Sunday, June 3, 2012

Get The U.S. OUT Of Pakistan & Joe Biden The Criminal

Why is Pakistan doing nothing?

The U.S. just killed another 10 people, with no right to be in Pakistan at all.  They shouldn't be in Yemen, and they shouldn't be in Pakistan.

Instead of making "protests", Pakistan should be ordering the U.S. to get out.

This country thinks they can whatever they want.

Joe Biden is responsible for the torture of my son.  His daughter just married one of his cronies associates--his cronie being the Delaware raised Dempsey for the U.S. military.

While Biden's "daughter" is marrying someone from Delaware, he's used his authority to torture and kidnap children from U.S. citizens.  Joe Biden is a known U.S. criminal, and how he got to be VP without censure is anyone's guess.  He was on the Board overseeing the explosion and killing of men, women, and innocent children in WACO.

He knew what happened was criminal and he's on record, defending those who terrorized and blew up a bunch of people.  Joe Biden had no regard for the rights of U.S. citizens then, and he has never had any regard for the rights of the innocent.

He believes in killing unborn babies as well.  For being a "Catholic", he's a great mascot.  Just great.  In fact, his brand of Catholicism is what leads Dempsey's to use military force to kill unborn babies whenever they want to.  His group is directly responsible for killing my unborn child and for the torture of my son Oliver.  Don't tell me his "religion" keeps his guilt in check.  He has no guilt, and has no conscience.

He has defending massacres of women and children in WACO, defends killing of unborn babies, and has supervised the torture of my family.  Now his daughter has married someone from Delaware, where Martin Dempsey is from, and its no wonder. 

If there is one man who should be targeted for high crimes and be sent to jail, it is Joe Biden. I would put Biden in prison ahead of many of the other criminals because he not only acts as VP, he's acknowledged his form of betrayals to this country.

He has a horrendous "human rights" record and supports the actions of terrorists within the U.S.  He uses his own brand of religion to incite hatred while he hypocritically kills kids, tortures them, and tries to smoke out innocent people from their houses.

I hope his daughter is childless and that Joe Biden ends up in jail.  He deserves no respect and he deserves no last respects.  He is a criminal that ascended to the top of the U.S., even while admitting to support of criminal activity.  He is one of the most disgusting examples of U.S. politians we've ever had, and the most shocking part is that no one even thinks to dig up the crap he's admitted to.

Obama will not get a second term and it's because of the criminals he's chosen to surround himself with.  He is not going to be President again and Joe Biden will never be V.P.  His 5 minutes of fame are over.  I have no idea how he slipped in, while he had all the WACO crap around him.  The documentaries show him defending torture of U.S. citizens and looking like a criminal and NO ONE in the media revisited this when it was time for elections.  We voted in one of the biggest demoralizing politicians of our time, as our V.P.  Had I stopped to think about it, or known then what I know now, I never would have voted for Obama-Biden because no "breaking the glass ceiling" for blacks can make up for  letting a criminal into the White House.  It's like we didn't even notice.  Hopes were so high about Obama, everyone forgot about the crook Biden.  And looking back, it shows.  Biden's footprint is all over the corruption, over the assassination of Osama bin ladin and other former CIA "friends", over the torture of U.S. citizens here and now where he defended torture of citizens in the 80s and 90s, over baby-killing through use of U.S. military technology.

Why Pakistan, on the other end of things, is supporting terrorism of their own country, by U.S. invasion and preoccupation is beyond me.  It makes Pakistan look weak, to allow the U.S. to keep stepping into their air zones and country while doing nothing about it.

Pakistan is still allowing the U.S. into their country, and it's a shame to them, to their people, and a sign of weakness that the U.S. continues to exploit.  I don't mean that as an insult to Pakistan--I mean it as "I wish they would do something."

While war criminal Joe Biden is celebrating his daughter's marriage to another criminal (keeping it in the family), he's authorized blowing up human beings to bits and pieces in Pakistan.  It's his way of having a good time.  He's looking at his watch smirking, knowing what is happening, while he watches his daughter walk down the aisle.  This man is SICK.

I had to look up his daughter's new husband.  I looked at the photos first and then the article.  From the photo, I didn't have a good feeling about her husband, but what do you expect from someone who would marry into the Biden family.  He's Jewish too.  Another criminal Catholic-Jewish alliance.

I guess blowing up Muslims was the perfect gift for Joe Biden to give them on their wedding day.

It all makes so much more sense now, to see who Biden's family has been associating with while my son and family have been tortured.  She's a social worker.  Like the world needs a social worker connected to the Biden family.  While her Daddy is supporting blowing up kids at WACO, he props his daughter up to be a "social worker"??

She marries, of all people, a doctor "Howard Krein".  Is that pronounced "Krein" like "Train" or "Crain?"  A plastic surgeon from New Jersey.  You can't fix personality problems with plastic surgery honey.  Let's see what do you want for smoothing out your conscience?  Silicon? or collagen?

I hope they have zero children and I hope the Biden family gets everything that they deserve that they have not been given yet, by the hand of God.  I pray upon this union, all of the "blessings" that Biden gave the families of WACO victims, and my son, and others who are tortured in this country.  And I pray the curse of the blood of innocents will never leave their doorstep, and that each time they walk into a doorway, the curses of the blood of innocent children will revisit them like the ghosts at the gate of Sheol.  God damn Joe and Jill Biden, their children, and their future descendants to the 4th generation.  Amen.

Matthew 16:1-4.

Good luck to a doomed marriage.  I hope when she has a miscarriage, she thinks about Pakistani kids blown up by her Dad.  Maybe she can think about the unborn child her Dad had killed while it was in my womb.  God damn the Bidens.

Of all things, I dreamed about a Jewish man last night.  A very long dream.  I was leaving a church or party and he wouldn't let me go.  He was trying to push me out and then he decided he was attracted to me and I was stuck there with him.  He had brown hair.  I don't remember all of it, just that I was outside at some reception with cookies or something and then I was waiting for someone to pick me up and they were delayed.  So I was there at the church waiting and then it was dark and this man was going to lead me out, not liking how I was there, and then he had my hand next to him and revealed he was attracted to me and changed his mind and took me to his room.  Then I was play8ing this game of joking around with him and he didn't want to let me go.   Then he had me sitting there under a blanket, clothed, and I was still waiting to leave and he had decided he liked me.  Then I noticed I was exposed to others when I hadn't consented to the exposure and I woke up. I had stood up and was walking across the room and had my front covered but didn't realize they could see in through the side slits of my shirt to my chest.  There were at least two people there then and I covered myself, because I hadn't been the one to uncover myself.  He was shorter and had brown hair and I've never seen him before in real life. 

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