Sunday, May 13, 2012

Rick Baken, FBI Criminal Mobster with Laura Laughlin

He is a criminal and I will testify against Rick Baken on the stand, along with his criminal partner Laura Laughlin.

I had problems, after I brought up the idea that Rick Baken and his wife Claudia were not actually "Protestant evangelical christians" at all.  They are not.  I had a hunch and knew something was fishy but I am not psychic. 

That doesn't mean I haven't been persecuted and tortured because others assumed I might be.

Rick Baken most likely let Antony Spilatro go on a technicality, knowing all along that he was messing it up.  After I've known him, and saw what he did after Alvaro from Colombia left, I knew he was dirty.


He moved up next to my grandparents after Christa Schneider and her Dad got close to me, was around the same time I met monks from the Catholic church.

Rick Baken is an Italian-Catholic mobster who got into the FBI, pretended to infiltrate FBI, and was corrupt the entire time.  He managed to get by without being caught, while most likely some of his partners died.

How many of his FBI partners died?  I'm just wondering, because I don't know anything, and yet I will be if you look him up, and look up HIS FBI file and history, there are deadmen lining his charts.  Not only that, he's a generational dirty cop.  His Dad was first to get into the FBI so it was easy for him.

That man and his wife left threatening message TO ME through Granny and on their own, when I was there.  Because I was already defamed through his pal Laughlin, and he had his cover and military or CIA friends torturing the daylights out of us, no one would believe me if I even said what he said to me, or did, or implied.

Not only that, it's out of control huge now.

I got to my house after looking inside a suitcase to see what was sent to me from Wenatchee and it was a mixture of Wenatchee and Coquille crap.  Not to mention Moses Lake. 

Everything these mobsters forced my parents to send to me, was to try to upset me, humiliate me, and make fun of me.  They returned all of my maternity clothes from my son, along with a bunch of baby girl clothes, and a pair of used ballet shoes and tights.  They sent this off in a dirty bag that is black and white marks like my son was forced or told to paint on his own face a few weeks ago.

Steve Mays is a fucking CIA asshole and his sons, are straight up mafia.  He had the Mexican Mafia emblem on his wall in his house and the AG Anne McIntosh was friends with him.

I only got as far as seeing that these assholes sent back my "shoes" to me, with "ballet tights" and then I found my old soft dance slippers.  I had a pair for yoga and dance and they were there.  Then, a pair of ballet shoes showed up with a package of tights.

This is NOTHING my Mom and Dad would ever give me.  NEVER have they supported ballet and they would never give me someone's used up ballet shoes and a package with a ballerina leaping across the floor, at my age, to insult me and to push it in my face that anything I wanted to do when I was younger, is now coming back to me in a dirty black and white bag to shove it in my face.

The FBI is a mafia and this country is going to Hell.

My parents would never do such a thing, to rub it in my face, that I don't have my son, or to mock me as if I'm going to walk around this trailer in someone else's hard toe ballet shoes.  They were only a few places and one place was Sheila's house.  The other places were FBI/Chief of Police Annette Sandberg's parent's house, and then they were in Wenatchee, where Rick Baken and his Dad have had a mafia ring going with the town for decades.

Rick Baken pretended to be shocked no one from Portland FBI was doing any investigating of religious hate crime and obstruction of justice, because he's used to faking.  He's a liar and a fake and he would have never done his job "undercover" at all, if he didn't know how to pull a con.
And that is what he is. HE is a con artist.

He and his friends in the FBI gave other criminals so much "cover" and courage, they ran the entire town and state into the ground, and made criminals in New Jersey look like LaVerne & Shirley.

It is so bad, I have not only had my SON KIDNAPPED by FBI agent collusion with criminals, and been TORTURED here, non-stop, the CIA even enlisted friends of theirs in NSA and through search engine owners, to harass me even online through ads.

Tonight, when I tried to sign on after seeing the crap that Colombia and the FBI wanted to throw at me, for Middletons and the corrupt part of the UK, I got a message from blogger (owned by google) that said, "Sorry you couldn't get options from the server."  Or, failed to get options from server.

They have used people they know to even harass me while trying to claim there is no harassment.

I called my mother today while she was driving and she said there was an echo on the phone the whole time and she couldn't hear me.  I told her I knew what that echo was and she said, "I'm being driven nuts".

If this GOD DAMNED country is starting up their FCC-NSA "telecommunications" crap with my mother, then they are just setting her up to be called crazy because they know she knows enough to put them all away for LIFE.


That's how they started out with me. 

First they called me crazy and now they've been working on my parents too.  They first followed me and tried to kill me, literally, by "accident" and then by direct hit-and-run.  Then my computers and printers were being fried by the lawyers in Portland and Seattle.  Next, after they got away with that and Rick Baken pulled a cover for the other guys with Laura Laughlin and Gregoire, it was "an echo" on my phone.  Then "the echo" turned into telecommunications rerouting of all my calls, sending me to psych ward numbers instead of Fred Meyers or other normal business I had dialed.  Then after that, they brought in torture.  Then they called me crazy when I tried to report it.

They are afraid of my parents, have always been afraid, have always tried to control them, and the Middleton connections are especially nervous on the UK side because they've used people to keep us down for years.  Now, they are trying to drive my parents crazy, just like they did with me.

Which is why I could tell they weren't okay when I called to see how things were going.

Rick Baken is a criminal.  He is not an FBI agent and neither is his wife.  They are mafia.  He pulled a con on me, and pretended to be on my side and shocked about the FBI response, and told me to ask for the SSA because he already knew her and knew she was dirty.  It was just good cop bad cop.  He did me in, along with other agents they hand-picked from D.C. and California.  California was the worst because they are so close and have people to pick from.

Rick's wife Claudia tried to intimidate me when they both believed I thought "six" was mafia code for "silence".  It isn't true, and it's not what I've thought, but they believed I thought this and I'd blogged something about it so Claudia brought over 6 cookies to Granny's house when she knew I was there.  Most people would think no big deal, but they know what they're doing.

The Bakens know the Schneiders, the DOJ people.  And guess who tried to set me up to be killed in a hit-and-run and plotted it out?  They did.  They asked where I was going, when, and what direction.  And they had a man ready.

Claudia isn't going to intimidate me to my face.  She's gangster and lived in Las Vegas and lived gangster with Rick while pretending to be FBI agents at the same time.  They have lied for the mob and they lie for the FBI.  That just makes them very good liars who can pass a lie detector test.

After Alvaro left, Rick tried to intimidate me and freak me out.  One time he was doing something weird with feathers around his house.  Just one feather, but it spooked me.  And then another time he was saying, "I know you don't understand."  I had said to him I didn't know why all these things were happening and why I was being targeted, lied about, tortured, and I said, "But I don't understand..." and he said, "I KNOW you don't understand."

It freaked me out when he said this because he didn't deny things were happening, he just admitted that he knew that even if others knew what was going on and why, he knew I did not know why.  So he said, "I know you don't understand".

Why say that to someone when they're being tortured and harassed one state to the next?  He made it clear HE understood!  So if he knew, why wasn't he telling ME?  You don't tell someone who is a victim and who has their son being tortured and kidnapped from them, that well, yeah, it's too bad and you know they don't understand.  How does that make sense at all?

Between his "I know you don't understand" and feather fancy stuff, and Claudia's "6 'keep your mouth' cookies", and the fact that they moved up there when they did, I have reason to be freaked out.  I know he lied, and I know he's a con artist.  How can you be so good at acting, literally, it's acting for a profession, and then know a mother and child are tortured there?  Of course he knew and Laughlin knew too.


  1. I feel sorry for you. You sit in some lonely place trying so hard to weave a coherent story from so many different and unrelated threads. The story you need to know is that you are sadly mentally deranged. It is not a happy story. But it is the story that you tell in your blog, that is, your slow descent into madness. Have you not sacrificed enough to your madness? You have lost your son, you have no job, you have no one who loves you (and no one you can trust to love you). You sit and write and write trying to make sense of things and yet your madness allows for no sense at all. I hope some day you get the help that you need.

  2. That is untrue and just mean. Her parents love her dearly! Yes it is clear she has some very serious issues, but being mean will not help anyone. I am sure there are many others who love and care about Cameo, her inability to trust and receive the love does not make it just disappear.

  3. I'm sorry, I meant not loved by a significant other. I.e., husband or boyfriend. I didn't mean her family or especially her parents. Cameo seems so lonely and if you read what she writes about her prior boyfriend Alvaro, no wonder she cannot maintain a relationship. Anyone who tries to help her ends up being incorporated into her web of deluded conspiracies. It is sad and she won't get professional help.

  4. Anonymous,

    I feel far sorrier for others who cling to "ideas of love" from others than for myself. I feel great actually. If you think I am ever "lonely" you are dead wrong. I feel absolutely self-contained which means I feel whole. I do not need a "half" to complete me. I am complete within myself. What is sad, is watching others fall over themselves to win the affections of others because they don't feel worthy standing on their own.

    As for what I write about Alvaro, that is the truth. Alvaro Pardo works for the FBI, TOLD me he worked for the FBI, and he was connected to Kate Middleton. I met one of her "pals" and defenders at the courthouse in MD where Alvaro attempted to squeeze me into union with him. He took photos for Middleton's English brat with the Colombian girlfriend. The U.S. falls over themselves for Kate only because she has proximity to the royal family, not because she or Alvaro are intelligent, interesting, or successful on their own. They're users. Alvaro tried to use me, period, and he first did what the Middletons wanted by trying to get me out of the way. After he was gone, they used torture and defamation until the wedding day.

    "Maintain a relationship"...I don't see a romantic relationship as a project in "maintenance". Sorry, but I need a stronger man than one who expects me to give him an oil lube. I know women who think men are just about oil lubes, like Middleton, will relate to the Middletons of the world.

    Middleton and Pardo are connected to Chris Dabney and a bunch of D.C. criminals and that's touching the East Coast and some of the Jewish there and not even speaking of the mafia they work with in California.

    It is "sad". Well, start crying then because I'm not crying for myself and I'm not crying for a false "lost love".

    I cry for my son.

    I know what true love is and it has nothing to do with FBI-Middleton set-ups like Alvaro.

  5. Alvie and "KK".

    What is really crazy is how some of the so-called "christian" radio personalities have tried to support her as if she is a christian at all.
