Monday, May 28, 2012

Pakistan Should Take Back Their Air Zones

If I were Pakistan, I would no longer allow U.S. criminals waging Crusades, to arbitrarily hunt down members of a group who do not even pose an active threat and have no plan in place to do anything to the U.S. 

All that Leon Panetta is doing is trying to exterminate them for the Holy See. 

Talking is not going to accomplish anything.  I would issue a warning to the U.S., forbidding them to enter air zones, and let them know Pakistan will shoot them down and have planes waiting to defend their air zones if the U.S. does not respect their sovereignty.

I would NOT allow Panetta's religious agenda to go any further than it already has.

Look at when they issued this outright was only after a catholic church was bombed, allegedly, by this group.  Panetta then took all of his catholic resources, and started working favors for the Holy See, and that has nothing to do with the United States.

If Panetta was really concerned about U.S. security, he'd have a different "target" than former U.S. "friends" the CIA trained.  He is like the character in Moby Dick, going after the "insurgents" and waging his little personal vendetta while he ignores the serious, large, and looming problems that other richer countries present.

I would not reward someone like that, for then just going in to exterminate all of these people.

If I were Pakistan, I would say NOW is the time to say ENOUGH.

I would send the message to stay out, put up the air shield, and not be intimidated with threats of cutting off foreign aid from the U.S.  Panetta is not only killing people in other countries arbitrarily, he is picking and choosing who to send from the U.S. to get killed.

Remember that "accidental" massacre of Pakistani soldiers?  That wasn't an accident and everyone knows it.  Panetta can talk all he wants and why should anyone believe him. 

While some might think others in foreign countries are victims, it might be interesting to find out who Panetta puts at the frontline.  Who is Panetta killing off from the U.S. side or hoping will die.

You can't just say, "We disagree and we want you to move out of our country."  You need to put your planes in place and let Panetta know if he continues to move forward, he is inviting resistance and there will be a war.

He's probably looking for some excuse to do worse, but maybe if the idea that a larger country could step in as well, he will not get support from the U.S. any longer.

He's a shame to this country.  I would bet, if someone looked hard enough on a legal basis, they could also find that he has violated some kind of treaty.  I don't know what, but he encourages violations of the U.S. Constitution, so it will be even worse for another country.

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