Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Dreaming & Vision (Favor Is Dangerous)

I just watched a few minutes of news and laughed about some things, like the guy that was supposed to be dead but was actually asleep.  We were kind of wondering, was he sleeping for a whole week? what was he doing from the point declared dead to the time he woke up?

Which then led me to think about why did I think what I experienced with the bird was sort of a "vision" or visit of some kind, and not a dream.

When I experienced someone touching my mid-thigh, in 1997, I wrote about it in a diary and I was fully awake.  I wasn't sleeping at all.  And it only happened that one time, after I was praying to God.  It wasn't like a whole hand pressed on my thigh, it was sort of the touch of a couple or a few fingers, pressing against my thigh and I knew it was God or an angel or something but I couldn't see it.

Which is then very disturbing that my son shows up with bruises all over his legs and arms, from someone harming him, and they were deliberate fingerprints.  I never thought of this before, because I hadn't put my own experience and how I wrote about it, into the same context with my son,k but it is possible someone was attempting to mock or make fun of ME and what I had written, by doing this to my son.  If someone hated me and knew about this experience I had, maybe the point was to make fun of God, belittle and mock me and my christianity, and to torture my son by having him show up to visits with fingerprints pushed into his body so hard it left bruises.  So today, I just realize it was most likely done by someone who had earlier access to my journals, because they have all been stolen from me.

There were a lot of people trying to cover up the evidence of marks all over my son's body too.  They decided to "ban" me from photographing the evidence, and that was AG Anne McIntosh, visitation monitors (Anne Craine and Susan) and Judge Hotchkiss.

I really never knew why someone was doing this, specifically, to my son, but when I recall this unique experience I had, and how somone might be jealous or try to mock this, it makes more sense about why then they would choose to do this specifically.  I took photos and most of them didn't turn out bc it was too blurry or distant, but I took it to police in Wenatchee and they did nothing and looked down on me and told me to have a psych eval.  It is religious persecution, if this is why these people did this to my son, and it would also lead to those who stole my journals.  The criminals are not far behind those who tortured my son.

I have not ever had an experience of "feeling" something, like that, since 1997.  Not until this other day, and the reason I think it was a kind of visit or vision, and not a dream, is because it was too different.

I mean, I've had tons of dreams.  And dreams can mean things too.  Not all the time, but sometimes.  I guess the reason I thought it was more of a vision (but, who knows, maybe it was a dream and if so, I have no problem with that).  The reason I thought it was something else is because I had just opened my eyes and looked and saw the screen door was shut and that this one door in the screen was still open (doesn't have a screen over it).  So I was lying there with my eyes closed and sort of resting and that's when I saw it, but I didn't just see it, I felt it and heard it all at the same time and then opened my eyes to see how the bird got in. 

As to the idea of "favor" which I mentioned in the title, it has to do with a message from Daivd Wilkerson's church from April, about how favor is dangerous.  Which was comforting to me, because I don't think I'm "favored" but I do think my son and I have ben punished for the ideas some may have had that led to jealousy, thinking it was "favor".  So this newsletter mentioned favor and then talked about one aspect not many pastors discuss is how "favor is dangerous".  How, you can have God's favor, and you can be in danger from it.  One example given was Cain and Abel.  They both brought sacrifices to God and God favored Abel's sacrifice (not sure why).  Cain got jealous and killed Abel.  So sure, Abel had "favor" and he died from it.  And then he lists all of these very dangerous situations where people had favor for some reason and how they suffered instead.  How one would think it should mean being on top, or success, but sometimes, the opposite happens.  Then I read too, that David Wilkerson died last April in a car crash.  I don't know what the circumstances were.

I guess I mention this newsletter just because maybe it's insightful to someone else.  And maybe that is what my son's torture has been about--because I never realized why someone would be doing this to my son, and with fingerprint marks all over him, and for all I know it was part of a malicious idea to torture my son and have me see the suffering, and a way to get at me for this.  Like a jealousy-hate motive.  A lot of people covered for it too.  A lot of people in Wenatchee allowed torture of my son, and even provided a cover for those who were doing various things to him.

This is the most shocking part.

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