college schedule and double major, I have to take science for my Bachelor of Science, and language for my B.A. and I am thinking I might take 2 years of Danish and test out through PSU at 2 year level sometime, and possibly take Spanish too.  At PSU (my old school) they offer Danish and you can opt to test out of any of the language courses to level, so if you study on your own and buy language materials, and want to test up, you can do it there.  No one wants me to take Danish.  I soon figured that out.  No problem with German--the librarians and different people with happy expressions about German, and others feeling fine with German.  But I soon discovered, no one wants me to take Danish.  I couldn't even find Danish stuff in any of the web searches I tried to awhile.  My main reason for taking Danish would be that their government is not completely infiltrated with religions that have been hostile to me.  It's not a new idea either...I've thought about Scotland and Denmark since before my son was even born, when the FBI and U.S. began obstructing justice and refused to provide needed protection.  So it's not impulsive or new.  It's an old idea.  I know I won't stay in the U.S. if they do not return my son to me after all the crimes they've committed, state-sponsored crimes.  I will write the Great Danish Novel or Great Scotland Novel or something, but it won't be the Great American Novel as long as the power structure is corrupt and steals children and ruins talent and imprisons their own citizens.I like the idea of Scotland, but I wouldn't want to go anywhere where the Middletons are claiming some kind of figurehead status. I really dislike them that much because I know the torture occuring to me over here would be the same over there, wherever they have a presence.  Her family is part of the reason I was tortured and falsely imprisoned in Canada.  It was Middleton.  I will never live in any country where they have any kind of influence for this reason.  They are responsible for torture of my son by use of friends in the U.S. and elsewhere.

I got lots of seed packets.  I got the wrong kind of onion, but I am planning to add a white onion anyway.  I got some kind of button onion, and it kept popping up to the top over and over and over.  I got cauliflower, carrots, broccoli, swiss chard, bachelor buttons, english lavendar, french lavendar, cherry radishes (not for me--I don't like them, but my mother does), spearmint, sage, thyme, artichoke, waltham butternut, oregano (but I want a different kind), catnip, parsely, edamame, pak choi, black dragon eggplant,and cilantro.  I was going to get chammomile but there are other herbs I can get or add later.  Sunflowers might be nice too but not this year.  I want roses but the deer love roses.  So I got stinky flowers and herbs to add to the organic garden.  If I have a rose, I want one on an arched trellis above this path that leads to the garden, and that way the deer can't reach as well.  Red I think.  I like white but with lavendar and orange and yellow marigolds, and blue and purple and pink bachelor buttons, it would need a punch of red somewhere since it's already going cottage-y.


  1. PSU is a Tier 2 school.

  2. Thank You.

    I have no idea. I never care about what Tier, or never cared in the past, until it comes to grad school (law was when I started looking at tiers).

    I think anyone should be able to go to a public university, regardless of tier, and if they do well or do something different, have a chance into a top school later.

    PSU, when I went there, was known mainly for business jobs in the community, language (large offering), and speech therapy.

    I don't know how it stacks now.
