Friday, May 11, 2012

Torture of Oliver Garrett In Wenatchee

The town of Wenatchee is using my son for display, abusing him, and he is still being tortured.  He is apparently extremely thin, and I have seen photos from my cousin's wedding, and he looked ill and miserable.

He's still being forced to do and say things that evil men and woman, who were torturing him when I was still there, force him to do.  They have paraded him out into public as well, for school events, to sing songs that mock me, his mother, and the efforts I made at trying to bring attention to what was happening to him.

This is an evil town.  It is past redemption, and they have concealed crimes against a child and those responsible are Jewish, Catholic, and some of the Protestants as well.  My son continues to be visited by horrible people that coached him and abused him when I was still visiting him.

They have made him into a circus show. 

He greeted my parents in a robot costume that he would never make himself, and saying things he would never say unless an adult that is not part of the family told him to say this.

They make fun of the fact that my family is forced to do what others tell them to do.

Not only that, this town became a literal ghost town when my parents left.  I would say about 70% of the people who make a point to drive back and forth all around us, left to follow my parents.  Which is good if someone is looking out for them, but most likely, people from the WA area have just added to it.   My parents left in the middle of the week, and it was so quiet--I would say the traffic flow through town dropped by over 3/4.

I am not exaggerating.  I really didn't have an idea of how many people are interested in my parents until they left and this much of a harassment parade left to follow them out.  Or, maybe some just went home. 

I have a few people still paying attention to me, but nothing like what they are doing when my parents are around. 

My son is not well.  He is not healthy, and he is still being tortured. 

The town of Wenatchee is responsible for a great deal.  The entire town is virtually corrupt.  They are part of the drug network in Yakima, Seattle, and California, and it's worse in Wenatchee than I would say it is in many parts of California.  They not only have horrific drug corruption, which has corrupted all of the Judges and lawyers there, they have military and CIA corruption.  The entire town of Leavenworth is rife with corrupt retired and rich, high-ranking CIA and military.

They all commit crime so they're all in good company.  The U.S. has left Wenatchee "untouched" for decades, and in return, tries to blackmail people there into forcing use of a few of the children.  It's a pedophile central as well.  As far as I know, the reference to "six" is that my Dad once told me there were about "sex registered sex offenders" on one stretch of highway in Coquille, in our town.  I looked at him and he looked like he was trying not to cry and said,

"It's not Oliver."

I didn't ask anymore than that.  I don't know who it is, but I had the thought come to mind, and wondered why he said "It's not Oliver."  Either he said this, knowing it IS Oliver, and that I always think the reverse of what he says is true, or someone else in our family has been repeatedly sexually assaulted.

My Mom, my Dad, me, my son Oliver, my brother--ALL of us are being used by the U.S. government and we are ALL being illegally held hostage, tortured, and some of us are being threatened and blackmailed not to tell. 

Our situation is no different than the man from Iran, who was held hostage by the CIA.

This is CIA.

CIA and military coordinate mind control, torture, research,, and allow sexual abuse of children.  It is 100% CIA.  However, the only way they operate these highly illegal problems, is with a consenting town that is corrupt and FBI that are criminal. 

In every single CIA or military operation involving torture of children, or trafficking of children in any way, they have used FBI to back them up.   There is not one single program of this nature, that has not used corrupt Judges and FBI, as well as local police, to cover up the criminal activity.  According to any known member of CIA who has been involved in these programs, or director, these military-sponsored programs have sometimes also included high-ranking officers and leaders to sexually abuse and rape the kids involved, as a "security" to others they will not leak information or prosecute.  They have men raping kids, and then swearing allegiance to rape of children and torture, as their blackmail to keep their programs running.

I could tell something was wrong with my Mom when she was still with the Sandbergs.  I believe it was torture.  She kept reacting and I could tell something was wrong and that she was trying not to cry.  Then, I couldn't reach them for several hours and wondered what was wrong.  I had a bad feeling this morning and knew it was Oliver.  It was from 9-10 a.m. or so, one or two hours, and I was even trying to read the Bible and knew something was wrong.

So Oliver ran up to them in a robot costume with a red plastic mask.

Someone gave him the idea, after I called Judge Nakata, "red", and mentioned the criminal activity by Judges and others in that town, to greet my parents wearing a cardboard box around him, like a homeless person, and then with a red plastic bag over his head. 

He was instructed to greet my parents, with a red plastic bag over his head, with, "I am a robot.  What planet are YOU from?  I am from Jupiter.  Take me to your leader."

My son would never choose Jupiter for his planet.  It's a bunch of crap that adults who torture him are feeding him, and they instructed him to do this to upset and alarm my parents, who are unable to testify to torture because it only gets worse for us and they're blackmailed.

No one in my family would allow him to have a red plastic bag over his head.  None of us.  Not the Avila's, not me, not my parents--no one.  I told Christa Schneider a long time ago that my Dad always told me, as a kid, not to put a plastic bag over my head.  My brother did it sometimes and my Dad was particular about it.  So for my son Oliver to greet his grandfather, my Dad, his Grandpa Bob, with a red plastic bag over his head, means we are in a very serious state of emergency.

It means someone deliberately wants to shock my family even more than we are already.  It's sick.  What they have done to my son, in this country, is sick.  I mean, they have done the most disgusting and cruel and degrading things to my son that you can imagine.

From what I know, he's skin and bones as well.  I saw from a photo he was skinny.  Not thin, skinny like he was starving.  My mom said today he was "taller" which is what they said as an excuse when I said "he has become extremely skinny". 

They have tortured him, stolen food from him...

My mother said, "He's thin, no different from when you and Levi were kids."  Which basically affirms that it's generational use and abuse by the U.S.A.  They've used my family and they are criminals and should be in jail.  All of them.  Every single person who has colluded to keep these things quiet and secret should be in jail.

Then my son showed them a video on mini-recorder he had, of a school play he was in, singing to something about 3 pigs and the big, bad wolf.  Which is degrading and insulting because while my son was showing up in visits with me, this is something I told him about several times.  I told him stories about this and acted it out, right in front of Anne Crane/Crain.   I do not trust that school in Dryden for one second.  They've used my son and concealed torture of him just like the rest of Wenatchee.

The entire area is dangerous because the town is full of self-righteous mercenary types who range from gangsters, to high-ranking mafia, to military, to CIA.  The only way for them to keep any kind of "balance" in that area is by ensuring all are equally either criminal or blackmailed.  That's how they keep the scales level.  Blackmailed citizens on one side, and criminals on the other, or a mixture of both.

There are very few people there who ever speak up about any kind of wrong-doing.  Mostly, this is because if you're an honest person or don't have to live there because family is there or you've been blackmailed to stay, you LEFT a LONG time ago.  If you're decent, you can't stomach the area.

My son has nothing to do with robots.  It's not his choice of interest.  It's what sick, seriously SICK people in that area, force him to do to worry my parents.  The idea is that this "red-headed" "robot" surrounded by cardboard, is me.  My parents are not stupid.  They know exactly what these criminals are trying to rub in their faces, through my own son and their own grandson.

With a plastic bag over his head no less.  Knowing this would be disturbing to my parents.  The Avilas would never do this.  The only reason they would allow it is because of the power-structure in that town and if a cop was nearby, making sure they did what they were told to do.

Someone first stopped torturing me, when I started to write this post about the CIA and military.  Then they started it up again. 


  1. Oliver "Garrett" doesn't exist.

  2. Oliver "Garrett" doesn't exist.

  3. You haven't seen Oliver in years~ how the hell would you know what he likes or not

  4. Dear Anonymous,

    True. I've seen one photograph of my son in years and he was abnormally thin and unhappy. What others say, that he is thin, corresponds to the photo of him that I've seen.

    My son is being tortured and there is no hope for this country if they persist in committing crime and funding crime.

  5. Dear Anonymous,

    True. I've seen one photograph of my son in years and he was abnormally thin and unhappy. What others say, that he is thin, corresponds to the photo of him that I've seen.

    My son is being tortured and there is no hope for this country if they persist in committing crime and funding crime.
