Tuesday, May 15, 2012


My family was tortured yesterday and today.  Not right though, thankfully.  Not at this moment.  But all day today and it was bad enough all of us had to sleep because we were drained.  Yesterday I sort of fasted lightly but not really praying and I felt very calm but did one thing I thought later was not looking very "fasterly" but, then I laughed and said it seemed right anyhow for some reason.  But not a good witness I guess.  I mailed something out and got a blender until I fix the other ones.  I started laughing out loud at one point because I said something to this homeless woman and I knew she understood what I was saying, but if anyone else had heard, I thought someone would think, "from one nutty homeless woman to another."  I met this other woman too, which was random and fun for me because I happened to comment on her jewelry because there were so many stones and jewels and I had an interest in some gemology. 

I asked her which stones she liked best and then found out she does jewelry.  I told her I used to have a book on gemology and used to work in a diamond store and thought it was sort of fun (before that, as a kid I always looked at the stones and the planets in our World Atlas).  I had just been thinking the night before how I had wanted to grow crystals as a kid and my parents weren't really into the idea.  Anyway, she invited me to see her collection which I'm looking forward to.

Then tonight I went for a walk and walked around (not through but around) the Masonic cemetary (it's the only cemetary I know of in town) and it was so peaceful and happy over there.  The sign said, "Closed until the sun rises in the East".  I was just enjoying the weather and I've never seen how far it goes so I walked around it.  I walked out of there, with this immense, deep peace and calm and a feeling of happiness even.  It was sort of strange.  I felt I loved all the world when I was walking from there.  I was going to buy some Sixlets but then I read they have milk (whey) in them (not vegan) and my son has recently had a lot of sweets so I couldn't get them for myself or for him at that time.  I think maybe I will suprise him after I file incorporation papers or something.  I bought bobby pins for tucking in hair now that I'm wearing it up on my head but I sort of thought I don't know if I need them.  I haven't been using any bobby pins to keep my hair up, it's all braiding.  It pretty much stays in place with a couple of safety pins, and I've used 1 sometimes and other times, just 2.  I didn't have bobby pins, so I braided it onto my head and stays put, but I have to fasten it, the very end piece, with a pin so I used a small safety pin and it worked!  Then another time I had one pin in the back and another under the top part of the braid going over my head, to secure it.   When I do knots, I was braiding a braid on each side of my head, using two rubber bands to hold the ends, or tying the ends with the hair (no rubberbands) and securing with one pen or pencil that held all the knots together.  Sometimes I looped them and then put them together in the back.  Then I was doing sort of a braid in the back, like a low knot at the nape that went out sort of in an oval and still had my rubberbands on each side of my head.  After that I thought why not just frenchbraid around my head instead of Heidi braids or other knots and then I won't have to use rubberbands.  So the first time I did it, it was sort of all on one side.  At any rate, if you have very long hair, it is a really good way to make it look together.  My hair is to the middle of my rear-end now and I don't feel I'm supposed to cut it.  I said not until I have my son back.

So my son is not yet back with me and if I curl it, it's so long it goes flat, so knots and braiding it up keeps it up and out of my face and doesn't look too bad.  I think I've settled on the braiding around my head for now because it's the best way to secure my hair.  It looks really bad if I leave it down. 

On the East Coast I once twisted little sections up on top of my head, and I've done that before but that's not really something I would do now.  It would take way too long to twist these longer strands of hair.  I would have to twist it all the way down to the ends, and then wind it around into place on my head, and then pin each section. It's much faster to do crown braiding (french braid around the head).  It takes maybe 5-10 minutes total.   I'm not very good at it, but it's something more put together and feels right for now.

I guess the most suprising thing tonight, was this calm and happiness I felt while walking around the cemetary (I stayed on the road).

However, I can't really take so much of what is still going on.  I want my son returned.  We are still being tortured.  And whoever controls the wifi (not my parents) or connections, wouldn't let me get onto a connection even though the signal was fine from the house.  I tried and tried, and last night it was for over 2-3 hours.  This is a brand new computer and there is nothing wrong with it.  Instead, I have a lot of my time eaten up by things like this.  I was trying to work on my medical terminology homework and I was completely ready to put in several hours of work tonight, by 7 p.m. or so, and then I kept trying to get online and it wouldn't connect. 

I told my family and they said "Maybe go for a walk like you said you might do and then maybe it will work."

There is no reason why that would make my computer work.  But I have government personnel forcing me out of being able to do my work when I need to do it, and forcing me out of my house when they want to parade around me and see where I go (bc they hope if they force me out, maybe I will go where they hope or tried to predict or wanted when that's not naturally what I would have done at all.  For example, I would have never gone to the cemetary tonight or to the store if I hadn't been forced out of working on my medical terminology homework that I was settled in to work on).  And last night, I was trying for over 3 hours to connect, and then when I finally did, it was 20 minutes to 12 midnight and all I got done was 15 minutes of work for my class.  By midnight, I was tired.

This country is using military and other government parties to make it impossible for me to do anything I would normally and naturally do.
Separate subject--I made saurkraut but I think I did it wrong. I made it a few days ago and just cut the cabbage very fine and then stuffed it into salt water in jars, raw, and refrigerated it but now I'm reading you cook it?  hmmm.  Well, I checked and I guess I did all of it right except for the fridge part so I have taken it out to ferment at room temp.  I just guessed on the amount of salt, but I did used non-iodized salt, so that's right.  I put a lot of salt in, to make sure it works.  I don't know if distilled water is okay but I used the O Icelandic Glacial.  It might not turn out because part of the cabbage had frozen in the fridge, so I was using partly semi-frozen or chilled cabbage, but it can't be that hard to make.  If sailors can throw a bunch of stuff in salt water and have it turn out, I'm sure that if this time it doesn't work, next time it will.  I reused the "follow your heart" Veganaise jars and a pickle jar.  I took the label off of most so I can use the jars for anything but one has the label still on, and the design of the label looks really nice with the jar full of shredded cabbage, like it's meant-to-be.

They have kidnapped my son from me for the exact same reason.

UPDATE 11:36 p.m.  I am taking medical terminology online and was saying how I sometimes noticed if it's a subjective test, depending on the teacher, if they don't like your answer, if it's in essay form, they can grade down on it just because they don't like you, don't like your philosophy, and come up with any excuse, but this can't be done on objective tests like multiple choice. 

So now, I am taking this online multiple choice quiz (which isn't a quiz, just practice) and I chose the correct answer and it registered it as wrong.  You have to match an answer to a question by dragging one word from one section to fill in the answer box.  So I just did this with one of the questions, and the word even showed up as the correct word I entered, but it wouldn't take it and said it was the wrong answer and it wasn't.  I thought, okay, then I'll choose the other option that's even remotely close to right, and it rejected that because it was obviously wrong.  I had to go back on the screen and then go forward and do it again and then I picked the same correct answer I had picked the first time, which it said was wrong, and it said it was right this time.

So I guess the only tests that cannot be prejudiced are multiple choice or objective tests that are not online and dependent upon technology. 

Seriously, there is no reason at all why this should have done that.  I think someone interfered deliberately because it is my experience that machines are dependable, in general, unless someone wants to alter things and it IS possible to do these days.  I've seen way too many crazy things with people hacking technology.  So yeah.  Just got my first "wrong" response for giving a right answer, on an online practice thing.  And then the second time, it did register as correct.  That makes zero sense.

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