Monday, May 14, 2012

Vision Revision (not really revision, just examining)

Out of a short list of birds, the scarlet tanager caught my eye.   I went to the Audobon site for bird identification and there was a short list there, and I saw one that was really pretty, in orange and pale blue, and then in the main focus list the scarlet tanager was very striking.

I went there to try to find bird identification for blackbird.  I am looking up crows, ravens, and blackbirds because today I was walking and I think it was a shiny very black crow, and it flew past a couple of times and I thought, "That's not the one I saw."  It's very pretty and I love how smart crows and ravens are...I would love to have one for a pet, from birth actually.

I don't know how birds are intellectually different from eachother.  Dogs, for example, by breed, have different genetic strengths (in general).  There's always an exception to the rule, but in general, by breeds you find certain things they tend to be strong in.  I know a few things about dogs.  It's true for horses too.  Cats, I am not sure, they don't seem to be so different intellectually as much as different tempermentally.  Birds--they must be different because pigeons are smart to be carriers, and crows are smart to steal and know tricks, parrots know how to imitate your language and try to communicate, so...they must all be different somehow.

I first looked up crows and ravens and tried to compare and then I was looking up the color of eyes they have, because that's how close it was to me at first.  And then I thought, maybe it was a blackbird afterall, and not a crow or raven.  So I'm looking.

It was all one color and the color was black but I don't remember it being so shiny, though it was not a long time I saw it.  It had the head of a crow, raven, or blackbird, and I saw the color of eye, I think, if I'm not mistaking that there was something around the eye.  It wasn't solid black, the eyes.  So when I read ravens and crows have black eyes, and that it's solid black, I know it's not that one.  If the info is correct on the ID of birds because I'm at a loss with google results sometimes.  There was some part of the eye that was lighter than black.   I don't know.  It was some kind of blackbird, raven, crow, or blackbird and it did not have black eyes, there was something light about the eyes or around it, they were tan or yellow, or lighter.  They weren't black.  Everything else looked pretty crow and raven-like.

I was looking at this crow, shiny, long stiff feathers, and everything and imagining, how does someone even guess what I am talking about? the movement above my head, looking, in the natural, at this crow, would be painful, I mean, stiff, long feathers and wings.  But it wasn't that.  It was very soft and all-surrounding, and it wasn't a swishing or flapping, or weird sound, it was soft but like a strong breeze and soft fluttering.  If the eye was black, there was something light around it, like a lighter ring around the eye, not solid black from point to point.

I heard something on christian radio, right after some scottish-accented man talked to a woman who called in by the name of "Rose", and he mentioned later that prophets "see, hear, and feel" things that are not in the natural.  I do not think I am a prophet at all.  But I know I'm not crazy and it's not either-or.  You don't have to be either "paranoid" or "psychotic" or a "hermit" and "prophet" to experience something that is maybe from God.

After this, I was reading different scriptures the next day and a few small things happened, but nothing like this.  I've fasted very lightly too, but haven't really prayed so much and I haven't asked for anything from God either.  So I looked up verses in one book about wings and angels and shelter under his guardian wings, and then I saw something online about Song of Solomon (Songs), and how she describes herself as black or darkened and how black is contrasted with white as "most beautiful", and then I went to my other Bible and something came out of the book to me.


I was randomly reading this section and then my eyes fell to the footnotes and it said, "massad means dark".  So I don't know if that's massad like Mossad or what.? but it's the first time I've ever read it and the only time it stood out to me on its own.   I guess it was coicidence, but still, interesting.  Then I read on symbolism of ravens or crows and things with different cultures and many cultures have strong stories associated with such birds.  I even read St. Benedict had some crow or raven fly in his face that saved him somehow.  That's not the impression I had, with what I experienced at all.  It wasn't in my face, it went directly above my head and then sort of surrounded and engulfed the top part of my head, like eyebrows-up.  And it wasn't scary.  I opened my eyes because I could feel it, and then I saw there was no bird in the house.


  1. Crows when they are very young are born with blue eyes. You have several species of crovids in your area. You have the american crow the fish crow and you have the raven. Ravens typically live in heavily wooded areas fish crows are the smallest and live near the ocean and the american crow you can find anywhere.

  2. Crows are awesome. I have watched them engage in what can only be described as play behavior basically flying in a wind current and then suddenly dipping upside down only to quickly right themselves and then repeating this over and over again. Crows are pretty smart. I've seen them dunk stale bread in water to soften up their meal. Pretty cool birds.
