Friday, May 11, 2012

Rainbow Dots In Sky (photos)

I made my love seat collage, with the quarters on the sides, and the green earrings, on the same day my mom showed me the water earrings or dots on the counter.  It was the day they left, and before 8 a.m.  Then I made my collage of the love seat and placed the earrings or dots and then at about 4 that afternoon, the electricity went out so I went outside and then looked behind me and it was one dot on one side of the sun and a matching dot on the other side, and a ring around the whole sun.  The dots and ring were rainbow colored.  It was like my collage

So I took photos.

One of the photos had someone adding something to the photo that wasn't there so I didn't include it.  It was an effect that was nowhere in the sky and didn't reflect the truth so I'm not adding it.  But they were rainbow dots, equally spaced apart from the sun, on either side.

That was a day I was tortured all day, Thursday, and then the next day (Friday) too.

Anyone who noticed may have taken photos.  I tried to get the whole thing but this webcam wasn't large enough so I took sections and did get both of them but you'd have to lay out the photos after printed, and line them up and then you would see the whole picture.

It was . O .

with the dots exactly center or higher than center level with the O representing the sun.

There wasn't anything above the sun.  I assume it's something scientists or military can do now?  How, I don't know.  But I figured it must be the case because I had posted this collage before it happened and my mom showed me the water drops on the counter right before I then added the green stones I'd taken out of the necklace, to add it to the next loveseat collage.

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