Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Trish McMichael

I worked with an advisor at the new college I'm going to, for a couple of days and I have to find a replacement.

I show one remote sign of advanced planning and how I intend to be successful, and she blocked me from further registration and sent an email demanding to see me "face to face" and wrote that she refused to have any further communications with me until this was done.

What a serious weirdo. 

Prior to this, there was zero sign of any problem at all.  She just, out of blue, as of today, made this crazy demand, and all I had done was ask one simple question about whether I could apply for two degrees there, before transfering for a double major, or could only be funded for one.

This woman took a simple question, and turned a molehill into this huge mountain, and escalated it to the point of saying I had to sit down with 2 other people and with her, and that she refused to respond to any email or phone or any communication until this was done.

I wrote back to let her know, sorry, that wasn't going to work out because I just put my back out with gardening. 

I removed a bunch of grass with a shovel and then used a hoe to break up the ground, and did something serious to my back so I'm not exactly in travel-mode.  And it is completely thoughtless and wrong for her to make such a demand of me, when all she had to do was give me a simple answer to a simple question.

She had zero problem with me if I registered for courses that were online and didn't go anywhere.  But as soon as I told her I had reviewed the catalog and wanted the AS in Natural Science for pre-med and the AAOT (transfer) for English Lit as well, she makes bizarre demands.

She called and left a message telling me to take placement testing for math and to make an appointnent.  I called her back and got VM and said I was not planning to take placement testing right now--that I was brushing up on the lower level math to then take placment testing in a few months and hopefully test out of most of the math and past pre-calculus to MTH 251.  I added that my goal was to double major in English Literature and Science (with the pre-med emphasis) and to go to medical school to be an anaesthesiologist and while in the 4 years of med school, I wanted to take law classes at night, before I began a residency program, and I knew I wouldn't be able to take law classes while in residency because it would be on-call hours.  I added I had decided on pre-med rather than nursing because for the work, being an anaesthesiologist paid 3 times more.

So evidentally, she hated the idea of success for me.

She didn't try calling me back on the telephone, she shot off an email demanding that I speak with 3 different people at the college and that I was "confused" and she blocked me from registering for Fall 2012 (which she had previously cleared) and she refused to communicate with me until I met with all of them "face to face".


Ummm....extreme.  That is just a "little" bit escalated and strange.  All that I had even asked her was, "Can I be funded to take the AS and the AAOT or do I need to choose one before transfering for a double major?"

That was my question, and she tried to make it into this huge thing.  I was never rude or anything so her demand has nothing to do with that at all.

Why do you think she would react this way?

I mean, what excuse does she have? 

My feeling is that she is being obstructive because she feels threatened by any idea of my success and that shouldn't matter to her unless she's either FBI or Catholic.  I have the right to ask for a different advisor and she was just the first person I ended up with. 

I looked up the persons she was demanding I meet with and one is financial aid (unnecessary because all I need to know is can I choose ONE program (AAOT) or TWO (incl. AS), and Tim Daily.  I looked up Tim Daily and he's an ADA coordinator.  I said nothing, at any time, about requesting disability services from them.  So if I have never said anything to her, how is it she decides ahead of me, who I need to see?  If I didn't provide her with private information or requests for such, she doesn't have any business including the idea into unreasonable and exaggerated demands.  What it means, is she already knows more about me than I've given her myself, or she's getting her info from someone else and it's none of their business unless I choose to make it their business.

Anyway, anaesthesiology is in as much demand as nursing and it pays $200,000 a year as opposed to $40,000 a year (Department of Labor & Industry average).  Since I have a non-profit in legal advocacy and anaesthesiology is somewhat independent practice, it will be valuable to have a law degree and I already know so much legal terminology it shouldn't be hard.  I looked up medical school schedule as well and it's fully doable though here in Oregon they have a specialty in this but I'm not sure it's the full program one needs to be a fully licensed anaesthesiologist and not just a doctor with a side certification.

I know a lawyer who became a nurse and then went to law school and became a lawyer.  There
is no reason why I can't go to med school instead of nursing and go to law school at night too. I have
zero interest in being a nurse.  If I'm going to do medicine, it would be as a doctor.  I would probably
even be able to handle surgery and I have a good hand and eye but my back couldn't take leaning
over  a table for hours.  Anaesthesiology is interesting, has physical flexibility (sitting or standing)
and pays well and I have to have a job that pays well at this point.  There is a shortage of anaesthesiologists in the U.S. so why not fill a niche.  You start making money after 4 years of medical school in residency.  I read statistics that said women surgeons (who have the same kinds
of hours as anaesthesiologists) tend to have kids while in residency and male surgeons have kids while still in medical school.  I think it's better to take on an additional thing in med. school because
you don't have time in residency.  It's on-call and can include night hours.  Which is why I would take law classes at night during med school and not residency.  I think like a man in that regard. 
Female surgeons are also much more likely to have less time for social life and are more likely to be
single or divorced.  Sounds perfect.,

Bring it on.

There are plenty of single mothers who are surgeons, and I mention surgeons only because anaesthesiologists are in the same room with them and have, typically, the same hours. 

I'm not interested in playing house for an asshole like Alvaro, who was nothing but a Middleton
and FBI user.

At any rate, I need a normal advisor who is not going out of their way to create problems for me or
escalating non-issues.  I need a normal, nice, laid-back, non-threatened or jealous female advisor.  I
don't need a male advisor because I'm not interested in "developing a relationship" with some man
that will end up objectifying me or thinking he can get something out of me as every single U.S.
government asshole male has thought he could do.  I am tired of the state-sponsored gang-bang.


  1. No one wants you near their college campus because you are mentally unstable you will scare the real students with your crazy ways, your crazy dead eyes

  2. Dear Anon No One Wants:

    No one, like the FBI, wants me on college campus because normal students might be witnesses to the fact that I'm not crazy and it's a blow to their self-defense against why they allow and sponsor torture of my family and coordinated the kidnapping of my son Oliver.
