Saturday, May 12, 2012

Thoughts This Morning

I woke up and read passages about children.  The first one I found was in NT, about sheep, and it's right before the part about leaving the 99 to find the 1.   It says, "Do not look down on these little ones, because their angels in heaven see God's face."

Their angels.  So it says these little ones, have angels who see God's face directly.  Do not look down on these little ones, for their angels see the face of God.

Sometimes a certain phrase stands out at a moment in time you don't expect it to.  I have always heard about guardian angels, and understood this,  and about angels keeping charge of you, lest your foot slip or you fall, but this one specifically talks about the guardian angels of little children.

So I then thought to think about Samuel and find out how old he was when he was called by God and responded.  I then read the section about love the lord your God with all your heart and teach this to your children.  And then I read "Red Sea" is called Yam Sufh, for "Sea of Reeds".

Then I turned on the radio and it was a song I danced to, called "I'm glad you came" (first the ending of "I've loved you for 1,000 years" which made me think about the angel stuff I had just read) and thought how my son must be happy to have my parents visiting and playing with him.

I also thought about the painting of the guardian angel I grew up with and to look it up again and some of the artists other paintings too.  Maybe after I get my assignment done.

Oh, the other thing I didn't know about, that happened, was that on the day I made the loveseat collage for my son, I had put the verse for "wisdom is supreme" on the back of it.  Then, I wanted to send something with it and had specifically bought some peppermint tea for my son.  I have sent him Good Earth tea, and thought to send him another herbal one, one sealed serving.  So it was "Traditional Medicine" peppermint tea--the only herbal kind they had at Fred Meyer in the organics/health section.  I thought, "Well, no kids on it, but okay".  So I had already written something about Wisdom on his collage and then I opened the box for the first time and saw a few had different words on each package.  I saw one for "medicine" and another for something else, so thought, "I'm not going to look and I'll give him the one I randomly get."

Guess what it was???!!

It said WISDOM.

???!!!!????  I thought, "What thuh..."

I did not even see any packets with "wisdom" on them when I decided to randomly pick one out.  So I didn't even know there was a packet in this box that had this on it.  I thought, "That is really weird.  I put "Wisdom" on his collage and then I prayed for the right packet for him and randomly got "Wisdom" and I had no idea it was even on one of these packets.

I haven't bought this brand for a long time, so I had no idea how they were packaging things.  So he got the packet for ancient and modern "Wisdom". 

Then today, I reached in for my first packet of herbal tea and it said "Knowledge" on it.  But anyway, it doesn't matter.  The weird part was getting a kind of random confirmation on that word at that time.

I just grabbed the box to look through and find the ones I first saw before praying and asking God to pick the right one for my son.  Well, first of all, I just looked and there is no other "wisdom" in the entire box.  There are a lot of other words on the packets.  Some have the same word 4 or more times but there was one Wisdom and it went to my son with his wisdom collage.  There are 2 "knowledge" packets left, for example, and 2 reliability, 3 pharmacoepial, 2 clinical testing, 2 wind power, and 2 organic herbs.  There was 1 wisdom.  I think that is really strange.

When I first opened the box, I saw the ones for "clinical testing" and "pharmoceopial grade herbs" so I thought, "these don't sound like their for kids at all," but I decided, regardless, since I saw there were at least 2 different saying on them, to pray for the right one, for Oliver.  And I got one that said "Wisdom" and put it in the envelope for my son.

Anyway.  I put it in the envelope and walked to the post office to mail it and that was it.

I've had this brand of tea before, first time, I think, while I was pregnant with my son.  I got the Raspberry leaf tea to promote strong uterus.  I haven't bought it in a long time though.  I think I've also had the Echinachea from them and maybe a licorice one.  Would have to look at listings.



  2. Dear Anonymous,

    I don't always read all the links I post (usually I do but not if it's from someone harassing me) but I looked this one up.

    I am not sure why this was sent to me? It doesn't have anything to do with my son except for the fact that I believe her family committed crimes to get where they are. I don't think she is a good person and she is definitely not good for their own country.

    I don't know, I just scanned the article quickly. First thoughts are that I didn't like the dresses. I wouldn't choose them for myself. They look ill-fitting and not royal at all. The white one drowns her and the blue one looks cheap. Her suits look much better than any of these formals. The photo of William (I haven't looked any of them up recently) looks like he just got out of the hospital--it's like she's sucking the life out of him. Her mother Carol is atrocious and her cat is atrocious so it sort of fits. Side by side in that same hat they look like Drusilla and Annabelle, trying to sing at the piano in the parlor. Harry I can't comment on because I can't see his face.

    I feel the Queen and Philip should live as long as they can, until they're in their 100s, because there are kinks to be worked out. I really feel divorcing the Middletons is a solid solution to some of the problem. While I am christian and don't typically believe in divorce, this marriage was never valid or legitimate from the start. That's my opinion.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. (I deleted the comment above because it was a blogger error)

    By the way, I don't think England wants "sexier" for royal figures. They might want glamour, romance, and a little mystery. One can be relatable with ones activism and still dress appropriately for formal occasions.

  5. It's not the design as much as the tailoring and choice of material, in my opinion.

  6. I should comment again...I don't know anything about the Queen or Philip either and made a rash statement. I have no idea what this article has to do with my post, because it has nothing to do with it. My post about Wisdom and my son and what God showed me about my son, or ideas given to me, have NOTHING to do with Kate Middleton. At all.

    So trying to fit her in somewhere, doesn't fit.

    And the ivory dress doesn't fit her and hangs, and she looks like she's coming out the tomb and the blue one is made of cheap material. That's why I don't like them. If it's a turtleneck dress, it should be fitted throughout and not hang like a nun's shroud, and if it's got a back that low with lace, to avoid looking like a nightgown it should be made of different material, especially in that color.

    Also, I would not wear peep toe shoes with either dress. Peep toes are vintage and go with a kind 20s, 40s, 50s, lines, and I would never mix a 1940s peep toe with a 1980s mumu.

    But that's just me.

    I haven't much room to talk because all of my clothing has been stolen from me and I'm told to wear "flip flops" instead of shoes.

    I don't know. I think I entertained the article insert. But I just skimmed the article...

  7. Okay, looked a second time. Only at the article and not at any other links. I guess, to see if I was missing anything, any hidden clue to something. But no, nothing is hidden.

    She looks exactly like Michelle Erickson actually. She and Michelle have the same face and same smile, and the same "aura". She's wearing her hair in braided knots like I wear mine, I noticed that. I've been wearing my hair in two braids and then knotted up together at the nape of neck for a month. I recently started crown braiding instead because I wanted a change and my hair is so long, it is the only thing to do with it, knots and a wreath around my head by french braiding in (called crown braiding so I discovered).

    I don't know why she feels she needs to copy me on everything. What's next? She even has one of my underwear designs on her back.

    I know Chris Dabney works for them. The Middletons, and that is one Middleton connection to the U.S. I worked with him at the Post Pub.

    The article is wrong on one point. It says she is revealing "leg" in a slit where she hasn't in the past. No, instead she bared both legs, and her entire rear-end, knowing she was going to be photographed. Imagine Queen Elizabeth getting out on rollerblades with a tight pair of panties and nothing else. Real tasteful and "classic".

    I can't even look at this slit in her ivory dress without knowing she has gone through all of my personal photographs. Middleton has.

    She has gone through photographs I have in Seattle, which have been held by a woman whose partner is Canadian and boss is Jewish (I am pretty sure--she owns the Chocolate Box and a winery) and that's after using Alvaro Pardo and Dabney to get to my other photos at Mykal Holt's house.

    Her ivory dress is an almost exact copy of my Homecoming Queen dress, except the jacket is not there and it's all part of one dress in this photo. The sleeves and everything else I've already worn.

    So it really has me wondering why she thinks she gets access to my personal photos, steals items from my family even long ago, and reads my FBI files when the FBI (my own country) wouldn't even honor my FOIA for my own personal FBI file but produced the likes for Middleton.

    I guess I can keep saying she is not a good person, but now that I know, what does that do? People will find out for themselves.

    Middletons deliberately tried to set me up to go to prison. And it is my opinion, they are criminals on other counts. Their entire family is in the drug industry and Kate has laundered money.

    That is how "good" they are.

  8. Oh, on the FBI files...

    Do you know when the FBI first gave me ANYTHING on my own file? Only after 7 years and specifically, after I made a blogpost about how is that Kate Middleton gets access to my FBI files and I do not?

    THAT is what is crazy.

    Then all of a sudden, the FBI sends me an edited packet of information which is only a fraction of what Middleton took.

    I have made countless written requests, for protecting myself, my son, and our lives, and got nothing from the FBI, as a citizen of this country, but they give it to Kate Middleton?

    What is wrong with this picture?
