Monday, May 28, 2012

President Obama Guilty of High Crimes

I just watched the Arlington address and realized, bursting into tears, after it was over, this President is guilty of High Crimes & Treason.  He is a criminal.  He stood there, affirming HE is "Commander in Chief" of the U.S. military and while he talks falsely about promising not to put soldiers in harm's way, he already knows about torture of my son and family.

Obama is a bigger criminal than a Mexican Mafia and he knows it.  He stood there, starting out with a big "oh thank you" to people who "leave their country for 'Revolution'" (he already knows my ex-fiancee Alvaro Pardo) and then he closes with another nod to "Baltimore."  Maryland.  The people connected to Baltimore that this President refers to are criminals.

It's a bunch of garbage.  This President allowed me and my son to be tortured and knew I was being used as a pawn to get Alvaro Pardo into this country illegally--breaking all of the rules that any other foreign person is supposed to obey, to make an exception for someone who screwed me over and destroyed my son's life.

Leon Panetta just disgusts me.  I saw him standing there behind the President and felt sick just looking at him.  He is a criminal as well and he knows Alvaro Pardo directly.

They tortured all of us and they tried to use us.  Then, they tried to kill me and tortured my son in front of my eyes to try to punish me. 

I revealed my parents are twins.  My mother has a twin and my Dad has a twin and they have been using my parents for decades and torturing them as well, kidnapping them whenever they want and forcing them into silence. 

They can't even disclose how they use my parents in criminal ways and how they've committed crime against my family, so if they ever get a crazy idea that someone did something they don't like, or they don't do whatever the U.S. wants them to do, they interrogate them and punish them without any court of law.

Why do you think President Obama just signed a new defense bill into law, at the turn of this New Year?  The law allows the President, military, law enforcement, and this country, to hold and detain and imprison any citizen without any explanation to the court and without pressing charges.  This criminal President signed a criminal law into the books, allowing officials to treat U.S. citizens the same way they treat foreigners for war crimes.  No charges, indeterminate lengths of imprisonment (whether house arrest, blocked freedom of travel, forced interrogations, and abductions).  They not only now have this law signed, which is a direct violation of the Constitution--for the same country that Obama tried to "Bless" today.

You're not authorized to give a "blessing" Obama.  God does not hear you.  You turned your back on God and if you think God is listening to YOU and that you have any weight to ask for a "blessing" for this country, you are delusional.

Now, not only did Obama sign a bill allowing for illegal detention, abuse, torture, interrogation, and illicit immprisonment without any court of law, Judge, jury, right to attorney, or right to be charged, they had Bush sign a law before that, which allowed for the children of U.S. citizens to be tortured if they feel it's "helpful" for interrogating parents they suspect (or make excuses for suspecting) have done something wrong.

First this country signs a law to let them abuse and torture kids of U.S. citizens.

Then, Obama signs a law to allow U.S. citizens to be treated like Guantanamo prisoners with no rights and interrogated and tortured in secretive ways.

This President is a criminal.  

He gets up there and makes a big speech with eager beaver Panetta behind him, still gloating over killing more Pakistanis and Afghanis without cause.  They are just going around, exterminating anyone who was ever or is still part of Al-Quaeda, despite the fact that before Panetta put them on his religious hit list, they had made the first public declarations ever, to try to negotiate or find peace.

What did they get for that?   Nothing.  They are being systematically assassinated--all of them.  This country ignores the fact that they are torturing people inside their own country, including KIDS, and spends money to assassinate and exterminate all members of one group, even where there is no present plot to do anything to the U.S. at all.

I'm surprised their not killing all of the women and children too.  I mean why not?  if you want to run a religious crusade, the Catholics have never left behind women and children.

They don't care about kids who are U.S. citizens, so I'm shocked they're sparing kids over there.  At this point, whoever is black that supports Obama is only supporting him because of his skin color and nothing else.  Obama represents nothing of civil rights and justice.

He has signed the worst possible and most shocking law this country has ever seen: one that violates the Constitution in every way, and contradicts the idea he is "American" at all.  No one, who is authentically American, would damage the country or its reputation in such a way.  He's CIA-bred, his mother was CIA, and all he does is follow what Catholic-dominated CIA, military, and FBI tell him to do.  You notice this new law to imprison U.S. citizens without anyone knowing about it, came up after Leon Panetta got elected as head of the Pentagon.

It means any citizen could get picked up in their own country and taken on "extraordinary rendition" to some secret "black site", and be tortured, threatened, interrogated, and have their U.S. citizen-kids tortured as well.  No one would ever know.  That's how the law is written.  It allows for imprisonment of citizens at black sites, and to be held as prisoners in circumstances where to all outward appearances, they don't look like hostages.  Instead, they're secretly told what to do, where to do, and are not free.

What a great way to intimidate citizens who are whistleblowers.  "If you don't do what the military tells you to do, what the CIA tells you to do, or FBI tells you to do, we have this law here that allows us to take you wherever we want and NO ONE WILL HEAR YOU WHEN YOU SCREAM."

They already torture me, my family, and my son.

This President is guilty of Treason and High Crimes.  He should be prosecuted for his crimes of multiple violations of the U.S. Constitution.  They've made his position, and the position of intelligence, superior to the foundation that this entire country was established on.

What a great call for morale.  Soldiers feel great to know they are fighting for a country that isn't even "The United States" any longer.  If they're not fighting for the so-called "Freedoms" that they're told they fight for, why go into the service at all.  To fight Crusades for the Catholic church? Why don't they start sending in the President, and Panetta and Mueller to the front of the line and see how much courage they have.

Real brave men.

So brave, they torture babies and ask teenagers to lose their limbs for a country they're ruining.

I don't know why Pakistan's military doesn't block the U.S. from entering their air zones.  Pakistan should be blocking the U.S. from even getting close.  They can talk about not wanting the U.S. there, but they need planes in place, to fight the U.S. off. 


  1. You lost your son because you are insane. He is better off without you. Plain and simple. You need to be medicated asap. May you someday accept the psychiatric care that you so desperately need.

  2. Dear Anon,

    Thanks for writing. No, I'm not insane.

    Do "insane" people have their kid taken when they are applying for political asylum in Canada and then go on to work in Blaine, WA without a problem and then work in Washington D.C.?

    People who met me, on the East Coast, know there was nothing wrong with me. So Wenatchee and WA can lie all they want and no one East Coast is going to believe one single word they say.

    I and my son have been tortured and we are still being tortured. My parents are as well and my comment about how they are twins, is not insane. It is the truth. It's unbelievable, and it's true.

    I didn't even believe it and I'm their kid, but I've been watching and noticing before I said anything.

    As for Obama, my Uncle Howard started having "heart problems" right after he made a comment to me on our phone (which is tapped) that was derogatory to Michelle. Right after that, he was attacked with something that caused heart problems, tried to leave the hospital when he saw who was there, collapsed, and then went into a coma and was medicated so heavily he wasn't even able to open his eyes if he wanted to.

    I wasn't told he was medicated into a coma, I had the feeling that's what was going on and it turns out, I was right.

    Then he died.

    President Obama is a criminal. His mother was CIA and he's been raised to take orders from them since he was a kid. Which is exactly what he's done and that entire group has changed.

    Every single major department in D.C. is now headed by a Roman Catholic. All of them are, and the CIA and FBI are chockfull, over 50% and closer to 70% all members of the same religion--one that asks for allegiance to the Holy See and Pope before the U.S.

    There are some bad news jews too, because I've met some of them and they are totally crazy.

    How many people get set up by the FBI, and almost killed how many times? The FBI was directly involved in lying about me and pushing doctors to ruin my mind and inject me with so many drugs I either died or never thought the same.

    This President has signed crimes into law. I'm sorry, but look at it this way...

    If the President of the U.S. ignores the Constitution and allows the DOD to tell him to sign a law that allows U.S. citizens to be kidnapped while in their own country, taken to a remote place, and tortured and interrogated with no charges, no lawyer and no right to bail...if he signed a law that claims citizens can be imprisoned by them, even outside of bars, and held hostage,...don't you think that's a crime?

    That's signing in a law that is against the Constitution and everything our country stands for. Um...right to trial????

    So when a President does this, he has committed treason.

    I don't care who told him to do it. He's read the Constitution, he's a lawyer, and he knows the law. He is sworn in to "uphold the Constitution" and the laws of this country.

    You don't change the Constitution every so many election when he did this, he disavowed himself as a patriot of the U.S. and committed treason against the American people.

    If this President will do this, do you think it's possible that he knows little kids are being tortured here in the U.S., under state-sanctioned agreements?

    Of course he knows.

    He knows about me, and he knows about my son, and he knew when my Uncle got his "hit". I saw the look on Michelle's face after it happened and after I blogged how I knew he was in a coma because of over-sedation, not a natural coma.
