Sunday, June 3, 2012

Parents In California & My Garden

I hope someone is keeping an eye out for my parents.  They're in CA and I think they're having a good time but I don't know for sure because I'm not there.  Whenever we have nothing but the weather to talk about, and how hot it is, I wonder.  I guess it was so hot yesterday that they wore sleeveless shirts.

It's not hot over here, it's been overcast.

I cleared out the entire garden of clumps of grass and wheeled off about 10 or more wheelbarrow loads full of grass and clods of roots, and dumped them.  Then we have to plow up the same area once more, and I'll rake it, and then plant.

My lettuce, I can't believe it, is actually turning up.  I really am shocked.  I thought it was and then I thought, oh no, I think it's just leftover weeds poking up.  But no, it's really lettuce.  One new shoot had a little rock on its shoulders while pushing up out of the ground. I can't believe it, because the soil is good, but sort of clay-like and can get hard when it's dry so I wasn't sure.  I haven't added anything to the soil.

I might be able to plant everything without putting in any soil amendments.  Maybe my pinch of salt to the earth actually helped.  No slugs either, and ever since I set out a little plant of french lavendar, at the edge, no deer have gone across the patch either. (It's werk-ing! it's WERK-EENG!)

I hope to have the ground up and planted before next term of school starts.

My basil is coming up still, and I put in little starts in a mini-greenhouse of the bachelor buttons, lavendar, sage, and spearmint.  I'll transfer those to the garden when they come up.  Wanted to see how they do in starter pots before I plant outdoors, and make a plan.

On my topic of diet, I really wanted a donut this morning.  A danish, or maple bar, or cream puff, or bear claw, or I thought, I'll get one of each and then start my diet...and then I remembered--oh.  They have egg so they're not vegan.  So I had a little vegan brownie with coffee instead.


  1. Hello, I have read a lot of your blog and have a few questions for you.
    1. Is there ever any doubt in your mind that things aren't exactly what they seem to you? For example, that maybe the conspiracy against you isn't as large as you speculate?
    2. What would have happened if you had just played along with what people ask of you? For example, if you married, or medicated when told, or sought help from those offering?
    3. You seem a little isolated right now. Don't you want to reach out to others? for example: go to girls night out, or a New Years Eve party with a boyfriend?
    4. Do you believe that ALL Catholics are bad?

    I'm asking only to understand more, and for no underlying motivations. What I believe from what write is that you love your son with your whole heart, that you are very intelligent, and motivated. Don't stop putting it out there!

  2. Hello, I have been read quite a bit of your blog and have a few questions. I have to underlying agenda,I'm just curious to fill in some blanks.
    1. Do you ever have any doubts deep down that maybe the conspiracy isn't quite as large as you write about? For example, maybe Obama and Biden do not know everything?
    2. What do you think would have happened if you had done what was asked, for example marriage, consent to being medicated, receiving help from the institution?
    3. Do you believe that ALL Catholics are aware of what is happening?
    4. You seem so alone right now. Do you ever want to reach out and maybe have a girls night out, or a boyfriend to kiss on New Years Eve?

    What I believe about you is that you love your son more than anything else in the world. I also know that you are very intelligent and have a drive to fix things that are wrong. Good luck, and thank you for putting it all out there.

  3. Dear Anonymous,

    I think you're an absolute idiot to suggest I should have married an FBI employee-asshole.

    That's #1.

  4. 2. If I were asked to marry an FBI-employed asshole, do you really think I'm "mentally ill" or that it is NOT as big of a deal as my "conspiracy" suggests?

    It is, in fact, THAT big of a deal.

    3. I have never been told I need medication, and I don't, and I will never consent to it. I was drugged without having an evaluation first, at a psych ward I was sent to because of FBI defamation to cover up for their failed plan to have me marry their asshole employee. What a great solution to taking care of my sexual assault claim against 2 of their agents--"ask her to marry agent #3!!!!" Great plan.

    Not only that, my being medicated by force, was when an "orderly" connected to the U.S. military demanded it, because he got mad and his ego was bruised when I called him an "idiot". That is assault in the first degree, not "treatment". I had just arrived there for "evaluation" and they had not even evaluated me (I had been there a total of 5 minutes and in that time, asked to call my parents and a lawyer). So that is something THAT asshole AND the FBI can be sued and taken to jail for. As for getting "help from an institution", no one ever said I needed such help. In fact, I had to stand before a Judge who said I wasn't nuts and said I needed no "help" and demanded my release, after they'd already assaulted me and used me as a guinea pig to parade before interns as an example of toxic Haldol overdose via FBI slander.

  5. 4. Do I believe all Catholics are aware of what's happening? by this time, yes. I believe almost all of them are aware because I was in a very high-profile couple of lawsuits and then tortured and had my son kidnapped afterwards.

    I don't think "all" of them would agree with torture and killing unborn babies, of course not. But do a lot of them know about me? yes, for whatever reason, many do know.

  6. 5. I seem so alone?
    Could you provide your evidence for why I "seem so alone"? I don't cry out of lonliness, I don't feel alone, and the only time I ever do cry, is when I witness the torture of others, or find evidence to suggest they are also tortured in this country. I also have a problem with some of the law enforcement that makes a joke out of what is happening. Not all of them do, some are great, and most are not so great.

    They wanted me to marry their cop FBI asshole and I said shove it.

    No, I don't ever "want a girl's night out" or a "boyfriend to kiss on NY eve." I never think about it, it never crosses my mind, I don't feel "left out", and I miss nothing about Alvaro Pardo. I miss nothing about any man I've ever known.

    Does that answer your question?

    As for "putting it all out there" I don't think you have any idea of what you're talking about.

    Maybe you could enlighten us.

  7. To February:

    I've addressed your questions already, first seen in the anonymous comment.

