Saturday, May 12, 2012

Computer Crashed Last Night

My blogger was working last night, but none of my email accounts, through google or through microsoft, and then it kept saying my security system was corrupted (McKaffee) and then this laptop crashed.  It crashed right before an assignment was due that I was trying to access directions to and do before the deadline.

First EOU said it wasn't responding.  Then, I tried hotmail and it said microsoft wasn't responding.  Then, it said my security system (McKaffee) was corrupted.  Then it said the VBS file? was deleted or corrupted too.  Then it crashed.

I've only had this computer for a few days.

I tried to uninstall the one program to add another but it wouldn't even let me do this.  For whatever reason, I could still get online to Google, but it wasn't allowing me to access any email accounts.  Then I tried the debugging mode and after that, I was tired and went to bed.  This morning I password protected the computer and tried to fix something but I don't know...let me see...

I just checked.  The email accounts are working now.  I have no idea why.  I tried to fix this last night to do an assignment and it wasn't even possible.  So I guess now I can try again. 

I just got an email from my Mom that said their internet connection wasn't working either, that it was off and on.  I asked her to email a professor for me to let him know what was going on. 

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