Saturday, May 12, 2012

Parents & Oliver Tortured

I had a few moments where I had a bad feeling and wondered how my son was doing this late afternoon and evening.

My Mom didn't answer her cell phone all day which is not like her.  She carries it with her.  The only reason she'd have it off is if someone wanted her to have it off and most likely that would be because of police and/or gangs in Wenatchee.

She still sounded tense. 

I said it's like the U.S. tortures us to the point of almost killing us, and then does it for so long, when they do it less, they expect us to feel grateful, as if now it's not so bad, when torture against citizens should be "never".

I had a sad feeling around the time my son was probably at church and then this late afternoon-early evening.

My mom saw Granny today and LeeJoy and Sandy (all relatives to us--cousins).

1 comment:

  1. Your son is fine. It sounds like he was adopted into a loving family. If your mom sounds tense it is probably due to her love for you and her distress that you have sunk so low into the depths of insanity. As to Oliver, think of this. (A) The Conspiracy is True: then you should be glad he is not with you because you suffer daily regardless of where you are. Also your life is so unstable. Oliver requires stability don't you think? You've run from Washington State to Canada, D.C., Tennessee. Texas, and Oregon trying to escape from the conspirators. That is no life for a young boy. (B) There is no Conspiracy and You Are Insane: again, be glad he is not with you. It would be so terrible for poor Oliver to see your descent into insanity. Thankfully he is spared of that by being with a loving family. Work on your mental health. Get well.
